All Chapters of Dominance Commander Son-in-law: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
30 chapters
Chapter 11: Divorce the Useless son-in-law
How did Phoenix Group hear of Mrs Perry's birthday party?Everyone was shocked.The man cleared his throat meaningfully when no one replied to him. “Sorry, may I know who Mrs Perry is?” He asked again as everyone was too shocked to say a word.Phoenix Group is one of the most important and influential groups in Falcone state. Sending gifts to someone like Perry's family was considered a high honour.“She's our grandmother!” Morris said quickly.Mrs Perry moved forward, with a wide smile on her face. “I am. Did you say you are from Miss Alessia Anderson?”The man nodded once. “Yes ma’am. And here is what she has for you_”Just as he said this, four men walked inside carrying one or two things. They walked to Mrs Perry and started presenting the gifts to her.Mrs Perry took the first gift with a sudden gasp. “Is this Chinese Famille-Rose Baluster Vase?”The man nodded with a smile. “Very well, ma’am.”Mrs Perry couldn't believe it. She ran her fingers around the vase. She had seen a pic
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Chapter 12: Group of Clowns
Henry moved closer to be able to see the wine very well.He made a nod of his head. “There's no way I will be mistaken.”“Are you sure?” Mrs Perry probed further.Henry nodded again. “I mean this wine is definitely from the CEO. There's no way it will be a fake. She got it at the auction,” He explained further.Mrs Perry was confused for a moment. She looked at Kevin. Could that be right? If the wine was really real, then Kevin got such an expensive wine for her birthday. And that's all that matters!“How hard did you work to have been able to afford this wine?” She asked because she didn't believe that Kevin was truly Alessia's friend. The thought of it made her laugh.Mia looked at Kevin, shocked. “Is that true? The wine is real and you are really a friend of the CEO?”Even though she found it hard to believe, little facts were staring right at them.Kevin felt it was ridiculous and couldn't answer. Mia chose to believe everything she heard from people and not him. There was no poin
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Chapter 13: A pissed wife
Amidst the jubilation, Morris and Mendy couldn't discuss. But Morris was constantly looking at him.Morris could see that Mendy was angry and he knew what that would be for him. He needed to pacify him.“Grandmother! Don't you think Mr Mendy should be invited to the party as well?” Morris said suddenly.“That's right!” One of Mia's cousins, Rosaline added quickly. “Mr Mendy should really be invited,” she said teasingly.“Yes, he's not like some useless son-in-law!” Another supported.“Yes, mother. I also think he should be invited,” Morris' father, Philip said eventually. He had been quiet since the party started.Mia groaned inwardly. She could not talk. She felt even more embarrassed. Mrs Perry nodded once. “That's right. Mr Mendy Karim is invited to the business party that will come up in two days,” she announced.Morris nodded happily and looked at Mendy.“Thank you so much, Mrs Perry,” Mendy responded, with a sly smile. He couldn't stop thinking of how Kevin could have gotten
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Chapter 14: Don't keep Phoenix waiting
Kevin woke up earlier and walked back to the room. He knocked several times and when Mia didn't respond, he pushed the door open.“What do you think you are doing here?” Mia's cold voice boomed suddenly.She was at the dressing table, applying makeup on her face.“Good morning, i_”“You didn't answer my question,” she cut in harshly. Her voice was not only cold but brutal. Kevin could hear the hatred emanating from it.Kevin released a sigh. “I want to use the bathroom. You didn't let me sleep here last night. Should I not wash this morning?”Mia scoffed. “Why should I be concerned if you wash or not? You don't even have a job you resume every morning,” she turned to look at Kevin. “Your only job was to be the best husband.”Kevin released a sigh of frustration. Not again! He had no strength to pursue it.“You should be ready to apologize to my grandmother.”“And why should I do that? Mr Henry confirmed that the wine was indeed authentic. What should I be apologizing for?”Mia scoffed
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Chapter 15: The invitation
Alessia walked to her desk and pulled out the drawer. She took a card and walked back to Kevin.“I've had this prepared for you the moment I established this plaza,” she explained and stretched out a black card with edges of gold.Kevin took it and regarded it for a moment. It had “Kevin Di Lorenzo” boldly inscribed on it.“It's a black card specially made for you. I knew you didn't die. So, I had a certain amount deposited in it every time. I don't know how much you have it in now but it's big enough for a black card,” she explained.Kevin felt impressed. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “Impressive,” he remarked.Alessia smiled, feeling proud of herself. It looked like Lord Phoenix was proud of her. “I knew you were going to show up. I just didn't know when. I didn't for once lose hope on you.”Kevin looked at her and patted her on the head. “That's why you are my little cat.”Alessia blushed slightly.“Since you are leaving for the Falcone state, I will book you a flight i
