All Chapters of The Penniless Son-In-Law Is A Trillionaire : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
40 chapters
The Black foot tribe
With Richard expelled, Moses hired the Goldstein family to work under Gwen. The Goldstein family crisis brought more spotlight on Moses and the Doberman clan. Everyone was talking about the Doberman clan so much, it generated a buzz in the city. Moses knew it was only a matter of time before he would have enemies and rivals coming after his head. The Doberman Clan were strong in their own right, but their forces were very weak and short-handed. What Moses needed was an alliance. He turned his attention to the Black foot Tribe. They were the strongest and most powerful force in the Twelve cities, but they operate solely as independent assassins. That was how they generated their wealth. Many influential families employ the Black foot Tribe for protection and to handle other dirty work, but Moses had other plans.He would rather not employ them. He wants to buy them. On a hot Sunday afternoon, Moses boarded the train to the Eastern region of the twelve cities. The eastside o
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The Plot
Moses was taken back to the train station, the same way he arrived, with a blindfold on. “You can take the blindfold off now,” a man's voice said. Moses took off the blindfold and was startled to see a young woman standing before him. She wore a black fitted suit that showed off her slender figure. A long katana sword was strapped to her back, and her jet-black silky hair was tied in a short ponytail. “Umm… Who are you?” Moses asked.“My name is Yuri,” she replied. “I am your personal bodyguard. My grandfather assigned me to protect you.”“Elder Guam?” Moses looked surprised. “He's your grandfather?”Yuri nodded. “That's right. I'm his twelfth grandchild.”Moses rubbed his temples. “Honestly, I don't know if it's appropriate to have a female guarding me. I feel uncomfortable about this arrangement. Elder Guam should've discussed this with me first.”Yuri frowned. “Despite how I may look, I am the second strongest in my tribe. Please don't underestimate me, master.”Master? Moses
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Moses listened as Elder Guam revealed the plot against him and his clan. He remained silent as he absorbed the news. Moses felt impressed with the loyalty of the Black foot tribe.He realized if he hadn't made that alliance with the Black foot tribe, they would've assassinated his clan. Elder Guam noticed how relaxed Moses looked. “You seem awfully calm about all this.”Moses snapped out of his thoughts. “Well, it's just that I anticipated something like this would happen. I just never expected it to happen so soon.”Elder Guam placed a hand on Moses' shoulder. “The Black foot tribe might make a living through assassination, but we are very loyal to whom we pledge our life to.”Moses felt glad. “I appreciate it, Elder Guam.”Elder Guam turned to the five hotel owners. “What do you want me to do with these evil men? I suggest we cut their heads off.”The five men stiffened in shock at the thought of being decapitated. “You can't do that!” Vector, one of the men shouted. “We are im
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Childhood friend
The Five hotel owners returned to their homes, each with a missing finger. When their families and friends saw them, they were horrified. However, despite numerous questions from their families, the five hotel owners refused to spill the beans about the Doberman clan and the Black foot tribe. They were aware they were being followed in the shadows by the Black foot tribe. If they spoke one word out of turn, they would be struck dead. Moses had never felt this much powerful since he became chairman of Rockechild's Empire. With an unstoppable force like the Black foot tribe, Moses felt like he could take over the world. * * * *“Have you heard the news buzzing around the twelve cities?” Joe, the shoe polisher, asked. Moses flipped the next page of his newspaper, a cigarette burning by the side of his lips. “No, Joe. What about it?”Joe applied polish on Moses' loafer as he began to gist Moses on the current happenings. “Five hotel owners got each of their fingers cut off the ot
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You're fired
Moses and Andrew had been best friends since they were kids. Never for once, did Andrew ever show this side of himself to Moses. It was the first time Andrew had hit him. “Andrew,” Moses glared at him. “How dare you slap me?”“Shut your stinking mouth up, Moses,” Andrew fired back. “I don't associate with failures like you, so don't try to get familiar with me. I'm way above you.”“I don't understand,” Moses raised his voice. “What do you mean, you're above me?”“Read the room, Moses,” Andrew said. “You think I'll like to be associated with a failure like you? You literally ruined your clan with your reckless investment. You slaved under the MOMO family for a woman who never loved you, and after the MOMO family's downfall, you became an errand boy to the Big Boss.”Moses frowned. He gets where Andrew was headed. “So because I'm at the bottom, you decide I'm not worthy to be treated as a friend.”“I've got hundreds of friends, Moses,” Andrew smirked. “And they're all influential and
