All Chapters of The Penniless Son-In-Law Is A Trillionaire : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
40 chapters
Moses confessions
The MOMO family's downfall was the talk of the entire twelve cities for months. Nobody saw it coming. Who would have thought that Madame Aurora, the most ruthless and powerful woman in the twelve cities would be easily scammed of all her family's wealth?The $3.8 billion scam made the headlines of every major newspaper in the world and flooded every social media newsfeed. The damages caused by Madame Aurora's recklessness drove the MOMO family into poverty. Their loyal VIP patrons at the Imperial Hotel vacated the hotel with hundreds of staffs resigning. Things got so bad that Madame Aurora was forced to close the Imperial Hotel indefinitely. Madame Aurora remained at the hospital with nothing but her mental state shattered and a couple of her family standing beside her clinic bed. The rest of the MOMO family abandoned her to die, out of spite.It was the most traumatic period of her life, filled with nothing but regrets. Valeria shared in the blame for her family's misfortune
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“I hired John Smith to scam the MOMO family.”A grave silence fell in the room as Moses finished dropping the bombshell. Madame Aurora was shaking like a cornered rabbit, her eyes growing wider a trifle. “You mean to tell me you're the one behind everything?” Madame Aurora asked, her voice sounding like metal. “You set me up with John Smith?!”“That's correct,” Moses said, his eyes fixed on her. “The reason the MOMO family is presently going through hell is because of me.”Glenn and Valeria were stricken with shock at this revelation. “You monster!” Glenn yelled, raising his fists. “How could you do this to us?”Moses glared at him. “Watch it, Glenn. If you hit me, I promise to make you regret it.”Glenn controlled himself with an effort. He had a murderous glint in his eyes.However, he was more afraid of what Moses would do to him if he struck him, so he conducted his boiling rage. “Why?” Madame Aurora asked, her voice barely above a whisper. “Why would you do that to me?”Moses
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The conference
Moses dropped the barbells to the ground as he stood up to wipe the sweat off his back. He had just finished his rep for the day, ending his gym activity. Albert waited for him with a bottle of chilled water. “Your water, young master. I have also prepared your favourite steam sauna.”“Thank you, Albert,” Moses said, collecting the bottle and pouring the water down his throat.“Your ride is ready,” Albert stated. “I've reserved a seat for you at the Twelve Leaf conference.”“I'll be on my way now,” Moses replied. “But first, I must take that sauna.”Albert nodded his approval as he stared at the muscles on Moses' body. “How impressive, young master. You've developed a fine physique in such a short time.”“Why, thank you, Albert,” Moses grinned at him, then ran up the stairs for his steam bath.Moses hadn't been wasting time while carrying out his revenge on the MOMO family. He had spent months lifting weights at the Dobermans clan's underground gym, and mastering karate and judo.
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“How dare you speak to me like that?!” Barnes hissed, puffing with anger.The paparazzi flashed their cameras at the scene, capturing both Barnes and Moses. Moses' dog growled its fangs threateningly at Barnes, but Moses cautioned it with a warning. “Stay!”Barnes was afraid of the Doberman pinscher, but he tried to act tough. “Better warn your mutt not to bite me, or I'll make you suffer for it.”Moses glared at Barnes. “I don't appreciate being slapped, Barnes. That was totally uncalled-for.”“And so what?” Barnes challenged. “You can't do anything to me.”“I'll give you a warning,” Moses said, his voice hard. “Kneel and apologize to me.”“Such audacity,” Mrs. Harlow came up behind him. “If there's anyone here who needs to kneel and apologize, it's you, Moses.”“That's right,” Barnes grinned. “Bow and apologize for being a miserable piece of garbage.”Moses took out his phone and dialed Genevieve's number. She answered on the first ring. “Good evening, chairman. What can I help yo
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The billion dollar contract
“Moses, you did this to me!”“That's what you get for provoking me,” Moses replied darkly. “All your current projects across the twelve cities will be suspended and your properties seized. How do you like that?”Barnes gritted his teeth. “You fiend. How did you do it?”Moses smirked. “I told you, my clan is one of the pillars of the twelve cities. I still have a ton of influence around here.”“Bullshit,” Barnes barked at him. “I'll fight this. I have the best lawyers. I won't lose to you.”“You can't win,” Cleveland said sharply on the other line. “I control the lands and estates across the Twelve cities. You'll only be wasting your money on lawsuits. Give it up.”Barnes was shocked Cleveland was still on the line. Before he could open his mouth to respond to him, the phone went dead. Barnes felt as though the earth had opened to swallow him. “No way, this can't be happening to me.”To everyone's shock, Barnes sank to his knees and pulled at his hair in frustration. The paparazzi
