All Chapters of The Elevated Dorm's Laundry Man: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
75 chapters
Chapter 011
A group of elite students who were having dinner at the restaurant seemed to recognize Sebastian and It happened to be Stanley and Josh, Sebastian’s roommates, alongside their girlfriends.“Isn’t he the Laundryman who fought Donald after ruining his flamboyant jacket?” Natasha, Stanley’s girlfriend questioned with disgust in her eyes. “What is he doing here? I thought he had been dismissed already.” She sneered at Sebastian as she glared at him with hate.“Ohh! I see him now, the lizard who Marilyn confessed was wack in bed in that viral video? I guess all he knows how to do is just laundry.” Jane, Josh’s girlfriend uttered loudly to Sebastian’s hearing but his demeanor remained impenetrable.“Unfortunately babe, he is our roommate too.” Stanley sighed heavily, an embarrassed look palpable in his gaze. “Wait what???!!! Do you share a room with this lowlife? Grose!” Natasha yelled, disgust plastered all over her squinted eyes as she glared at Sebastian. “Come of it girl, it’s a plus
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Chapter 012
The restaurant suddenly became quiet like a graveyard, everyone's gaze steady and fixed on the drama that was unfolding in their presence. Some phones were set on video mode, trying to capture whatever scene that unfolded.Some student influencers and content creators were already going live with their phones and tripods, making sure to update the school on how the event turned out. It would pass as a trivia/hot gist for the week.“Seb, Buddy….” Steve called weakly, fear laced in his tone. “We can still shun all this and go back to the dorm. You’re in trouble already, if anything goes wrong I’m afraid it will give the panel more edge over your case.” Sebastian could sense the genuine concern in Steve’s utterance, but what Steve wasn’t aware of was the kind of power he possessed. Sebastian gave him a reassuring smile that he had things under control and Steve nodded in acceptance after swallowing the clog that had formed in his throat. Distress written over his demeanour.“Some folk
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Chapter 013
The man’s authoritative tone rang off, his presence commanded a lot of respect causing everyone present to comport themselves with immediate effect. One could easily tell he had a higher hand in the affairs of the Cafe.That was Peterson, the General Manager. His scent was distinct and masculine, his blonde hair shiny and finely packed in a low bun. He was neatly dressed in his white ironed tees properly tucked into his sharp blue jeans. He looked a little above 40, his height and stature tremendously intimidating.“Why are our customers standing? What is going on here?!” He repeated in a sharp tone, laced with superiority and leaving no room for alteration.“The company’s account was credited with 110,000 dollars hence I came quickly to the cafe. It’s been a very long time since we saw such a wholesome purchase of food at a go, who is the esteemed customer!” He asked with genuine gratitude, his eyes focused on Stella, the sales manager, as he expected a response. However, she remain
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Chapter 014
“I… I can’t afford to lose this job, sir.” She pleaded with a thick sob stuck in her throat. Both hands folded as she sat frozen and bewildered on the bare floor, seeking mercy. Her properly wrapped hair already falling out of place and her mascara flooding down her cheeks leaving a dark cast.How could she have been so insensible to allow her personal life and hunger for Sebastian to ruin her employment?“Please GM, kindly reconsider, this will never happen again, I promise!” Stella lamented bitterly, she had openly destroyed her reputation for the world to see, and getting a good job again would be extremely difficult.“Why exactly are you begging, Stella?” He scoffed with a dangerous smile and squinted nose. Amazed by her sudden change of tone.“You clearly stated it yourself when you openly declared your resignation if he could pay.” The Manager reminded her with an evil smirk playing across his stern face.“Be honest! Would you have considered him if indeed the transaction was
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Chapter 015
Murmurs and gossip began hovering again, each one making gest of how weak and helpless Stanley had suddenly become. It was indeed shocking to see one of the self-acclaimed rich students appear defeated and intimidated.“What?! This is shocking, does he even have the money at all?”“I have heard of scammers in Oakland, but I haven't seen one!”“What the hell? How long has he been scamming brands and online shops?”“He outrightly uses scams to sponsor his lavish lifestyle! You can’t tell me otherwise.”“This nigga asked me out in freshman year, thank goodness I foresee the future, I would have been damned if I was in this girlies position!”The manager gave an exhausted smile, his dreadful gaze falling heavily on Stanley and he sneered. “This shouldn't be what I'm thinking else you'd be doomed, I promise!”“No…., not at all, my friend Josh would clear the bill, it's just a glitch in the network. This can happen to anyone, right?” He defended, his voice lacking strength as he kept swipin
