All Chapters of The Ultimate Mogul Strikes Back!: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
25 chapters
Jeremiah followed Anthony into his office and being used to what he, as a guest, was supposed to do, he started walking to the guest chair by the desk. “Not that way sir,” Anthony said and Jeremiah halted, groaned then turned to him. He wondered what Anthony meant by that and more importantly, he wondered why the manager was standing in front of another door inside the office but then he saw the truth. “For special guests like yourself, we’ll be using this room,” Anthony said then he twisted the gold-plated knob of the door, revealing what could only be called a lounge for two and at most five people. The place was beautiful and welcoming to anyone who saw it. Surprised that there was such a luxurious room inside the already luxurious manager’s office, Jeremiah walked up to Anthony and both of them walked into the room. Anthony closed the door and Jeremiah took in the premium feeling the room gave. “This is the VIP lounge where our most important customers can sit down a
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“Yeah. I need a card with a higher limit as well. The one I have will not suffice and it’s also close to its expiration date” Jeremiah said and Anthony nodded. “I’ll get on that right away, sir. Just give me a moment” Anthony said then he stood up from the couch and went to the landline on the wall.He called one of the bank staff to come to the VIP lounge and ended the call before returning to sit with Jeremiah. A couple of minutes later, a female banker with blonde hair tied in a ponytail and pink-framed glasses walked into the VIP lounge with one of the company’s laptops in her hand. She walked up to Anthony and greeted him. “Mister Jeremiah, this is Mercy and she’ll be the one to make the upgrades to your bank account and credit card,” Anthony said. “Good morning, sir” Mercy greeted Jeremiah and the multimillionaire greeted her back. “Can you please provide your banking information like your name and account number so I can make the upgrades you want?” Mercy asked as she ope
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“Frozen as how?!” Paul yelled.“I understand your frustration, sir, but I suggest you calm down because you are making a noise and disturbing the other customers,” said the banker who Paul yelled at.Paul looked at the other customers and saw the embarrassed and annoyed expressions they had towards him.“What the hell is wrong with that guy? Can’t he address his issues more calmly?”“Does he think he’s in his living room or something?”“And here I was thinking that he was a cool guy, but he’s just a hothead with a loud mouth and what is this about his account being frozen?”The other customers started gossiping about Paul, which infuriated him more and made Mary feel embarrassed standing next to him.Paul turned away from all of them and focused on the banker who he had decided to pour all of his anger on.“Who gives two shits about these other idiots?! I’m a fucking multimillionaire, which means that I’m the most important person in this goddamn bank, so you better treat me like it!”
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“Jeremiah?” Mary said as both she and Paul looked at him. “Look who it is. The disgusting husband had come to save his whore of a wife. Tell me fool, how on earth did you manage to get in here?” Paul laughed, while Jeremiah looked pissed. Though Mary was a disgusting human being for what she did to him, he still couldn’t stand there and watch Paul do what he was doing to her. He had to step in and put a stop to it. “I think you’ve done enough for today, so let go of her,” Jeremiah said, and Paul frowned. “And who’s going to make me? You?” Paul scoffed “What a joke. Did you forget what happened last night? You’re no match for me.”Jeremiah shrugged.“That might be true, but nobody said anything about me being the one who stops you because there are people paid to do just that,” Jeremiah said, and Anthony arrived with multiple tall and muscular security guards.“I think you’ve overstated your welcome, sir, and it’s time to leave,” Anthony said to Paul. Paul looked at all the secur
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Jeremiah got out of the taxi, paid the fare and as he watched the driver drive away, he thought 'Maybe I should buy my own car. I mean, I have the money now. All I need is a good enough place to stay with a garage and—' He turned around to face his apartment building and, to his surprise, he saw his front door wide open. This time he was certain that he locked the door before he left, so that could only mean that someone opened it when he wasn’t around. Jeremiah hurried over and checked the lock to see if it was broken, but it was perfectly fine, which meant that whoever opened it had the keys and there was only one person he could think of. The landlord. Jeremiah went into the living room to see if the landlord was still in there, but to his surprise, everything was gone. The couch, table, curtains, television, and even everything in the dining area had disappeared. Jeremiah's eyes widened, then he remembered something and rushed to his bedroom. "No, no, no, no!" With his han
