All Chapters of The Legendary King Of War Returns : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
88 chapters
0051: A Clown's Performance
Kian's lips curled up with a mocking smile. When he first met Margaret at the bank, he had seen how despicable she could be. How could someone like that change so quickly?But he was currently idle. He could entertain her tricks and see just how long she could keep up her charade so he lowered his face and nodded.Margaret’s smile brightened, and she turned around, her voice sweet as honey. "Come in, Mr Blackwood. Let me get you something to drink."She didn't do this often but she could make an exception for him. Alas, let him have his last drink before his doom.Without waiting for Kian's response, she happily skipped to a desk and poured out a cup of water for him. As she did, her fingers deftly brushed against a hidden button under the counter.The cameras in the showroom instantly deactivated, the tiny lights on their bases flickering off. A small smile tugged at her lips as she turned back, carrying the cup of water."Here sir," She was overly courteous as she handed the cup to
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0052: Call The Cops!
"Are you so dumb that you don't understand?" Margaret sneered at him scornfully. She clenched her fingers on her wrist and some bright red marks appeared instantly. "Molestation and now assault. Do you know how many years this can get you in prison?" Then she laughed mockingly. "Oh, I forgot... That place seems to be like home to you." Kian's eyes flashed coldly and he gave her a lazy gaze. "Is this all?" Margaret was stunned by his words again. He didn't seem scared even though he already knows her plans. This bastard! Will he not cry until he can see the end? "I have to say, you made a big mistake... Birdbrained women like you are not my type." Margaret's face turned red with embarrassment and anger. How dare this lowly scum talk trash to her face? Her fists clenched and she gritted, "Humph! If you think these CCTV cameras are going to help you, you will be disappointed to know I turned them off earlier. Let's see how you prove your innocence now." "Oh, I'm so scared,"
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0053: The Big Boss
"Yes! I was just— ah, what are you doing?!" "Are you so dumb that you don't understand? Molestation and now assault. Do you know how many years this can get you in prison? Oh, I forgot... That place seems to be like home to you." "Is this all? I have to say, you made a big mistake... Birdbrained women like you are not my type." Margaret was dumbfounded when these voices suddenly resonated in the air. Kian was holding up a phone. She panicked and instantly forgot about covering herself. "Stop him!" But no one moved as the recording continued playing till the last bit of the conversation. Margaret didn't know where to hide her face. "Do you still want to call the police?" Kian looked at the stupefied men calmly. "I can prove my innocence. I'm afraid someone else will be getting into trouble instead." "I can't believe this," The manager was exasperated. Holding back his pain, he glared at Margaret angrily. So he suffered a broken wrist because this stupid woman wanted to use
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0054: He Meant... The Ultimate Boss
The customers began to point accusing fingers at Kian and also started murmuring. Nicholas' face darkened and his cold gaze rested on Margaret.He didn't know who this employee was as she was just a small employee who wouldn't have been privileged to even meet him if it wasn't because he had to rush over after receiving Wesley's call.He wanted to personally welcome Kian and appreciate him but he didn't expect to see such a scene as soon as he arrived. No wonder Margaret was still unknown, someone like her was bound to die from ignorance!CLAP!A loud sound resounded in the showroom as Nicholas slapped Margaret. Her face immediately swelled up like that of a pig and she stumbled, falling to the ground.The sales attendants were shocked and no one dared to speak. Even the customers who were gossiping loudly quietened."I have never met someone as stupid as you. Who hired you?" Margaret was dealt another heavy blow. This was the second time someone was calling her stupid today, not to
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0055: Don't Get Involved
"Give me that," Veronica snatched the phone from her son and read the bold words displayed on the phone screen, her eyes widening as she did this. Gasping slightly, she looked up, "Honey! It's true! Pinnacle Entertainment has indeed gone bankrupt."Douglas removed his reading glasses and remained silent. Julian ruffled his hair and spoke thoughtfully, "First, they didn't win the investment bid last night which was quite strange. And today, they have declared bankruptcy. Father, do you suspect foul play?"Douglas had the urge to shake his head at their curious gazes. Didn't they understand that all this is happening because someone from Pinnacle Entertainment must have offended a big shot at the investment bid last night?But who could the big shot be? There weren't many people in Valoria Prime city who could bring Langston down like this. And the only person that came to Douglas' mind was—Knock!Knock!The consecutive knocks on the door disrupted his thoughts. He looked up as his wif
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0056: What's The Big Occasion?
