All Chapters of Dominance Commander Son-in-law: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
31 chapters
Chapter 21: Too shocked
Chapter 21Shock passed across Jake’s face as he turned to look at Kevin again.He was shocked and impressed. Who was Kevin? Everyone knew him in that state. It was why everyone minded their business. No one wanted to get into trouble with Lionel's second in command.Kevin let the man go with a slight push. The other man holding the lady could no longer sustain it. So he let go of her.Kevin held her quickly before she would fall and steadied her on the floor.She looked up, but her long black hair fell over her face. Kevin helped her back to the chair and looked up at Jake. “I don't think it's right to take a lady forcefully. If she doesn't want to go with you, there's nothing you can do about it.”Jake huffed, feeling the anger surge through him. “Well said,” the lady said suddenly and finally looked up. “You don't know how to treat a lady. This man will teach you how to.”Jake clenched his teeth in anger. “Get up, Rose, while I'm asking you nicely. You are just going to make this
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22: Merciful Lord Phoenix
“Lionel!” Kevin called with urgency to his voice. Lionel looked over at him.Kevin slowly shook his head. It wasn't yet the time for the announcement. Lionel knew what he meant instantly. He didn't think about how Kevin disappeared and was suddenly back again. There must be a story to it. “How dare you try to harm my friend!” He yelled instead.The men stared, shocked. Then quickly went on one of their knees. They were so scared to upset Lord Lionel.“You are all dismissed!” Lionel ordered and turned to look at Kevin with a shocked expression. “How?”“Not yet!” Kevin muttered and was suddenly walking past the men and out of the club. He remembered Rose and knew he needed to get her.Who knew what Jake wanted to do? Even though he was her girlfriend, he was being suspicious.“Pho_” Lionel started again but stopped almost immediately. Hehurried after Kevin instead.A car had already driven out when Kevin stepped out of the club. Lionel moved closer quickly. “Is everything alright, Ph
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23: A plan
Kelvin's phone rang as a car pulled up beside them. It was Alessia. He took some steps away to pick it.Lionel turned to Jake at this time, with a dark frown on his face. “Lord Phoenix spared you, but don't think I will.”Jake nodded once and scrambled in front of him. “Please, spare me! I didn't know he was Lord Phoenix!” He rushed out. He was anxious and scared. Disrespecting Lord Phoenix was an offence punishable by death.Lionel straightened up. “You are banned from the community for a month.”Jake released the breath he didn't know he was holding. Getting banned was not good, but getting killed was worse.He could still come up with merits that could make him get called back.“Your wish is my command!”Meanwhile, Kevin was talking to Alessia, who was initially worried that she hadn't heard anything from Kevin. Kevin squeezed his face. “No, I'm still in Falcone State. I didn't know that seeing Lionel would be such a hard task.”“Figures. Lionel is a big name in Falcone State.”“H
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24: Important Mission
Lionel nodded once, liking the plan. “I love it!”“Good,” Kevin smiled. “I need to sleep now. I have an early flight to catch.”Lionel nodded again. “I would love to catch up with you. And well, with Alessia too since she has suddenly grown to hate me.”Kevin laughed. “Alessia doesn't hate you.”Lionel smiled. “Alright boss.”Lionel walked Kevin out of the bar before he stepped back because Kevin told him to.He walked back to the room, overjoyed. Who would have thought he would see Lord Phoenix again?When he received the news of his demise, he was so devastated. This was why he created Mystery and decided to act nonchalant about most things.But now that Kevin was back, everything was going to change. He didn't mind it, actually.“Who is there?” He called suddenly.The door opened quickly, and a man walked inside. He bowed slightly. “Yes Boss.”“Call me Jake. I have an assignment for the both of you.”The man bowed slightly and stepped out again.It didn't take up to a few minutes w
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Chapter 25: Daring
In a large living room of one of the expensive buildings in the estate, Mendy Karim paved. The living room was heavily furnished with expensive furniture.He hesitated suddenly to look at the door. It wasn't here yet. He glanced at his wristwatch. It was just an hour before the Perry family business party would start. He had ordered his suit and was anxiously waiting for it.He was so excited. It looks like his plan to impress Mia was going accordingly. And the party was a nice opportunity for him to further show her that he was capable of taking care of her and, well, being her husband.His phone made a beep suddenly. That must be his clothes. He moved out, and truly, it was the delivery man. He ordered the suit from one of the expensive boutiques in Penia City. He just wanted to further show Mrs. Perry that he was qualified to be their in-law.But that aside, he had another plan.Alessia was on his mind. Alessia was the dream of almost all the men in Penia City. And to think Alessia
