All Chapters of The Elevated Dorm's Laundry Man: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
75 chapters
Chapter 021
The whole room fell tremendously quiet, you could see their chest pumping up and down in fear. The employees stared at each other, confusion and fear brimming in their gazes. Who would be bold enough to answer Zarza’s tricky question?“Are y’all deaf!?” He sneered, bitterness and rage building up in his tone as he glared at his employees.“I’m sorry sir, but the question is a bit incomprehensible. None of us here are capable or even worthy of taking you out of business.” The supervisor stated calmly with a fake smile, even though her countenance was a tiny bit unbalanced.Zarza stood up with force, the veins in his head prominent as he gritted his teeth. He walked straight to the police officer behind Sebastian and landed a heavy slap on his face without thinking twice.“Why are you holding my guest like a criminal? And who commanded this arrest?” His voice rang off, his gaze steady at the officer, waiting for an answer. The officer quickly let go of Sebastian’s trousers and saluted
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Chapter 022
Donald's skin continued to itch as he couldn’t place why the renowned ZarZa himself was having a conversation with Seb, not just a convo but he offered him wine! This cannot be happening!“You don’t use that tone on me, little boy!” ZarZa snorted coldly and his bodyguards quickly moved closer in an intimidating manner, waiting for just a slight signal to take action on Donald.Donald lowered his tone, his countenance laced with embarrassment. “I’m only looking out for this reputable brand sir, whatever this menace touches, turns to stone!” Donald added politely, trying hard not to spike Zarza’s temper further.Despite ZarZa being one of the renowned top techies in Oakland, his wealth and status were nowhere compared to what the Adams Dynasty possessed. With a little signal as simple as a finger snap, the prestigious ZarZa can go into extinction if the Adams said so. So big business associates and well-thriving organizations ensured they never got in the Adams black book.ZarZa pon
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Chapter 023
“You’re being noisy!” Donald retorted rudely following Marilyn’s sudden outburst in public.Donald’s grip tightened around Marilyn’s wrist and she winched, “Ah! What are you doing babe?”Donald disregarded her pain and pulled her away with force as they left Zarza’s hub immediately. Sebastian gritted his teeth at Donald’s reckless behavior around Marilyn, but what could he say? She deserved every bit of that menace after all.What Marilyn didn’t know was Donald deployed aggression as a means of getting out of that situation. It was a win-win for him and he would blame Marilyn for being too noisy hence he got angry and left the hub. Whereas in the real sense, he was trying to avoid further humiliation because he knew very well the money inside his account wouldn’t be enough to foot the bills of everything in the cart. Even if it did, it would leave him broke for the rest of the week.With undiluted anger and humiliation, he pushed Marilyn to the bonnet of his car, his gaze piercing de
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Chapter 024
“Where is my opposition? Do you see anyone?!” Davidson asked with squinted brows even though Sebastian was right in front of him.“Opposition? I don’t see anyone, just the institute’s Laundryman and his sidekick.” Stanley replied with hate and revenge in his eyes.The little break he had from being a cleaner at the Luxe Cafe, he wasted no time in clinging shamelessly to his acclaimed political leader in school. Birds of the same feathers flock together! It wasn’t so shocking to see Stanley clinging to one of St Psalms Desperado’s, Davidson. He was so heartless and mean, even though Sebastian hadn’t had any physical alterations with him before, but it wasn’t any news how much of an oppressor he was.Davidson was one of the terrors of the institute, lecturers were afraid of his guts and he was even more political than the school's internal system itself. He was Donald’s best friend and the duo walked together to torment whoever crossed their path negatively.Sebastian kept mute, his h
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Chapter 025
“What the fuck babe?! Why did you smash your phone on the floor?” Sasha asked with furrowed brows, staring at Steve, whose eyes were now clouded with tears, threatening to spill.“Sebastian! Buddy! Why??” He asked in a high tone, scratching his scalp like one who was going crazy. His heart rate increased as he kept wandering from side to side forfeiting the description Sebastian added to the transaction.Before Seb could figure out what was wrong, Steve had already hopped on his body, hugging him tightly, his face buried deep in Sebastian’s chest as he wept inconsolably.“Put yourself together, man. Nobody should know about this transaction, please.” Seb whispered into his ear, making sure his tone was low enough so nobody would grasp whatever he said.“Why Buddy, why? This is too much.” He sniffed the mucus that was stuffed in his nostrils, tears falling freely from his face.“You deserve it, Thank you for being a true friend,” Sebastian stated a warm smile playing across his lips.
