All Chapters of JASON REVENLLI, THE OUTCAST HEIR : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
31 chapters
There were complications
Chapter 11Who the fuck did the boss ask us to eliminate? Hank was confused. For a moment Hank was in a crossroads of decision and wondered if he should go home, or try to kill this mysterious man for the boss. As he was still dwelling in his thoughts, Jason fired a bullet intentionally on Hank who ran for his life. Knocking down people on his part as he exited the subway back to the road above, he fled into the busy road.“Coward” Jason mustered under his breath amidst all the pain from his wonder which he had managed to endure the pain and the flow of blood.Getting to the top spot of the train station, he fell and one of the train station guards saw him and rushed to help him. Let me take you to the hospital mister, the guard said. Jason, Took his phone from his back pocket, and with a little strength said “Call my wife”. The guard with confusion replied “I don't know your wife”“Sir, can you hear me?” the guard asked, his voice steady but laced with concern.Jason nodded weakly,
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The Appeal
The air was thick with the scent of jasmine as Karen stood on the veranda of the grand Marco estate, her heart heavy with the burden of her unspoken words. It had been months since Karen and Marco had truly spoken, and even longer since the incident in the train station. The tension between them was palpable, but Karen was ready to tire to adjust things with her husband.Karen had spent the last few weeks trying to reach out to Jason, who had distanced himself, retreating into the solitude of his apartment in the city.She had called, sent messages, even written him letters—each one filled with the hope that he would come back to her, back to the life in the estate.But Jason remained silent, his pain and doubts holding him back from returning to the place that held so many memories, both beautiful and painful.She knew the reasons for his hesitation. The Marco family was not just any family; the fighting, legacy, power, and expectations weighed heavily on Jason’s shoulders.But recen
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Mom, you watched...
Rose sat at the edge of the long dining table, staring at the empty chair at the other end. The silence of the room pressed against her chest as if the walls themselves were holding their breath.The grand chandelier above, with its crystal drops sparkling under the afternoon sun, cast fragmented light across the polished mahogany table. It was the same table where the family used to gather for dinners, laughter echoing through the walls. Now, it was just her and the weight of a conversation that had yet to happen.She ran her fingers along the embroidered edges of the linen tablecloth, her thoughts drifting back to the day when everything changed. It was sixteen years ago, but the memory remained as vivid as if it had happened yesterday. Jason, her eldest son, had stood tall, his eyes filled with a stubborn determination that matched her father do the terrible thing to them.Henry, Jason’s grandfather, had issued the ultimatum with the cold finality of a man who had spent his life b
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shoot him 1
Jared sat in his dimly lit office, a room that had witnessed countless deals, betrayals, and decisions that shaped the underworld he controlled. The walls were adorned with dark, expensive wood paneling, the shelves lined with books that were more for show than reading, and a large, imposing desk dominated the center of the room. Behind him, a large window offered a view of the city skyline, the twinkling lights casting long shadows across the room.The air was thick with the scent of cigar smoke, curling lazily from the ashtray beside him. Jared leaned back in his leather chair, the familiar creak providing a momentary distraction from the thoughts that weighed heavily on his mind.His hand, usually steady and controlled, trembled slightly as he reached for the decanter of brandy on his desk. The amber liquid caught the light as he poured it, the sound of the ice clinking against the glass loud in the otherwise silent room.As he took a sip, the warmth of the brandy did little to ch
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Shoot him 2
Chapter 14Jared sat in his dimly lit office, a room that had witnessed countless deals, betrayals, and decisions that shaped the underworld he controlled. The walls were adorned with dark, expensive wood paneling, the shelves lined with books that were more for show than reading, and a large, imposing desk dominated the center of the room. Behind him, a large window offered a view of the city skyline, the twinkling lights casting long shadows across the room.The air was thick with the scent of cigar smoke, curling lazily from the ashtray beside him. Jared leaned back in his leather chair, the familiar creak providing a momentary distraction from the thoughts that weighed heavily on his mind.His hand, usually steady and controlled, trembled slightly as he reached for the decanter of brandy on his desk. The amber liquid caught the light as he poured it, the ice clinking against the glass loud in the otherwise silent room.As he took a sip, the warmth of the brandy did little to chas
