All Chapters of BORN OF DOOM: Chapter 21 - Chapter 27
27 chapters
Chapter 21: WINNING
They all went home tired both physically and mentally. They even forgot to grab something for dinner.Each reflecting on their battle. Savouring the bitter taste of defeat........After two days of straight defeat . On a fresh morning, they all went for their daily routine, lecture, cafeteria and gathered in their hostel."Those robots are really hard to deal with" Sam started"They are not hard, we just don't have what it takes to defeat them" Vondrel continued"Which is teamwork" James concluded"How can we achieve that?" Sam asked"It's not as if we have fought together before." "Did you guys noticed how our last battle before our defeat went?" Noah questionedThey all reviewed their last battle and decided to work on their weak points and improve where necessary."We have to cover up for each other, more than we did yesterday" Vondrel stated and they all set to go to the AUTA .'Why didn't you help me? ' Vondrel asked through his thought"I can't possibly help you to do everythi
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Chapter 22: SURPRISED
"Aren't you being persistent??" Stelio questionedHe received no response from the five boys who came back the next day to challenge the trial again.'How kids like this be so persistent after consistent failure ' he thought while staring at them silently.'Whatever' he shook his head and smiled. ' They are fun to watch'This time...we are winning this" Vondrel stated firmly and that same sharp and domineering aura seeped out of him. The blade could sense it but it kept quiet."Don't get too cocky yet, because i don't think you will be able to defeat a single one of them, not to talk of the five of them" Stelio's voice was heard" We won yesterday, why will today be different??" Sam said" Just you watch" stelio responded "Let's see about that then" Vondrel responded while not averting his gaze from his opponents as he walked in."Have fun" Stelio saidImmediately they stepped into the stage, the robots entered a battle mode, their weapons glowed red and hot, the heat wave was felt b
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It was a weekend. Vondrel and his friends decided to use the whole day for training."When do you guys plan to climb up the rank??" James questioned "Well....for now, we are focused on surviving during the adventure nothing else matters for now " Noah replied As they walked towards the AUTA, a girl walked towards them. To James in particular, she ignored the other and stared right at James."Hello James." She smiled, then her smile turned into a frown ."what are you doing with this weaklings?" The girl asked James."How many times have i told you not to call them weaklings Elsa? " James asked, as he stared at her with an offended expression."Scoff....i don't just understand what you actually see in them, not that it natters though. But it makes me sick to see you in the company of low lives." She said, then her frown began a huge smile "well have you thought about what i asked you about?" she asked seductively "Like i told you before, i'm not interested " James replied bluntl
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The next day arrived and students were free to do whatever they like with their time. The news of Vondrel a blue band student making someone who is 350 levels above him and also a red band, run away in fear spread like wildfire. Some people couldn't believe it because it has never been heard of. "Are you sure he really did that or the girl actually left in an hurry to do something?" a vampire named Charlie asked his friends "Well that's the trending topic right now" Charles answered him."I will like to see how far he can go against me" Charming said with a glint in his eyes. Charlie, Charles and Charming are three best friends. Charles is a werewolf and Charming is a human. Their relationship baffles people as they wondered how a vampire and werewolf get along so well, even adding a human in their midst."Hmm...i sense someone getting into trouble " Charles joked "Charming just leave the dude alone, he's not up to your level " Charlie stated ........Vondrel and his comrades ge
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Chapter 25: ADVENTURE
The training continued relentlessly, pushing them beyond their limits as they honed every aspect of their being. They trained their body with fierce dedication, sculpting it into a vessel of strength and agility. Their oval, the energy field surrounding them, was fortified, expanding with each passing session. Mental walls grew stronger, reinforcing their willpower and fortitude, enabling them to endure physical and psychological challenges.Consciousness sharpened, allowing them to sense the faintest of shifts in their surroundings. Perception became heightened, as they learned to anticipate the moves of an opponent before they were even made. Reaction speed increased, turning split-second decisions into instinct. Their battle style evolved, becoming a seamless fusion of grace and lethal precision. Day by day, they trained, fought against Stelio training robots, absorbed wisdom, and transcended their former self. Every facet of their training interwove, forming a solid foundation
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Chapter 26: RED PLANET
The Red Planet was unlike anything they had ever seen before. As they emerged from the giant gates of the human settlement, all clad in a body suit. Their senses were immediately overwhelmed by the alien nature of the world before them. The ground beneath their feet was a deep, crimson hue, vast stretches of red sand and rock stretching as far as the eye could see. Massive jagged mountains rose in the distance, their dark silhouettes outlined against an eerie sky that was not the familiar blue of Earth, but a deep, swirling red tinged with violet streaks. The atmosphere was strange and oppressive, a blend of gases that were thicker and more difficult to breathe, though the suit they wore filtered the air just enough to keep them alive.The air itself had a metallic tang to it, almost as if iron dust filled the skies. A faint red haze floated just above the surface, shifting and swirling with every gust of wind, which blew with a force that sent the red sands skittering in chaotic pa
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"Hey what are you doing?" Rina walks out of the tent and what hit her was the aroma of a well roasted meat. Vondrel didn't reply her, but she continued walking and sat opposite him. "Here have some" He passed a piece for her.She looked at the meat trying to inspect it, but the aroma kept drawing her, making her salivate. "Stop checking and dive in already " Vondrel said after noticing that she was hesitating. "You can as well just take a bite to check how it tastes" he added. As if she was waiting for his permission, she took a bite almost immediately."Hmm...." Rina hummed and began to consume the meat like an hungry beast."So how does it ta...." Vondrel was about asking how the meat tasted, before stopping half way. He was surprised at the speed at which Rina ate the meat, just for him to check the piece he is smoking and raise his head to inquire if she likes the taste, she already consumed the meat. The moist dripping down her arm as she licked it off with her tongue.'What
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