Even a raging storm couldn't be compared to the anger welling in Savannah's heart. These were people her father had dedicated his entire life to.Heck, she had even felt guilty all these years that she dragged the entire family into mud when her scandal broke out. These were the same people who ridiculed and mocked Kian the other day.Now their behaviors suddenly changed when they discovered he wasn't the useless son-in-law they thought he was. Their sudden familial affection was just a joke!A calm voice suddenly broke through her troubled thoughts. "We won't go if you don't want us to go."She looked up and the anger in her eyes faded when she saw Kian resting against the wall. She hadn't even heard him walk in. Why did he come after her?"How long have you been standing there?""Long enough to hear the invitation."Savannah sighed and suddenly felt ashamed of her grandfather's words. That old man was willing to bootlick his grandson in-law if it generated money."If you don't want
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0057: Accept Our Apologies
But just as this young man extended the car key to Kian, someone smacked his palm. He looked up with an aggrieved expression only to see his elder brother stepping forward with a fawning expression. "Cousin in-law, please forgive my little brother. Take my key instead. I just bought a Lexus LC 500 yesterday." Upon seeing what the two brothers were doing, other relatives also stepped out and stretched their keys, talking one after the other. "No, a Jaguar XJ is more suitable for a Lord like you." "How about the Audi RS Q8 I just ordered? Do you like that model instead?" "If you want, my darling nephew, uncle will sell the company under his name and get you a Maserati instead!" Within a minute, several key fobs of many powerful exotic cars were presented before Kian. He just had to reach out and choose one. To the Wilsons, it didn't matter if they had to sell their companies or properties to get him a car, it was nothing compared to gaining the favor of a multi billionaire
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0058: Just A Representative
"Grandfather, what is this?" Savannah looked skeptical as she collected the document and flipped the pages over."That is the ownership agreement of your art gallery. It's the same as you left it. I don't have anything else more valuable than this to give you."Savannah's fingers trembled as she stared hard at the document in her hands. Those years when she was kicked out, wasn't the gallery handed over to Jasmine? Now her grandfather was actually giving it back so easily."It was a mistake to take away this gallery from you but now, it will return to the rightful owner. Hurry up and sign the documents," Grandfather Wilson motioned with a smile.Jasmine sat by the side with a happy expression but she was actually clenching her fingers under the table in fury. How could her gallery be given to this bitch?Wasn't she always the favorite grand-daughter? Everything suddenly changed and now Savannah is everyone's favorite all because she managed to snag a wealthy tycoon.Jasmine looked at
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0059: Fooled Us All!
"Hahaha!" Edward burst into laughter and wiped off the tears from the rims of his eyes. "Nephew in-law, you are trying to test us, right? You are trying to see if we are reliable. That's a funny joke!" After hearing his words, the heartbeats of the other Wilson's family members returned to normal and they also laughed heartily. For a second, they almost had a heart attack. This son-in-law is really commendable. Is this how billionaires act? Meanwhile, Kian's eyes squinted; it seemed they didn't take him seriously. "Nephew in-law," Another relative called out. "Five hundred million is not a small investment. We assure you. If you help us, we will show you just how trustworthy we can be!" "Yes! We will be your most reliable ally!" Another affirmed and everyone voiced their agreement one after the other. "Please, forgive our previous behaviors. We are not usually like that." "We were blinded by our greed. From now on, you are one of us. We won't treat you in that manner ever
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0060: Completely Ruin His Reputation
The Wilson's family had spent a lot of money in order to please Kian and gain his favor. But turns out they had been bootlicking a fake all along! Furious eyes turned in Kian's directions, wishing they could kill him on the spot. Edward, who was still kneeling in front of Kian, had the ugliest expression. Just thinking of how he had swallowed his pride and lowered his head to a younger man made his blood boil with rage. "The heck!" He stood up furiously and pointed at Kian. "Why the fuck were you pretending to be him when you are just a fake?! Why were you even acting like an important person? You are not even worthy of being compared to an animal! How dare you?!"As he spoke, some saliva escaped from his mouth and splashed on Kian's cloth. The latter's lips curled up in disgust and his icy eyes rested on Edward."Watch how you speak to me.""What are you going to do huh?" Edward laughed angrily and cussed. "You fucking bastard!""I am the representative of the big tycoon. Can you r
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