All Chapters of THE UNDERESTIMATED HEIR : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
36 chapters
Daniel Richmond stood in the middle of his innovation lab, surrounded by glowing screens and holographic projections. His lab was filled with advanced tech gadgets, with each one more impressive than the next. But Daniel wasn’t paying attention to any of them. He was focused on a single, floating hologram in front of him—an image of a Fusion Reactor Core.The reactor core was an advanced energy device that could potentially provide unlimited power by fusing atomic nuclei together. To anyone else, it looked like a complicated web of glowing lines and nodes, but to Daniel, it was like reading an open book. His eyes were sharp and attentive, analyzing every detail.Daniel's hand hovered over his forehead, where his Synapticore Mark was. As he touched it, the mark began to glow a bright blue, illuminating the room with its soft light. He took a deep breath, feeling the power surge through him. The mark pulsed with energy, connecting his thoughts to the complex mechanisms of the fusion
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"The main issue is that your half brother, Marvin is responsible for cut off in supply.""What?" Daniel was shocked, he couldn't believe his ears."What do you mean mom?""What I mean is that, Marvin was of some good benefit to this company.""Huh?""Despite the absence of the Synapticore force within him, Marvin had good connections with this suppliers, and it was due to his influence that this company was having non stop supply of iron, aluminum, cobalt, uranium and mercury."Daniel's breath began to come in ragged gasps. He couldn't believe his ears. That useless and good for nothing step brother of his that had no special skill had this much level of influence?"We must inform dad about this, we must let him know that Marvin is responsible for the cut off supply. Dad would teach him a bitter lesson." Daniel boasted. "Who is he to halt the supply of iron and aluminum to our company and halt our prized and most coveted project the quantum computing algorithm." "No Daniel, that w
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About a week later, Marvin found himself wandering through the busy streets of Westwood. He was dressed simply in a plain T-shirt, jeans, and a pair of good sneakers. His eyes were clear and he looked to be in good shape after his recent breakthrough, however his steps were firm as he walked into a liquor store.The store had an opulent silver sign that read "Tony’s Liquor" in bold letters. Inside, the lights were dim, and the scent of gooseberries and alcohol filled the air. Marvin walked up to the counter where a middle-aged waiter stood, cleaning a glass.“What’ll it be?” the waiter asked, looking Marvin over with a quick glance.“Just a bottle of Smirnoff Ice,” Marvin replied with a voice that was calm but carrying a hint of exhaustion.As the waiter turned to grab the drink from a small fridge behind the counter, Marvin pulled out his phone. He opened up his gallery and began scrolling through pictures of his stunning mansion on Fairway Street. The mansion was vast, with slee
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"When it happens, do not say I didn't warn you."Franco Calvin chuckled as he heard Marvin’s warning. He took a step back, looked at his camera, and rolled his eyes dramatically. “Did you guys hear that?” he mocked. “Marvin here thinks he can #put me in my place! Isn’t that cute?”He turned back to Marvin, as his expression suddenly shifted into one of feigned pity. “Oh, Marvin, Marvin, Marvin… Let me make something very clear to you, my man. You’re nothing. You’re like one of those sad, lonely guys who think they’re tough because they got a great past where they had lots of influence and power. But deep down, you’re just scared and weak.”The crowd around them snickered, and Franco’s friends kept recording, enjoying every moment. “You really think anyone cares about you now?” Franco continued, with his tone becoming even more venomous. “Look around, pal. You’re in a dump, hanging out with losers, drinking cheap booze like some washed-up nobody. You are just a fluke. And you are not
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Marvin kept his gaze locked on Franco, a cold smile spread across his face as he lifted his phone. “You know, Franco, I think it’s time your followers see the truth for themselves.” He said. With a few quick taps, he followed Franco’s social media page, which was filled with his flashy posts, boasting about his “awesome” life and taunting others with his confidence.Within moments, Marvin began uploading a series of files. The first was an audio recording—It was Franco’s own voice, clear as day, commanding another young man to act against his will. The crowd around them grew quiet, and the live stream viewers leaned in closer, their eyes were widening with every word they heard.Then, Marvin posted a series of images—screenshots of private conversations, x rated pictures and BDSM torture pictures towards young men under his spell. Each one painted a picture of a dark side to Franco that none of his fans had ever imagined.But the real shock came when Marvin uploaded the final piece