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Chapter 026
“We could have gone somewhere else where we can have peace and discuss properly regarding the elections,” Rachael stated with concern.“I’m sure this bully will do everything to disrupt this gathering. He is allergic to peace.” She added.“This is a public space, let's carry on, forget about them,” Seb responded firmly, paying zero regard to Davidson’s presence even though the restaurant belonged to his father.“Oh, my world! Their menu is so freaking pricy.” Rachael’s eyes widened as she flipped through the menu, with the least one-course meal stipulated for two thousand dollars.“Don’t do that, girl. Steve here is more than capable of footing the bill! right baby?” She asked Steve who nodded loudly. His whole countenance suddenly morphed into what looked like fear as he sighted Davidson and his guys.While they chatted with excitement and went through the menu, Davidson and his guys were laughing, their demeanor territorial as they made their way to Seb’s table as expected.He wore
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Chapter 027
The elderly waiter who Davidson had just abused physically and humiliated wore a slight frown while he pushed a silver trolly containing food. They were properly closed, and arranged to perfection, everyone ogled at the waiter as he got closer."Here is the meal you ordered for Mr.Davidson." The elderly man stated, from his shaky eyes and uneasy countenance one could tell there was something wrong but they all ruled it was Davidson's inhuman treatment."Very good, servant. If you keep adhering to instructions, you won't provoke me to the extent of hitting you all the time." Davidson remarked shamelessly before turning his psychotic gaze to meet Sebastian’s."Take this meal as a complimentary dish from your Institute president. Do not forget this great gesture of mine." He stated calmly, signaling the waiter to present the meal properly on the table.Sebastian, Steve, and the girls shared a suspicious glance at each other, wondering what he was up to."We can't remember ordering any fo
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Chapter 028
The waiter glared at Davidson, his eyes spitting out venom. He took a glance around the restaurant before untying his apron, taking off his badge, and placing it finely on the table."Hurry, check his name on the badge!" Sebastian whispered to Rachael who sat closer to where the elderly man had just dropped his belongings."Jones Beckham." She whispered back to Sebastian and her eyes widened in shock because Davidson’s last name was also Beckham. So it was true, how cruel!Davidson’s face was washed with embarrassment and shame, and his uncle spilling such heavy revelation was the last thing he expected and it could be used against him in the forthcoming election.Davidson, however, didn’t try to make amends, he turned to his uncle and sneered."Do well to also evacuate my father's boys' quarters, I don't care if you rot in the streets, we have favored you enough and it ends today!""I’d rather walk in front of a high-speed train than continue to condone what I term as an abomination.
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Chapter 029
A dark cloud hung over his head, and hot tears began to flow freely down his cheeks. He was hearing his heartbeat and it felt like it was going to burst out of his chest in the next seconds.“Hannah... Hannah..” He stuttered the name of his deceased wife subconsciously. He saw death right in front of him and he was willing to embrace it wholeheartedly, the strong will to fight for his life, was all gone.While he was surrendering to what looked like his end, he heard a car with a thunderous engine approaching him with so much speed. Surprisingly, reflex kicked in and he summoned his last energy to jump out of the way.A white-tinted Van screeched and halted hastily in front of him, "Is my brother after me now?" He muttered to himself in terror, unable to even see what was going on properly due to his blurred vision."Mr.Jones Beckham?" A young gentleman of the Asian race called out. He was muscular, dressed in a blank tank top and chinos trousers, he looked like he was in his late twe
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Chapter 030
“I told you at the restaurant never to give up on life solely because of a stupid bully! It isn’t worth it.” Sebastian walked into the room with a stern look on his face, Mark followed closely behind him and shot the door afterward.Mr Jones fell back to the bed with his butts, unable to share eye contact with Sebastian. He wept bitterly, the pain in his heart had doubled and it was very important he let it out, so it didn’t pile up and result in another cardiac arrest.“Cry all you want Mr. Jones. Let it all out. When you’re done we would talk man to man.” Sebastian stated, his voice was firm and lacking emotions.He had asked Benjamin to look into Mr. Jones's profile online through a renowned private investigator and in less than an hour, Benjamin had sent Sebastian all there was to know about Jones Beckham.Humiliation was one thing Sebastian had always faced right from his young age at the orphanage, even now that he was fortunate enough to come in contact with his fortune and ide
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