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Chapter 16: Ruckus at the Airline
Kevin arrived at the airport. Alessia booked him a first-class seat. He didn't know about it until it was time to leave.If Kevin had known, he wouldn't have allowed her. But then, it wasn't everything he would be stopping Alessia from doing.She was his person after all.Kevin entered the plane and walked to the first-class seat. He found his number after searching for a while.A woman was already sitting by the windowside. His seat was beside her.The woman screamed suddenly as Kevin sat beside her. Kevin was so startled that he stood up, thinking there was something on the seat. “Is something wrong?” He asked, concerned when he didn't see what was wrong with the seat.“No way!” she screamed again, ignoring his question.Kevin was confused. She wrinkled her nose as if there was a disgusting smell coming from somewhere around her. “Someone needs to get here this moment!” She yelled the more.Her shriek attracted people around. Everyone started to gather around to see what was reall
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Chapter 17: Unexpected turn
The stewardess felt a stab of annoyance. Kevin was not only poor but also stubborn. She thought she could let things go away quietly and save his face. That was her being kind but she wouldn't do that anymore.“Leave now and you won't be arrested. If you get arrested, you will never be allowed on Phoenix Airlines again,” The stewardess warned. “Not that you will be able to afford it anyway,” she mocked.People around them laughed.“Exactly!” The woman from earlier supported her. “I just don't know how he was able to sneak past the guards. Phoenix Airway is way better than this. I don't expect this kind of thing here!”The stewardess turned to the woman with an apologetic expression. “I'm so sorry ma’am. We will take care of the whole situation,” she apologized.Everyone who has ever used Phoenix Airways is always rich, and the stewardess knew how much that would help her. Most of the time, he could get tips. So, she didn't want to offend anyone.“Don't worry, everything is going to be
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Chapter 18: Challenge
Kevin's phone beeped when he got down from the plane. It was a message from Alessia. He decided to give her a call instead. Alessia picked it up immediately.“Hello, Boss. Have you arrived?”“I just did.”“Ok, Boss. Just call me if anything happens and I will be on my way immediately.”Kevin smiled. “I will, little cat,” he assured and hung up.Trust Alessia to be worried. He doesn't blame her anyway. Once bitten, twice shy.But Kevin was going to be extra careful this time around.He knew Lionel's estate in Fionel state. The direction was stuck in his head like a map.He flagged down a taxi and got inside. “Precious housing,” he muttered and relaxed.Soon enough, the car pulled to a stop in front of a wide, tall gate in which “Precious Housing” was inscribed in big letters.“We are here!” He announced.He looked at the driver. “You are supposed to drive me inside,” he said, skeptical.The driver chuckled. “Are you kidding me? Besides, who are you there to meet? I think you've missed
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Chapter 19: The Penthouse is mine!
Kevin was shocked. “That isn't fair. I got here first. The suite is mine. You can as well look for shelter elsewhere.”The lady laughed as if she couldn't believe who was talking. “Is he about to cry? Oh, he's so pitiful”The man joined in for a moment. He became sober almost immediately l. “Don't worry, I will give you $5,000 to get yourself a nice room befitting your status around here,” he said pompously.Kevin scoffed and looked at the receptionist. “I got here first.”“Well, it's not a matter of who got it first. You can't afford it! You should leave and go look for one that's worthy of you.” “Yes! Max is being kind,” the woman added. “He's going to give you a whole $5000. You should take it and be grateful,” she said mockingly.Max moved closer to the receptionist, with a wide smile on his face. “So, prepare the room for me. I will give you an extra $5,000 for your stress.”The receptionist was overjoyed. “Thank you so much, sir! I will_”“I'm taking the room,” Kevin said sudd
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Chapter 20: Interruption
Kevin was led to the fourth floor, where the penthouse was. The lady stepped inside first. “Welcome to Grand Mystery, sir. For penthouse, there's always a complimentary breakfast and dinner,” she explained with a wide smile on her face.Kevin nodded once. “Thank you. Is the dinner still valid? Because I'm starving.”The lady hesitated briefly. “Actually, dinner is 7, and it's past it already, but we can always make an exception for you!” She revealed with a wider smile. Kevin reciprocated the smile. The lady was suddenly being nice. Why won't she? It wasn't every time that someone paid $200,000 for a penthouse.“So, what kind of wine will you like to take? We have Napa Valley and Ghost Horse Vineyard for you.”“Ghost Horse is fine.”"Good, and if you need anything else, you can let me know,” she said seductively. She took a step closer to fill the space between them and handed over a business card. “You can call me. I will attend to you personally,” she finished and stepped out of t
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