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26: The Master
Mendy laughed out loud at the statement Kevin made on the phone. It amazed him that Kevin was useless but still displaying his stupidity. Everyone, except the few invited guests, knew how useless the son-in-law was. “You have to be kidding me,” he laughed again. “You don't even have a job; talk more of having money? You don't even have a company; how then can you make me go bankrupt?” He said in a voice louder than his normal own so that the other doormen could hear him.“Don't be too full of yourself,” Kevin said calmly.Mendy felt a stab of annoyance at his words. “How dare you!” Kevin scoffed but didn't say anything. He glanced at his wristwatch instead. Mendy has just five more minutes to go.“You are going to kneel in this instance, and apologies!” He said suddenly, furious. “Do you know how much I've done to you and your family? If it wasn't for me, will you be here as a doorman? Still helping your family? I know what I did!” He bragged.He was annoyed, and Kevin could see it
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27: The New guy
“Don't what?” Kevin teased.Mendy’s head hung dejectedly. He was too shocked to even utter a word. How could he have thought that Kevin had such power?It was why he was sometimes nonchalant. But Mendy still found it difficult to understand. How could someone like Kevin Haverthwaite have the have the power to ruin the family company that has been in existence for years?“You should get up if you have nothing to say,” Kevin said in a low voice.The other doormen were looking at them now but could not make out what they were saying. They were shocked when Mendy went on his knees.“No!” Mendy said quickly. He was suddenly gentle. “I mean, I'm fine being like this.”If Kevin could ruin the family company within ten minutes. Then there was nothing he couldn't do. What if he made him angrier and he decided to do more to him?“You are?” Kevin tilted his head to the side and waited for his response.Mendy cleared his throat meaningfully. Who would have thought he would be kneeling for Kevin
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28: Acquaintance
Mia turned to Kevin, ignoring Nathan. “You should get back to your post and remember the missing for today,” she finished and walked away.Nathan stylishly withdrew his hand. He had never been so embarrassed in his entire life, but it didn't bother him that much. He loved women who were unwilling. It was always like a challenge to him.“Well,” Morris cleared his throat meaningfully. “That was my sister, Mia.”Nathan stared back at Morris with shock and gratitude. “Seriously?”Morris nodded once. “I'm so glad you were invited to this party. Come, let's get you settled,” he offered and led him to some arranged seats.The party started almost immediately. Everyone was present, including some family members who couldn't meet up with Mrs. Perry's birthday. So, it was crowded.Morris’ father arrived late, with his brother, Anthony, Alessia’s father.Suddenly, Alessia walked inside with two men in black suits.Mrs. Perry was overjoyed seeing her, as well as the others present at the party.
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29: Last Favour
“What!”Murmur ensued among Mia’s cousins.Mia looked up, shocked. Was that true? Did Alessia really give the wine to Kevin? It only meant one thing: that Kevin had been embarrassed for nothing. With the truth, she would be able to save face in the family. Her cousins that have insulted her would take it back. After all, his husband knew the popular Alessia from Phoenix Group.Silence ensued as everyone was too embarrassed to even say anything to Alessia. Who would have thought that Kevin didn't really steal the wine?“Well, he helped me once, and I gave him the wine. But you started treating him like a thief without knowing his worth. For this case, I will be cancelling the cooperation with the Perry family.” She announced.What!Everyone was gobbled.Alessia didn't wait for anyone to talk before she walked out of the hall. She was very angry. In fact, she would like to do more for them, but she needed Kevin's permission before anything would happen.How could they treat the mighty L
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30: Doubts
Kevin watched Mia walk in and released a sigh. Mia was not remorseful at all. She wasn't even apologising for all she had allowed and all her family had made her go through. The only thing she was concerned about was satisfying her family. Well, it was why she got married to him in the first place. Kevin just thought she would change.But it seemed like he was expecting too much.He brought out his phone and placed a call to Alessia. She picked it up immediately. “Lord Phoenix!”“Alessia.”“What is happening, boss? Why is the Perry family behaving like that? They should be taught a lesson,” Alessia muttered angrily. “They should know that they are not supposed to mess with the Lord Phoenix.”“It's ok, Alessia. It's not something you should be angry for. Like I said, the Perry family is a group of clowns. They have no idea who they are messing with.”“Well, I can teach such clowns lessons they will never forget.”“Yes, thats right. The Perry's family is only enjoying this benefit be
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