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The Warning
The small bakery where Jason worked was a sanctuary of sorts, a place where the scent of freshly baked bread mingled with the warmth of the ovens, creating an atmosphere that was comforting and familiar.The bakery was modest, with wooden shelves lined with golden loaves of bread, pastries dusted with powdered sugar, and cookies arranged neatly in glass jars. Sunlight streamed through the large front windows, casting a soft glow over the checkered floor and illuminating the flour-dusted countertops.Jason had chosen this life deliberately, distancing himself from the chaotic underworld that his brother-in-law, Jared, controlled with stupidity and lack of manner. It was a quiet life, far removed from the violence and treachery that had become all too familiar.But despite the peaceful facade, Jason knew he could never fully escape Jared’s crazy thought once in a while. The failed assassination attempt at the train station had left him shaken, a constant reminder that danger was never
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The Reaper 1
The town was shrouded in darkness by the time Jared’s hired assassins arrived, the moonlight barely penetrating the heavy clouds that hung low in the sky.The air was thick with the promise of rain, the kind that made the streets glisten under the faint glow of the streetlights. The town was quiet, its residents tucked away in their homes, unaware of the danger that had just slipped into their midst.The assassins were a well-trained team, each member a ghost in their own right. They moved with a fluidity and silence that came from years of practice, their presence as unnoticed as the shifting shadows.Leading them was a man known only as “The Reaper,” a name that struck fear into the hearts of those who knew his reputation.The Reaper was a figure of legend in the criminal underworld, a man whose face was as much a mystery as his origins. His team followed him without question, trusting in his expertise and the deadly precision with which he carried out his assignments.As they reach
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The Reaper 2
But he knew better than to dismiss it entirely. The timing was too perfect, the noise too loud. The Reaper’s instincts, honed by years of survival in a deadly business, told him that this was a setup—a distraction meant to draw them away from something more important.He motioned for one of his men to check the back door of the bakery while he and the other assassin continued to sweep the area. The Reaper wasn’t about to let his guard down, not when the stakes were this high.Inside the bakery, Jason watched from the shadows, his heart pounding so loudly he feared it might give him away. He had intentionally knocked over the trash can to create a distraction, but now he needed to move—and fast. He slipped through the back door and into the alley, staying low and keeping to the darkest shadows.The Reaper’s man reached the back door just as it was swinging shut. He signaled to his leader, and The Reaper’s eyes narrowed with a mixture of suspicion and certainty.“He’s close. Spread out
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Call of the Hit, Jared
The night was thick with tension, the air heavy with the scent of damp earth and betrayal. Jason Ravenelli moved swiftly through the darkness, his heart pounding in his chest, adrenaline coursing through his veins. He had just escaped his second death trap, narrowly avoiding the clutches of Reaper, the leader of the assassins Jared Marco had sent to kill him.The Marco estate loomed before him, an imposing mansion surrounded by dense woods, its silhouette stark against the moonlit sky. Jason knew this was it—the moment he had been avoiding but could no longer escape. It was time to confront Jared.As he approached the mansion, he was acutely aware of the dangers that lay ahead. Jared was no fool, and the fact that he had survived this long was a testament to his cunning. Jason had to be smarter, faster, and more ruthless if he was going to survive the night.The estate was eerily quiet, save for the occasional rustle of leaves in the wind. Jason slipped through the shadows, making his
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Let's on a Vacation
Jason stumbled through the door of their modest home, his body battered and bruised from narrowly escaping the second of what seemed like endless death traps. The adrenaline that had kept him going was ebbing away, leaving him exhausted and raw.He was relieved to be alive, but the weight of the trauma was heavy, pressing down on him and making every breath feel labored. Knowing that his brother-in-law was crazy enough to make him a target, was overwarming but not expected.In the dim, flickering light of their living room in Karen's quarters, Karen sat on the edge of the couch, her eyes reflecting a mixture of worry and a touch of weariness.For years, she had been distant, her emotions hidden behind a mask of stoicism. The challenges they faced seemed to have pushed a wedge between them, leaving them both feeling isolated.But as Jason entered, her gaze softened slightly. The sight of him, alive but clearly in pain, brought something to the surface.“Hope after this time you will st
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