All Chapters of The Penniless Son-In-Law Is A Trillionaire : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
40 chapters
Betty's slap caused the other diners to glance in Moses' direction. “What's going on over there?” A lady asked. “A fight?” Her partner added. “That waiter must've offended her.” Another diner commented. Moses nursed his cheeks where he had been slapped. “You slapped me?”“What are you going to do about it, huh?” Betty hit him again. “You'll hit me back? I dare you, you piece of trash. Hit me!”“What's happening here?” Dave demanded, appearing on the scene. “I heard someone getting slapped.”“Darling, this idiot here was insinuating something offensive to me,” Betty reported.Dave turned to Moses, his eyes hardening. “You monkey, what did you say to her?”“She asked me when John Smith would come to eat,” Moses answered. “Out of curiosity, I inquired why you two weren't dining together, because it seemed to me she was hoping to dine with John Smith.”Dave glanced at Betty and realized Moses was making sense. She had gone out of her way to look extra beautiful, which was strange beca
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Forgive me, Moses
“I want Dave fired, and his properties confiscated.”Moses' demand made Madame Aurora and Dave to stiffen in shock. “What nerve do you have to make such demands?” Madame Aurora barked at Moses. “I wasn't even talking to you.”“You rat, so this is what you want, huh? You're trying to get me fired.” Dave said. Moses frowned. “I warned you before, didn't I? Hit me and you'll regret it.”“You think you can get me fired?” Dave laughed. “Don't make me laugh. Even if you request it, grandmother would never get rid of me.”“Forget that. How dare you speak for John Smith?” Madame Aurora added, glaring at Moses. “You've been nothing but a nuisance, Moses. After tonight, pack your things and get out of my hotel.”“If Moses leaves, then so would I,” John Smith said. “In that order, I demand that Dave be fired, and his properties confiscated.”Madame Aurora's eyes widened and her jaws dropped. “You don't mean that, John Smith.”“Do I look like I'm playing?” John Smith asked, his eyes hard. Mada
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VIP patrons
“I'm curious to know, John Smith,” Madame Aurora said. “Who are you really, and where did you come from?”John Smith took his glass of wine and stirred it. “I'm a king of a distant sovereignty country.”Madame Aurora was startled. “There aren't that many monarchy governments nowadays.”“You're right,” John Smith said, cutting into a juicy steak. “But mine exists.”Madame Aurora was intrigued. “What's the name of your nation, John Smith?”“I'd rather not tell,” John Smith said with finality in his tone. “I'm here on vacation and would prefer to remain anonymous.”“As you wish, John Smith,” Madame Aurora smiled. “I believe the steak is up to your taste?”John Smith nodded. “They're incredible.”Moses stood behind John Smith, observing the entire conversation. From the looks in Madame Aurora's expression, he could tell she bought the little lie John Smith just told her. John Smith was no king, and neither was there any monarchy country that he rules. This was all a ploy to buy her tru
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Sir Lin
Moses was mad. This arrogant, rich bastard had the nerve to slap him. This wasn't the first time Sir Lin and the other VIP patrons have harassed him. However, circumstances have changed. Moses was not the same man he used to be. He would crush Sir Lin with all his might. “I'll make you regret doing that to me,” Moses said, his voice dark. “I will never forgive you. That's a promise.”Sir Lin was surprised at Moses' confidence. “You'll make me regret? And how do you intend to do that?”Moses hide a smile. “You'll see. Before today ends, you'll seek for my forgiveness, but you won't find it.”Before Sir Lin could react, Moses excused himself and walked away. This angered Sir Lin so much, he yelled after Moses. “You filthy rat. How dare you walk out on me? I'll fix you. I'll make sure you're fired.”But Moses didn't give him as much as a glance. “That blasted idiot,” Mrs. Van cursed. “Who does he think he is, walking out on a VIP guest? Is he out of his mind?”Charleston bite his l
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Sir Lin felt like someone had hit him with a sledgehammer. “What do you mean, the banks are demanding their money?” He asked, his voice unsteady.Sir Lin's secretary was restless on the phone. “This is a disaster, sir. We owe eight banks hundreds of millions. They're all threatening to foreclose on our assets if we don't pay up our debts.”“But that's impossible,” Sir Lin snapped. “I have done business with these banks for years. They can't do this to me.”“Unfortunately, Sir Lin, this is just the tip of the iceberg,” his secretary spoke in a shaky voice. “We were given an ultimatum–if we fail to pay up by the end of the week, they'll seize everything.”Sir Lin felt his blood run cold. “I don't believe this. They're bluffing. That's right, they must be bluffing.”“I'm afraid they're not, sir,” his secretary said hurriedly. “I spoke with their representatives a couple of minutes ago. If we don't pay up our debts, they'll take us to court, freeze our accounts and auction off our assets
