All Chapters of BORN OF DOOM: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
26 chapters
As Vondrel settled into his new life, he began to realize that he had found something truly special. This was more than just a group of friends - it was a family. They had each other's backs, no matter what.One night, as they sat in the common room, swapping stories and laughter, Vondrel felt a sense of belonging that he had never known before. He was home.But as the days wore on, Vondrel began to realize that not everything was as perfect as it seemed. Vondrel's days blurred together in a haze of humiliation and drudgery. He was forced to live a low profile, avoiding the sneers and taunts of his peers. He kept his head down, never making eye contact, never speaking unless spoken to.He became a ghost, a shadow of a student, invisible and insignificant. His only friends were the books in the library, his three friends and James which joined their crew.Even in the library, Vondrel couldn't escape the whispers. "Look at him, the failure, hiding among the books." "What's the point of
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Chapter 12: THE KYOKAI
The next day came , every student in the academy went to their homerooms to receive lectures. Vondrel went to the combat class, so he can learn more about combat since he doesn't have an ability and he is also good in mastery of weapons.Walking to the small podium at the front of the classroom, an average height young man in his thirties, stood facing the group of students numbered in 20.He studied the students busy chatting away and then proceeded to clap his hands loudly, thereby drawing the attention of the students."Okay everyone....i standing here is your homeroom teacher, 'master Leo' I will be taking you guys lessons on combats and beast weapons. " master Leo saidVondrel stood among his fellow students with an indifferent expression, his attention was when to begin their combat class. Their instructor, a wise and seasoned warrior who addressed himself as Master Leo, greeted them with a bow."Today, we embark on a journey through the origins of martial arts and the ancient
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Chapter 13: TROUBLED
Ahhhhhhh....pls make it stop.....pls I can't bear it anymore, male it stop Ahhhhhhh....."Vondrel!!!" Samuel shouted'GASP'Vondrel jolted up, trying to catch his breath, he had just had a terrible nightmare, now he is awake he couldn't remember the content of his dream."Hey dude are you okay.....did it happen again?"Timmy asked worriedlyThe four friends has grown closer for the pass two months, they had passed through hard times in the academy, they had also endured their fair share of being bullied by stronger students in the academy."yeah i'm fine" vondrel replied after calming down"are you sure man?" Noah asked for confirmation, as he passed a cup of water to him.Vondrel gupled the water hurriedly before flashing his friends a reassuring smile.Vondrel's mind was a maelstrom of turmoil, his dreams a twisted tapestry of memories that weren't his own. The dual blade's power had unlocked a door in his mind, allowing glimpses of the past to flood his consciousness. He saw himself
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Vondrel watched as everything unfolded, he was paying attention to skills showcased by the other participants.As the battle went on, his mind wondered off.' Father told me to keep this special energy in me a secret until I am strong enough to protect myself with it, how then will I cope without using it.' his eyes moved from corner to corner, observing the spectators and instructors watching over everything.' I guess I really can't use it as of now.' he sighed The competition continued until the hologram showed.(Vondrel Brightvale vs Travis coaster)A loud cheer was heard from a single person which jolted vondrel out of his thoughts, he turned to look at the spectators seat... Vondrel could see Sam cheering him."Yhoooo can do it, I trust you!!!" Sam screamed enthusiastically.He looked at Timmy and Noah sitting by his side, they weren't shouting but their encouraging looks said it all.He glanced at the spectators, a chaotic mix of humans, elves, vamps, werewolves and
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The both attacks collided and cancelled out each other. 'Boom' An explosion rang out with smoke covering everyone's view....when the smoke cleared, they were shocked to see Anthony passed out cold on the floor while Joshua stood over him with a smirk plastered on his face. He stepped down from the stage while the screen displayed . (Joshua win) No one knew what happened except the supervisor and instructors. ... "Did you see that....the kid is fast and talented" a female supervisor said "He used the smoke to his advantage and delivered series of wind blades, and also charged at his opponent and delivering a finishing blow... is that what you call talent? " a male supervisor questioned "Moreover i can just take out the duo with just a wave of my hand "he added arrogantly "Sure you can, and i can see how pathetic you're, for you to compare yourself to those kids....ill like you to display that talent of yours against me." a female by his side voiced out with a smirk,