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Henry pushed Jeremiah away, then he rushed to the floor and tried to help his father. "Dad, are you alright?""No, my waist hurts! I think that bastard has turned me into a cripple" the landlord said and Henry’s eyes widened.He glared at Jeremiah.“You crippled my father you asshole!” Henry yelled and Jeremiah grimaced in annoyance."No, I didn't. How could I have crippled him when his legs are still moving—?" Jeremiah replied, but the landlord cut him off."Shut your trap boy! I said you've turned me into a cripple, and you're going to pay for it!" The landlord yelled.Just then, one of Jeremiah's neighbors rushes to the scene."What's going on here?" The neighbor asked. The landlord saw the neighbor and he smirked mischievously."Oh Denison, my favorite tenant. It's a good thing you're here." The landlord said, and Denison rushed inside. "Landlord, what's going on? Why are you on the floor like this?" Denison asked.The landlord pointed at Jeremiah and said "This bastard beat me
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The military lady refused to answer any of the questions Jeremiah’s neighbors asked her. Meanwhile, Jeremiah, who was also curious to know the identity of the lady who had just saved his life, asked the same question. “Who are you?” Jeremiah said, but also got no replies. However, unlike his neighbors, her response didn’t look like she was ignoring his question. It was more like she couldn’t answer him at the current moment and would do so when things had settled. Jeremiah groaned and then looked at Henry who was on the floor unconscious, then he looked at the military lady again and was lost for words. Henry was not only more muscular than the average man, but he was also six feet two inches tall. On the other hand, the lady who defeated him in an instant was about five feet ten inches tall. The power to kick someone like him and send him flying for many feet blew Jeremiah’s mind, and he wondered just how much power the woman’s slightly above-average height frame could hold.
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Not wanting to be the one who got thrown out, the remaining thirteen neighbors attacked the military lady, and one by one, she took them down, leaving the floor a bloody mess littered with injured and unconscious men when she was done.Jeremiah was amazed by what he saw. Meanwhile, the landlord who no longer had anyone to fight for him, was terrified by what he witnessed.“What the hell happened?” Denison asked as he was barely hanging on to consciousness. His arm and leg had been broken, but he hadn’t felt the pain yet because of adrenaline.“So you’re still awake. I guess I didn’t hit you hard enough” the military lady said, then she started walking towards him.“No, no! Stay away!” Denison cried as he tried to crawl away but couldn’t with his one good arm and leg. He was only able to get a couple of centimeters away from her before she got to where he was, stumped his back and broke his spine. Then she went down and turned him on his broken back.“What did you do to me? My legs.
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“My father?” Jeremiah asked.“That’s right, young master.” Silver replied, and Jeremiah smiled.“So that’s what his name is. Reginald Garrick— wait a minute. Why does that name sound so familiar?“ Jeremiah grimaced.It wasn’t like the name was special or uncommon as there were most likely over a million people bearing Reginald Garrick as their name. However, something about it seemed oddly reminiscent.Just then, Jeremiah remembered a moment when he was little.A week before the accident that killed his “father” and put his mother into a coma, child Jeremiah noticed that his parents were beginning to act strange and paranoid like they were afraid of something.At first, he thought nothing of it, as he was just a child who shouldn’t meddle in adult business, but then it became overly apparent.A day before the accident, he walked past his parents' room which they had forgotten to close the door properly, and by accident, he overheard a conversation they were having.During the conversa
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“Young Master, what’s wrong? You stopped walking” Silver said, after noticing Jeremiah’s daze.Jeremiah shook his head.“It’s nothing. Let’s continue.” Jeremiah came back to his senses and began to walk again. As they walked closer, Jeremiah assessed every person standing by the cars, wondering who among them was the boss Silver was talking about, but none of them seemed like they were that boss.“So where is this boss you mentioned—?” Jeremiah asked, but was interrupted when, suddenly, the bodyguard standing by the car in the middle of the convoy, opened the back door.The first thing Jeremiah saw come out of the car was a pair of Tom Ford black leather shoes priced at sixty-five thousand dollars, both so well polished and sparkling that they could eclipse the sun.Already impressed, Jeremiah looked up and saw who wore the luxurious shoes. The person who the bodyguard had opened the door for.It was an elderly-looking gentleman with a full head of white hair and a dignified look abo
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