All Chapters of THE UNDERESTIMATED HEIR : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
36 chapters
Marvin and his mother had relocated to Mr Fredrick's family home after they were sent parking from the Richmond estate.At the moment, he and his mom had nothing but a few thousand dollars in the bank, however Mrs Richmond's hopes were on the final court order to make sure that Mr Richmond had paid the hundred thousand dollars pre nuptial agreement.Now that all that was not forthcoming, both Marvin and his mother were totally dependant on Mr Fredrick and his wife who was a nurse. To keep himself busy, Marvin worked at Mr Fredrick's restaurant as a dishwasher. He had been working in the restaurant for two weeks now, but today was going to be very different.Marvin was done washing the first set of plates that morning and stepped out to get breakfast of toasted bread and some cheeseburger when he bumped into Braun Velcan. "Hey, who do we have here?" Said a surprised Braun Velcan."Good day old friend, longtime no see, how are you?" Marvin greeted with a smile, stretching his hand ou
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After a journey of about fifteen minutes, Marvin arrived the corporate walls off Diamond Bank. At once, he alighted from the cab he boarded. Due to the impromptu call from the general manager of Diamond Bank, Marvin did not bother to change his drenched clothes. He didn't even bother to check himself as he was still clothed with his apron.After paying the taxi fare, Marvin immediately rushed into the bank. While he was at the protocol room, people looked at him with condescension and surprise.As Marvin stood in the protocol room, he could feel all eyes on him. His drenched clothes and apron made him to stand out among the neatly dressed customers waiting in the line.Within a few seconds, whispers and soft chuckles began to fill the room.A middle aged woman with a sharp nose and bright red lipstick leaned over to her friend and whispered loudly enough for Marvin to hear. "Is he the new janitor or something?"Her friend, a man with a thick mustache and a briefcase clutched tightl
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Mr Benney the general manager walked straight to where Marvin was standing and shaked him. He was shocked at Marvin's appearance, but at the moment, what clouded his mind was the deal he wanted to get over the line with the person that intended to purchase the massive shares that Marvin owned."Hello Mr Marvin, you are here, we have been waiting for you." There was some level of concern in Mr Benney's voice. "Like I told you earlier on Mr Benney, one of your bankers here disregarded me, just because I had appeared in this manner." Marvin's tone was sharp, as there was a level of anger in his voice."Which of the bankers here disregarded you Mr Marvin?""This woman right here." Marvin pointed at the banker who had been awestruck ever since the Mr Benney spoke to Marvin with respect."This one?""Yes Mr Benney.""SLAP!"Mr Benney's backhand landed on the disdainful banker's cheek, causing it to redden at once."Are you crazy?" He snapped. "Like seriously, you had the guts to mock Mr
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Braun was shocked and confused at the same time. He tried to think of the reason why a loser like Marvin would be in an executive office at this point in time, with this manner of clothing. "What are you doing at this place?" Braun asked. "For goodness sake, you are supposed to be washing dishes, and cleaning up dirt, not in the office of the general manager of Diamond Bank." Marvin didn't respond to Braun's questions, he just walked to the seat beside Braun, sat down and made himself comfortable. "Mr Benney, I came here for serious business and you decided to entertain a dirty looking pig of a fellow who came for a job interview alongside an influential and powerful personality such as myself at the same time? My God, that is an insult of the highest magnitude." Braun looked infuriated and also visibly disgusted at what had panned out. "You have coffee in here?" Marvin asked. "Oh yes, there is coffee." "Alright, let me have some of it." Marvin requested. Without any hes
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"This cannot be right; it makes no sense at all." Braun Velcan finally muttered."What doesn't make sense?" Mr. Benney asked."This…him…how did he…I mean he is a loser…a nobody." Braun struggled to say."Just take a look at how he appeared, in soaked clothes, with a stained apron." Braun regarded Marvin with contempt."Mr Velcan, I would advise that you stop your disdainful tone towards Mr Marvin, because it would not take us anywhere and, it is bad for business." "No, leave him him alone." Said Marvin. "Let him keep up his trash talk, he would still be the same person that is going to ask me how much I am willing to sell my shares." Marvin let out a soft chuckle.Braun Velcan's face flushed with anger. He couldn't stand Marvin's arrogance.With a clenched jaw, he glanced down at the tattoo on his left arm—a dark, swirling mark that glimmered with a faint blue light.Slowly, he raised his arm, and the tattoo began to glow brighter, twisting like a live snake around his skin.Time see