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Sir Lin left the Imperial Hotel after he couldn't get Moses' forgiveness. His financial crises continued to grow worse that it forced him to go on the run to avoid being confronted by bank agents. The VIP patrons were thrown into a panic as they were unable to tell who among them was the next target. This was precisely what Moses wanted. The more unsettled the VIP patrons were, the more likely they would lose faith in the hotel and leave. With Madame Aurora distracted by John Smith, she won't notice her business crumbling bit by bit. * * * *Later that evening, Madame Aurora arranged for John Smith to be taken out on a ride across the metropolis. “The hotel would cover up the expenses,” Madame Aurora told Moses. “I don't want to risk John Smith growing bored in my hotel. Let him take some fresh air and look at the city lights.”Moses nodded. “I understand, Madame Aurora. Would I be the one to accompany him?”Madame Aurora snapped. “Of course not, you idiot. Valeria would do tha
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the Dekker's family
Desmond Dekker was skeptical when Robert Doberman scheduled an appointment with him. At one point, he respected the Doberman's clan but after their great downfall, he viewed them with disdain. Robert Doberman didn't mention why he wanted to meet him, but Desmond Dekker could speculate what Robert Doberman was after. “Possibly, some financial aid,” Larry Dekker, his eldest son, said as he cut into his steak. “It's very obvious. The Doberman's clan is finished. I heard not even the bank would loan them money.”Robert Doberman chuckled as he sipped from his can of beer. “I'll like to see that blasted idiot try. If he dare ask me for help, I'll make sure I disgrace him.”Naomi Dekker, his daughter, chimed in. “Should you even grant the Doberman clan any audience? They're not worth entertaining.”“That's why I decided against holding this meeting in my office,” Desmond Dekker said. “I chose the beach, so I can keep it casual.” “I hate the Doberman's clan, especially that idiot, Moses,”
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Moses Bank statement
$1.6 billion.Desmond Dekker couldn't believe his eyes. Never in his life had he seen such an amount of money. Larry Dekker noticed his father's shocked expression and glanced over at the phone.The figure he saw caused him to catch his breath. “Impossible,” Larry Dekker exclaimed. “I don't believe it.”“You forget to check my bank statement,” Moses jeered. “It's been sent to your email.”Desmond Dekker clicked on his emails and downloaded Moses bank statement. It was all there. Moses entire net worth and assets were displayed before Desmond Dekker's very eyes. Naomi Dekker felt a shiver run down her spine as she laid eyes on Moses bank statement. “This is the real deal. I'm a stockbroker, so I can tell this bank statement is authentic,” she declared, glancing up to meet Moses. “Moses, are you by any chance Rockechild's Empire's chairman?”Moses regarded her closely. “What makes you say that?”“You clearly own the highest shares in Rockechilds Empire,” Naomi Dekker replied, her
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Valeria became John Smith's lover in a short space of two months since his arrival. Their relationship, however, was kept a secret from public eye as John Smith insisted on anonymity. Despite being lovers, Valeria still did not know what the man behind the mask looked like. However, this didn't bother her. She was madly in love with John Smith. She fantasized about getting married to him with a final revelation of him unmasked. Madame Aurora, on the other hand, was impatient. The subject of her hotel project had been brought up to John Smith once or twice. He had shown his interest, but hadn't taken any form of action yet. Madame Aurora had her eyes on Star beach. She spoke with Desmond Dekker and was thrilled to hear he hadn't sold his beach to anyone. Unknown to Madame Aurora, Desmond Dekker had lied to her under orders from Moses. Star beach was in possession of the Doberman's clan. This was all in accordance with Moses' plans. He kept in touch with Henry at the Impe
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John Smith's days in the Imperial Hotel came to an end. Madame Aurora and the entire MOMO family got together to bid him goodbye. It was a grand affair. They needed to make sure John Smith enjoyed his stay at the Imperial Hotel before he leaves. “I'll surely return,” John Smith promised Madame Aurora. “Once I arrive at my nation, I'll execute the shipment of your gold with immediate effect.”Madame Aurora felt over the moon. “I can hardly wait. We should exchange emails so we can keep in touch.”But John Smith shook his head. “I can't allow that. It's part of my nation's regulations not to exchange contacts with foreigners. However, I'll reach out to you.”Madame Aurora was disappointed. “But how would you do that?”John Smith smirked. “We have our ways, of course. I'll message you the moment my private jet lands.”Madame Aurora grinned. “In that case, I'll wait.”John Smith turned to Valeria, who looked earnestly at him. “John Smith, let me come with you, please,” she pleaded. J
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