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Andrew's humiliation
Andrew was petrified at the spot as the line went dead. “Eh, what just happened? Me, fired? Terminated? Wait, none of this makes any sense. What did I do?” He questioned himself loudly. “What's the matter, Andrew?” Moses jeered, enjoying the scene.Andrew's heart pounded, and his face were drained of colour as he faced Moses. “It's none of your business!” He snapped at Moses. Moses' smile widened. “If I don't know any better, I'd say you look flushed. Did you just get laid off?”Andrew took three steps backwards, his hands trembling and his confidence shattering into pieces. “How did you know?!”Moses shrugged. “Well, you were muttering to yourself just now. What a shame. Weren't you just bragging about getting transferred to Rockechilds Empire?”Sweat beads broke out on Andrew's forehead. His job at Feller & Co. was the golden ticket he needed to work at Rockechild's Empire. If everything had gone smoothly as planned, his career would have skyrocketed, as he'll be handling cli
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Tom Floki
Moses and Yuri turned up at the venue of Moses' high school reunion. Moses got out and helped Yuri out of the back seat of the taxicab they arrived in. “This is the place?” Yuri asked, glancing at the tall building. Moses checked the address on his invitation card and nodded. “This is Floki's Towers. We're at the correct address.”Floki's Towers was the third-tallest building in the south of the twelve cities. It was owned by none other than Moses' former classmate, Tom Floki who inherited the building from his deceased parents. From the fleet of luxurious cars lining the entrance to the building, Moses wasn't surprised that Tom was the one hosting the event. As Moses and Yuri stepped inside the penthouse together, Moses met the crowd of his high school classmates, all dressed to the tea. Waiters moved gracefully through the crowd, offering each guests' drinks. Moses recognised some of his classmates, but it was Tom Floki who stood out among others. Tom Floki has an unmistaka
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“Get out of my penthouse, you bastard!” Tom Floki flared up. Yuri grabbed Tom by his wrists and squeezed it hard that his bones nearly broke. "How dare you hit, Moses!" She demanded fiercely. Panic washed over Tom as he saw the savagery in Yuri's eyes. Behind that pretty face, Tom saw an enraged woman. It was as if he was staring into the eyes of death itself. Moses stepped in quickly before Yuri killed Tom. "Yuri, let me handle this," Moses said.Yuri shook her head. "No. Anyone who lays his hands on you must die."By now, Tom was afraid of Yuri. He didn't like the looks in her eyes. "What the hell!" Tom Floki snapped, struggling to prise his wrist off Yuri's grip. "Let go off me this instant."Yuri slapped him, causing the entire hall to gasp in shock. Tom was startled. He had never been slapped before by anyone, especially by a woman. "I'm going to give you one last chance," Yuri said, her teeth set. "Kneel and apologize to Moses. If you refuse, I'll break a finger."Mose
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The Bounty
Tom Floki burned with a cause for revenge after humiliating himself In front of all his former classmates. He swore to get revenge by killing Moses. As soon as he got away from the party, he took out his phone and dialed up Rick. Rick was a notorious gang leader, with a nasty criminal record and a tight grip on the streets. Rick was loyal to the Floki family after Tom's deceased father aided in his release from prison. Rick would do anything for Tom Floki. When Tom called Rick and narrated what happened at his penthouse, Rick flared up with anger. “Say no more, Tom Floki,” Rick smoked a big cigar. “I swear on your father's grave that I would butcher Moses and set the Doberman clan ablaze.”Tom Floki went on. “I want him to suffer. Make him feel hell before you kill him. As for his bitch Yuri, I want you to capture her. I'll fix her myself.”Rick nodded. “Understood. Is Moses still at the party?”“Yes, you better tell your men to hurry before he leaves!” Tom snapped, “I want tha
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President Westminster
Two months ran by like a breeze. Moses was impressed by how fast the infinite castle was getting on. The hotel itself was shaping up to be a masterpiece. Its architecture resembled an ancient Greek palace come alive. Gwen really outdid herself. She estimated the hotel would be finished before December. Moses felt glad. It was two months left before Christmas. He hoped to launch the hotel by new year. At the same time, Moses pursued his banking ambition with as much intensity as he did with the hotel. In his favour, Pete accepted to throw in with Moses and become his partner. With Pete's decades of experience and extensive network of connections, Moses was confident they would easily navigate the regulatory affairs and obtain a banking license. Or so Moses thought. * * * * It was a rainy afternoon. While Moses was inspecting a prospective building he considered buying to start his bank, Pete and Robert Doberman entered the building. Moses stiffened in shock when he saw bot
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