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Marvin shrugged, still smiling. "It's a fair price befitting your aura of arrogance and unecessary pride. And also for the fact that I own shares in a prestigious bank like Diamond Bank.""What do you mean by saying that twenty billion dollars for seventy five percent shares of Diamond Bank is a fair price befitting my aura of arrogance and pride?" Braun furrowed his brow as he spoke."You see Braun Velcan, even with my tragic fall from grace and for the fact that I had nothing, I was willing to sell my shares for five billion dollars, but after your arrogant behavior, derogatory remarks and of course after drenching my clothes with red wine, I say twenty billion dollars, and I am sorry my friend, no room for negotiations." Marvin said flatly."No way!" Braun was straight out shocked and angry. "This…this is extortion, this madman is trying to steal from me, there is no way I am having this." Whether you like it or not, you would buy this shares from me Braun Velcan, but let’s not fo
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Mr Benney put up a look of indifference towards Marvin, but that didn't stop him from "Well, if that’s what you want, Mr. Marvin, I will do just that." He said, with a voice that was calm but his eyes held a hint of doubt. He glanced at Braun Velcan, who stood there smirking, clearly enjoying the turn of events. Without saying another word, Mr. Benney tapped away at his laptop, with his fingers flying over the keys as he prepared to advertise the sale of seventy-five percent of Diamond Bank's shares online.Braun chuckled loudly, with a voice that was dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, please, go ahead! Advertise it to the world!" he mocked. "Who in their right mind would pay twenty billion dollars for seventy-five percent shares of Diamond Bank? Not even a goat would consider that price, let alone a sensible businessman."Marvin’s smile remained, but his eyes narrowed slightly. He had anticipated Braun's arrogance, and he wasn’t about to let it slide. "You want to bet?" he snapped back,
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There was great tension in the room as the seconds continued to tick by. Marvin remained calm, his face was expressionless, while Braun Velcan's confidence began to waver. He was still pacing around the office, but there was a hint of nervousness in his step now, a slight twitch in his movements. Twenty-seven minutes had passed, and the silence was so thick it felt like the air itself had stopped moving. Mr. Benney kept glancing between the two men, his heart was pounding. He knew something was about to happen—he could feel it.But more than that, he desired that at the end of the day, Diamond Bank must have found a buyer for Marvin's shares.At twenty-eight minutes, Braun started laughing again, louder this time, like he was trying to convince himself more than anyone else. "You see, Marvin? This is what happens when you think you're smarter than everyone else. Nobody wants those shares!" He jeered.Marvin didn’t reply. He simply kept his gaze steady on the screen, unbothered by B
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Evander Velcan was in his grand office alongside his uncle, his sister, a few of his executives and three enforcers when he saw the breaking news on the TV. His face twisted with rage and disbelief as the reporter announced that Tariq Khyber had just purchased seventy-five percent of Diamond Bank's shares. The words echoed in his head, filling him with a cold, burning fury. "NO! This can't be happening!" Evander shouted, with a voice that echoed through the room. His eyes were wide with horror, and his face turned red as his anger built up. "How did this happen? How did Tariq Khyber manage to buy those shares after I had defeated him in court?"He slammed his fist on his large oak desk, making everything on it jump. His breathing was heavy and fast, like a raging bull. Everyone in the room stayed silent, they were scared to even move.Evander's eyes locked onto Braun Velcan, who was standing at the side of the room, trembling. Braun’s face was pale, and sweat dripped down his for
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Evander's face tightened as he listened to his uncle's speech, with eyes that were still blazing with anger. His uncle continued. "By owning seventy-five percent of Diamond Bank, Tariq Khyber now controls the flow of information in the market. He has access to insider data, which means he can predict our trading patterns. He can see our moves before we make them. This isn't just a loss, Braun; it's a disaster waiting to happen."He took a deep breath, then added, "They can now manipulate stock prices and undercut us at every turn. They can flood the market with false signals, disrupt our trades, and even bankrupt us if we're not careful. Our competitors will see this as a sign of weakness. They might begin to turn on us, too. If we don’t find a way to counter this, the Velcan name will be worthless in the financial world."Evander's jaw clenched tighter with every word. The realization that their entire trading empire was now at risk because of Braun's failure made his blood boil. Hi
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