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The Goldstein family
“Are you sure you want to meet my family?” Gwen asked as she drove through the gates of the Goldstein residence. “Wouldn't it be alright if I call your office?”Moses shook his head. “I insist. I would like to meet your family before we proceed with the contract.”Gwen pulled up before a fifteen-bedroom duplex with a spacious garden, and its own golf course. Moses was pleased with the building. “Does all your family live together in that building?”Gwen nodded. “My late grandfather insists we all reside together as a family under one roof.”“Who's the family's patriarch now?” Moses asked as they walked together towards the door. “My uncle,” Gwen replied. “He's a difficult person. Pay him no attention.”As they arrived at the front door, it swung opened, revealing an angry man. In the blink of an eye, the man reached out and slapped Gwen on the face. “You slut!” The man yelled. “You're bringing a man to the house now? How further do you wish to disgrace me, Gwen?”Moses stiffened i
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“Gwen's not taking that contract from you, Moses,” Richard barked, his face a deeper shade redder than before. “I'm warning you, Moses, stay away from my wife.”“The contract is already hers,” Moses said, his gaze set. “It's her choice to accept or reject it.”“She won't accept your contract because the Goldstein family is strongly opposed to it,” Uncle Harold chimed in. “You're done here, Moses. Get out.”Moses didn't argue. He turned to Gwen. “Gwen, this is your decision to make, not theirs. Take the contract and forge your path.”Uncle Harold slammed his fists on the table.“Gwen, if you dare accept that contract, you'll be disowned from the Goldstein family. I would strip all the connections and privileged under Goldstein constructions from your firm.”Gwen stiffened. Without her family's connection, her firm wouldn't survive long. Richard jumped in, his voice threatening. “And if you choose Moses over me, I'll divorce you. Don't think you can survive on your own without me, Gwen
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Divorce papers
The demolition of Star beach kicked off the next day with Gwen heading the operation. No one had expected it to happen. They were all shocked to find Star beach being demolished. After the demolition, which took a whole week, the foundation to the new hotel was dug up and building commenced. Moses ensured that the construction of his new hotel was on everybody's lips. He paid popular media personalities to promote his hotel, The Infinite Castle. The promotion was a massive success as everybody kept talking about The Infinite Castle. This made other construction contractors gnash their teeth in regret as they wished they had taken up the contract Moses offered at the conference. With Gwen as the head of constructions, she attracted hundreds of envious enemies even from the Goldstein family. “That damn Gwen,” Uncle Harold growled, pacing around the sitting room with an ugly scowl on his face. “I can't believe she's managing the infinite castle project.”“Tell me about it,” Andr
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The Settlement
Moses attended the divorce proceedings two later. Gwen was seated opposite Richard as she was handed the divorce documents. Her lawyer sat down beside her, whispering something in her ears. Moses studied the room. The Goldstein family had Uncle Harold representing them to oversee the divorce settlements. From the looks of it, Moses could tell Richard and the Goldstein family had orchestrated the divorce inorder to ruin Gwen. As Gwen flipped through the pages of the divorce documents, her eyes flared up with shock. "What the hell is this?" She demanded, pointing at the document. "You want me to hand over my firm to you as part of the alimony settlement?""I knew it," Moses thought to himself. "My suspicion was spot on. These bastards could only be after Gwen's firm."Richard smirked. "Why are you surprised? As my wife, you owe me half of everything you own. I don't own anything so I must have a nice settlement."Gwen stood up, her eyes flaring with fury. "You greedy piece of garb
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“Now, grovel before Gwen's feet and apologize to her!” Moses commanded. Richard and Uncle Harold were taken aback by Moses audacity. “I won't apologize,” Richard maintained, his voice laced with anger. “I've retracted my claim like you demanded. I won't apologize to anybody!”Gwen turned to Moses. “Moses, that's enough. As long as he's withdrawn his claim, I don't need his apology.”“That's where you're wrong,” Moses laughed. “This bastard owes you an apology for abusing you.”“You're so full of yourself, aren't you?” Uncle Harold barked at Moses. “If I don't know any better, I'd say you're smitten with Gwen. Do you want to marry her?”Gwen's face flushed a beet red. Moses smirked at Uncle Harold. “Who knows, I might consider it. That's why you must fall on your knees and plead for her forgiveness, both of you!”Uncle Harold and Richard glared murderously at Moses. “We'll do no such thing.”Moses didn't mince his words. “This is your final warning. Beg for Gwen's mercy. If you don'
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