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Chapter 016
Sebastian woke up quite late the next morning, he looked around his room and noticed he was the only one inside. Steve had already gone to lectures, Stanley and Josh were still serving their punishments in The Luxe Cafe. It was supposed to be the heart-trenching Monday, the day he was to face the panel, but the dude was relaxed and even more elevated than ever before.He had called Benjamin earlier to set up a one-week workshop for the nonacademic staff in the institute and he knew beyond a reasonable doubt, that his order had been executed swiftly.He rose from his old wooden bed, gave a little stretch, and squinted his eyes as the rays of sunlight from the window were penetrating through.Sebastian quickly took a hot bath and freshened up before checking out the outfits Benjamin had bought for him earlier. They were all flamboyant and ridiculously expensive, there was no way he would wear a suit to the tech.Notwithstanding, he opted for one of his old clothes, sprayed his old perf
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Chapter 017
Sebastian's countenance immediately changed when his gray eyes fell on the power couple. He had a gush of different emotions mixed with shock, irritation, and anger. A tight frown was instantly replaced with the smile he had on his face. His heart ached, and he felt a new kind of pain gushing through his veins like a fresh wound that was being sprayed with alcohol.With clenched teeth and obvious bitterness, Sebastian ignored their gaze and turned back to what he was doing, but Donald’s mocking and triggering tone still lingered.“After running a little advert for the Luxe Cafe last night, you’re now here to shoot your shot for a better gig huh?!” Donald mocked as he glared at Sebastian. However, a trace of shock was written on Donald’s handsome face as he wasn’t expecting to see the laundryman in such a renowned tech hub.Sebastian sighed softly, seeing Donald and his ex brought back sour memories. Despite appearing agile and unbeaten he could still feel his heart tearing apart.It
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Chapter 018
“Holy shit!!!” Steve uttered loudly, sharing equal glances with everyone present. “Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!” He lamented, tension building up in his heart as he bent to pick up the remains of the phone with quivered hands. Steve’s heart also tore apart, his mouth dropped and his eyes widened with fear. Beads of sweat had gathered on his forehead, his palm sweaty too.The broken pieces of glass from the screens had littered the floor, revealing the powerhouses of the phone. Everyone present except Sabestian had the same reaction with widened pupils and half-dilated lips.The Sales rep wore a defeated and heartwrenching look on her face. Woe betide her if Sebastian and Steve weren’t capable of paying for such a huge loss.“If you had paid heed to me and sent this rascal away from here this wouldn’t have been the case!” Marilyn sneered, mischief laced in her demeanor.“These luxury phones and iPads you just dropped are the ZarZa latest ultra Space device. They are custom-made and not for sa
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Chapter 019
“To save time, I would suggest the police pick him up alongside his sidekick because I can bet with my life this nigga has nothing on him,” Marilyn continued harshly.Her derogatory words pierced deep into Sebastian, after exhaling deeply and sulking in all their taunts, he believed it was finally time to shut them up.Before Sebastian could speak, an elegant mature female who would be in her late thirties strutted into the place, she was professionally dressed in a cream color knee-length gown and a black blazer to match. She looked young and chic and her scent was expensive and feminine.Her squinted eyes glared at the ruined devices on the floor before shifting her gaze and it landed on the Sales Rep. “Who did this?” She said professionally, her composure and presence were obvious she wasn’t on their level. Even though she was soft-spoken her presence could make anyone comply.“Thank goodness you’re here, supervisor!” The Sales rep stated with a little bow. She could finally breat
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Chapter 020
“What is your name gentleman and why are you in possession of this card? Her gaze was sharp and unfriendly as she began the interrogation.“This card here is mine! Do you question every customer that walks into ZarZa?” Sebastian asked with raised brows as he watched the supervisor still carefully glaring at the black card, probably thinking it was the copy.It wasn’t just about the card now, The Adams Dynasty was a major shareholder in Zarzar, they held the hugest shares among all investors with a whopping 25%. Anyone who possessed the prestigious Adams card was automatically a platinum member of the Zarza Tech hub, which was the highest among the hierarchy of membership recorded in Zarza.“The real owners of this card are not one to be seen on the streets walking without an entourage, talk more a student who is dressed like….”She paused, glaring at Sebastian from head to toe.“Like what?” Sebastian asked with an arched brow, awaiting any trace of insult in her tone, but she compose
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