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Some followers were furious. "I wasted years of my life following this guy, believing all his lies! We all deserve an apology!"Others felt betrayed on a deeper level. "I thought Franco cared about his fans, but he was just using us to hide his twisted side. How many more people like him are out there pretending to be heroes?"The comments section was also filled with calls for justice. "He has to pay for this," one person demanded. "This isn't just some mistake or bad decision. This is a crime. A serious crime."A new hashtag started trending quickly on the net: "#ProsecuteFrancoNow". People were using it to demand that Franco face greater consequences for everything he had done. The hashtag was shared thousands of times, and soon it was everywhere—on every platform, and in every conversation in Westwood.Franco’s face on the live stream was pale, his eyes were wide with fear as he realized the gravity of what was happening. His carefully crafted persona was crumbling right before
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"Hey, you guessed right." She noticed his hesitation. "Come on Marvin, hop on, let me gift you a lift." She said.Marvin hesitated for a moment as he looked at Stella and then back at the sleek car. His instincts told him to be careful. He didn’t know her well, and this whole thing seemed a bit too convenient. But with the evening shadows stretching across the pavement and the cool breeze brushing against his face, he slowly decided to take the chance. He nodded, still cautious, and opened the door to the passenger seat.As he slid in, Marvin couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. He glanced around the interior, taking in the scent of leather mixed with a faint hint of some expensive perfume. The car was spotless, with sleek black seats and high-tech gadgets lining the dashboard. Stella seemed to be watching him closely, and a subtle smile was still on her lips.“So, where do you stay?” Stella asked, her voice was smooth and unhurried.Marvin kept his answer brief. “Ju
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Stella swallowed hard, and she could feel her heart racing. “Um, sorry, I just thought we could grab some food at a restaurant along this path.” She said nervously, as her voice was almost a whisper.Marvin didn’t seem to appreciate the suggestion. “Did I tell you that I was hungry?” he grunted, and his tone was filled with irritation.“Come on, Marvin.” She pressed on, trying to sound lighthearted. “It would be nice if we just grabbed a bite. You look hungry.”Marvin’s patience was wearing thin. He turned to her, and his eyes were now flashing with anger. “Pull over!” He demanded. “I’ll find my way. You’re acting weird, and I’m not having it.”Stella felt a wave of hurt wash over her. She had been trying to be nice, to find a way to connect with him, but he had no regard for her kindness. She gripped the steering wheel tightly, and her mind was racing with what to do next. She had two choices: either pull over and let him go or continue driving and insist they get food.Taking a de
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A few days later, Stella sat nervously in the reception area of Orion Dynamics, checking her watch every few minutes. She glanced at the clock on the wall—Marvin was late. Her fingers tapped on her phone screen, and she quickly dialed his number. The phone rang, but Marvin didn’t pick up. She sighed, as her hands started sweating. This was a huge day for her, and the conglomerate groups from Navauria were already inside the building. Stella wiped her palms on her skirt and tried to take a deep breath. The waiting room felt too hot, and her heart was pounding in her chest.Finally, the glass doors slid open, and Marvin walked in. He was casually dressed in a plain white t-shirt, a clean pair of jeans, and some black Vans shoes. His dark hair was slightly tousled, and his face carried that calm, confident expression she’d always admired.Stella’s heart nearly skipped a beat. She felt lightheaded for a moment as she watched him stride toward her, each step confident and sure. For
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Stella clenched her jaw, struggling to keep her frustration in check. She turned sharply on her heel, motioning for Marvin to follow her. Her hands were trembling slightly as she pushed open the large, frosted glass doors that led to the boardroom. Marvin strolled behind her, seemingly unconcerned.As Stella and Marvin entered the boardroom, there was a brief, nervous exchange between them. Stella glanced at Marvin and whispered, "You’ve got everything, right?" Marvin nodded calmly. "Of course, don’t worry." Stella, who was trying to keep her cool, felt a slight twinge of doubt. I hope nothing goes wrong, she thought, swallowing the lump in her throat as they approached the table of the Navaurian CEOs.The CEOs of the most powerful conglomerates in Navauria sat around a long, polished wooden table. The CEO of Teocipar Consortium, a stern-looking woman in a sleek gray suit, was tapping away on her tablet. The representatives from Tonanzilovic Holdings and Ixchelović Group were bu
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