All Chapters of JASON REVENLLI, THE OUTCAST HEIR : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
31 chapters
Ben's Party
Ben Ravenelli had always thrived in the limelight of power and stupidity. The Grand Ravenelli Estate, usually a testament to old-world grandeur with its marble pillars, crystal chandeliers, and lush gardens, had been transformed into a lively haven for the city’s elite.The night air buzzed with laughter, the clinking of glasses, and the smooth notes of a jazz band playing in the background. It was one of Ben's many extravagant parties, where guests dressed to impress and whispered secrets behind champagne flutes.The estate was alive with energy, its vast rooms filled with the city’s most influential figures—business magnates, politicians, celebrities, and social media influencers—all eager to be seen and to bask in the Ravenelli aura. A rear viewThe garden was strung with twinkling lights, casting a soft glow over couples as they danced or strolled along the manicured paths. Inside, the halls were equally vibrant, the sound of conversation and music blending into a lively symphony
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We going for a vacation
The Marco family’s drawing room was bathed in warm sunlight, highlighting the elegance of the space. Tall windows allowed the light to spill in, reflecting off the polished wood floors and casting long shadows across the antique furniture. The walls were adorned with tasteful artwork, and the air was thick with the scent of fresh flowers arranged in vases around the room.Jason Ravenelli sat with Karen Marco, their hands intertwined as they faced the rest of the family. The announcement of their vacation should have been a moment of joy, but the tension in the room was palpable.Jason, with his dark hair neatly combed and dressed in a crisp shirt, looked at Karen, who was glowing with excitement. Her auburn hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her green eyes sparkled as she spoke about their plans.“We’ve decided to take a little break after the near-death experience,” Karen began, her voice filled with anticipation. “A vacation, just the two of us. It’s something we’ve decided to do
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The Grand party
After their journey to mend the cracks in their marriage, Jason and Karen returned home, transformed. The trip had done more than just heal old wounds; it had brought them wealth and a renewed sense of purpose. However, Karen believed that the newfound prosperity was largely due to her efforts and connections, creating an undercurrent of tension between them.As the end of the year approached, Mrs. Marco decided to host an extravagant party at the family estate, inviting the crème de la crème of the state’s elite. It was a night of opulence, with lavish decorations, flowing champagne, and guests dressed in their finest attire. Karen, with her newfound confidence and wealth, was determined to make an impression, though she couldn’t shake the feeling that Jason’s presence overshadowed her.Among the many distinguished guests was Mrs. Rose Ravenelli, a figure of elegance and mystery who commanded attention wherever she went. Her arrival at the party sent a ripple of whispers through the
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The Heir Reveal
My son, Jason Ravenelli, is the rightful heir to the Ravenelli Empire.”The silence that followed was deafening. Every eye in the room was on Jason, who still hadn’t moved, and still hadn’t fully processed the enormity of what had just been revealed. He had always known he was different, that he didn’t quite belong in the Marco family, but this—this was beyond anything he had ever imagined.Karen, her initial shock giving way to a wave of happiness and pride, grabbed Jason’s hand. “Jason,” she whispered, her voice trembling, “you’re the heir. You’re the Ravenelli heir.”Mrs. Marco, who had been watching from a distance, felt a sense of relief wash over her. For years, she had carried the burden of knowing the truth, of keeping the secret that Jason was not truly her son, but the son of the Ravenelli family. She had grown to love him as her own, but the weight of the deception had taken its toll. Now, at last, the truth was out, and she could finally breathe.As Jason stood there, stil
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The Clash of Blood and Words
The night was growing late, and the revelers in the Marco estate’s grand ballroom were finally beginning to filter out, their excitement over the shocking revelation still buzzing in their conversations. Jason, however, had retreated to his private quarters, away from the eyes of the guests and the burden of his newfound status. The emotions of the evening weighed heavily on him—relief, confusion, and the simmering anger at how his life had been manipulated without his knowledge.As he sat on the edge of his bed, lost in thought, there was a sharp knock on the door. Before he could respond, the door swung open, and Jared Marco, his brother-in-law, strode in with the kind of arrogance that made Jason’s skin crawl. Jared was dressed impeccably in a dark suit, but the sneer on his face ruined whatever charm he might have otherwise possessed.“Jason,” Jared drawled, his tone thick with sarcasm, “or should I say, *Mr. Ravenelli*? Congratulations are in order, aren’t they? You’ve really out
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Go Home Ben!