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Next fight(Joshua vs Vondrel)Joshua stepped on the stage with a smile. Vondrel came out from the healers hall and stepped on the stage with a somber expression.He gave an heavy sigh, his body relaxing a bit after finding out that Rina was in good condition."Who do we have here, isn't it Vondrel the upcoming sword master" Joshua exclaimed sarcastically.Vondrel continued staring into space without responding to his taunt."Oh...can you see that? The mighty Vondrel became dumb." he laughed out loud(Fight)Vondrel gripped his blades tightly while staring forward at Joshua.' i should be cautious this time' He thought I see, no words needed" Joshua sighed. "Let's end this then, i'm also tired already"He released his aura and gripped his blade, without further, he slashed forward, immediately vondrel's blade emitted a faint glow, he also slashed forward. Their attacks collided and cancelled out each other.Joshua ran forward while slashing multiple times, wind slashes after wind sla
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.....After a weekVondrel opened his eyes and immediately shot it due to the bright light illuminating the area."Hmm... " He groaned while squinting his eyes and adapting to the brightness coming through the window."You're finally awake." A voice came from the window.Vondrel flinched at the sound of the sudden voice.He tried lifting his body slightly to check who the intruder is, he felt pain shot through his body before falling back on the bed."Stay still, your body is still recovering " the figure who was by the window side said."Where am i? " Vondrel questioned as he laid down on the bed. His muscles were sore from strain."Isn't it obvious where you are?. You are lucky you're still alive and kicking, i don't know what you did or better still what that weapon did, you over exerted yourself, if not for my would have become a vegetable by now. " the figure paused" Or probably not, with that pure form of energy residing in you, you might not end up becoming a ve
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Chapter 18: MEETING
The next day started as usual, the talks of what transpired during the contest had already died down due to the tense anticipation of the upcoming adventure. Vondrel attended lecture the next day with nothing unusual happening, it was as if the students and the homeroom teacher Mr Leo had completely forgotten about the contest.After the day's class, he went to the cafeteria before trying to locate miss Abby's location.He walked out of the cafeteria after vanquishing the served meal, then instead of going back to his dorm, he went through the alleyway beside the cafeteria and covered his head with his hood. He came out in an open field at the back of the cafeteria, then continued walking around the field, he was following the direction from the indicator given to him by Miss Abby.Vondrel came across a building, it was built like a small arch, the sides of the small arch, stood two tall buildings. Seeing the indicator pointing at the arch, he went closer and knocked twice on the door
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Chapter 19: FEEDBACK
Vondrel stood up and dusted his cloths before proceeding to walk towards his dorm and give his friends the feedback.- That robot needs to be taught a lesson - a voice suddenly resounded in his head"Where were you since, i thought you suddenly became deaf" Vondrel said in response- don't have to insult me, I was just observing and that's it. Moreover don't you think that there are some hidden intentions behind her wanting you to be her private apprentice??." the kyokai blade asked"I'm not dumb, i know she has a reason for that, but all i want to do is to benefit from her at least before going for the upcoming adventure in three months from now." Vondrel replied in his head.- How about after the adventure??-- the kyokai asked again." I am yet to give that a thought for now" vondrel respondedHe now has two sheaths where he places his blades on his back, it stays there in an X shape. He can communicate with the blade, only if he makes contact. So he decided to place the s
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Chapter 20: TRIAL
TrialVondrel, James, Noah, Timmy and Sam all journeyed to the 'Auta' for their trial."Here we are" Vondrel said"What's this, it doesn't look like something an underground can be built-in " Sam exclaimed"Let's go in first, you will see for yourself " Vondrel repliedThey all went close to the door, as if planned, the door opened wide on its own. Vondrel moved forward while the others hesitated.Seeing their hesitancy..."Common guys you don't want to be left behind," He urgedThey all went in, as the last of them went past the door, it closed after them. The others followed vondrel in, carefully inspecting their environment but they couldn't find the underground. The arch that Vondrel and his friends entered was nothing like the grim, shadowy passage they expected. Instead, it looked more like the entrance to a high-end, well-appointed office. The stone structure was meticulously polished, with a smooth, glossy finish that reflected the soft, ambient lighting installed along its
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