A dancer had been entertaining him for a while, her laughter light and flirtatious as she tried to coax a smile out of him. But Ben's thoughts were far away, lost in the storm of emotions that churned within him. As the minutes ticked by, his patience wore thin, and the dancer's attempts at seduction began to grate on his nerves."Come on, Ben," she purred, leaning in close to whisper in his ear. "Why don't you let me take your mind off things?"But instead of responding to her advances, Ben's hand shot out, gripping her wrist tightly. His eyes were dark, filled with a volatile mix of anger and desperation. "Touch me," he demanded, his voice rough and slurred from the alcohol. "Make me forget."The dancer's eyes widened in fear as she tried to pull away, her playful demeanor vanishing in an instant. "I can't," she said, her voice trembling as she looked around for help. "Please, let go."But Ben's grip only tightened, his anger rising like a tidal wave. The events of the night—the rev
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.... caught up in my own bitterness.
As the night unfolded, Jason sat on the edge of the bed in their elegantly decorated bedroom, the weight of the evening’s revelations pressing down on him. The room was bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, casting flickering shadows on the walls, but the warmth in the air did little to ease the coldness he felt inside.Karen, with her golden hair pulled back into a neat ponytail, moved quietly around the room, her movements graceful and purposeful. She was dressed in a delicate, silky creamy lingerie set that clung to her curves, emphasizing her ethereal beauty. She had chosen it carefully, hoping that tonight, after everything that had happened, she could be the one to soothe Jason’s troubled soul.She approached him slowly, her bare feet barely making a sound on the plush carpet. Jason looked up as she neared, his eyes filled with a mixture of exhaustion and wariness. He had always been able to read Karen like an open book, and tonight, despite her soft demeanor, he couldn’t shak
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The Art Thief ...
"What's on your mind, Jason?"Karen turned to face him, her expression soft but concernedHe sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's just... everything's different now. Being the Ravenelli heir—it changes everything. I don’t even know where to start."Karen reached out, gently placing a hand on his arm. "You start by facing it head-on. You’ve always been strong, Jason. You can handle this."Jason looked at her, appreciating the calm resolve in her voice. "I haven’t been back to the estate since Grandfather cast me out. It feels like a lifetime ago.""Maybe it’s time to go back," Karen suggested. "You’re the heir now. That estate is yours, along with everything that comes with it."He hesitated, memories of the old man’s harsh words echoing in his mind. "What if they haven’t forgiven me?"Karen smiled gently. "You don’t need their forgiveness. You’ve earned your place. It’s time to claim it."Jason lay in bed, staring at the ceiling as the early morning light filtered through the
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The Ravenelli Estate Tour
The Ravenelli Estate stood grand and imposing, its vast gardens meticulously maintained, with towering trees casting long shadows over the manicured lawns. Jason Ravenelli walked beside his mother, Mrs. Rose Ravenelli, his wife Karen on his other side, as they took in the sight of the estate. It had been years since Jason had set foot on this land, ever since his grandfather had cast him out. The memories of that day lingered, but today, he felt something different—something almost akin to hope.Mrs. Rose pointed out various parts of the estate as they walked. "The east wing has been completely renovated," she said, her voice tinged with pride. "We added a new library, and the garden has been expanded. You remember how your grandfather loved his roses."Jason nodded, his eyes scanning the familiar yet changed surroundings. "It’s different, but it still feels like home."Karen smiled, squeezing Jason’s hand. "It’s beautiful, Mrs. Ravenelli. I can see why you’re so proud of it."Mrs. Ro
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... Right to Remain Silent
The atmosphere in the Ravenelli dining room was already tense, but the sudden intrusion of the LAPD turned unease into utter chaos.As the police officers filed into the ornate room, their uniforms starkly contrasting against the opulent decor, the family members froze in shock. The lead detective, a stern-looking woman with sharp features and piercing blue eyes stepped forward, holding up a badge."Good evening. I'm Detective Laura Martinez with the LAPD. We're here for Ben Ravenelli," she announced firmly, her gaze scanning the faces around the table.Ben, who had been nursing a glass of red wine and a wounded ego from the earlier confrontation, looked up incredulously. "What the hell is this about?" he demanded, pushing back his chair and rising to his feet.Detective Martinez's expression remained impassive. "Mr. Ravenelli, you're under arrest for the theft of the Monalisa portrait and conspiracy to commit fraud. Please turn around and place your hands behind your back."Gasps fil
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