All Chapters of THE LOST HEIR : Chapter 11 - Chapter 16
16 chapters
Chapter 11
Adrian laid on his bed for a while waiting for Sarah to leave. He thought of forgetting about her and continue planning his goal but the past kept on going through his head so he had to do something. He started to feel sleepy, he eyes became heavy and it was about to close but then he heard someone open the front door of the apartment. He immediately opened his eyes, stood up from his bed and went to his door. He open his door a little to see who it was, he saw Sarah leaving the apartment. When Sarah closed the door and left, he immediately got his head cap and came out of his room. He saw Dan sleeping on one of the couch and there was no sign of Caroline in the living room and he was glad. He did not want Caroline to see him leaving the apartment to avoid questions from her. He left the apartment without making too much noise, Sarah had already gone a distance so he had to increase his pace. He ran to the stairs and waited for her to leave the apartment building. Whe
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Chapter 12
"Who are you? What do you want from me? Do you know who I am?" The man asked. Adrian went closer to him, "Well I know you are a bully, an entitled one." "What do you mean by that? Let me go!" "Well I cannot do that yet, at least the outcome of this will tell if I let you go or not." Adrian walked backwards away from the man. "Of course I know who you are, I have done research on you while you were unconscious. And this also helped a lot." Adrian brought out a phone from his pocket, it was the man phone. The man looked at Adrian and realized that it was his phone, "What are you doing with my phone? What do you want?" "Benedict Newman, normally known as ben. Parent are multi billionaires who made their money on real estate. You went to different school growing up, the best schools actually but you have always been kind of a problem child that is why you went from one school to another, you always cause trouble. Now you don't really have any reasonable job, just livin
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Chapter 13
Ben started to feel dizzy, everything started to become distorted, he was slowly getting high. "Please don't leave me like this." Adrian went towards Ben and dropped his phone close to his legs, "Here is your phone. I will be going now, have a nice night. I have the pictures and more prove on my phone so don't try anything funny, you don't know me and I can come at you anytime, anywhere." Adrian walked away from the man, went out of the warehouse and removed the mask he was wearing. He felt good with what he just did, he felt alive and he loved it. He went back to the club to check up on Sarah. He entered the club and walked slowly to where he saw Sarah the last time with Ben. He reached and saw Sarah passed out there with the rest of the girls. Luckily the club was less filled now. He walked away and went out of the club. He was glad that what he did worked out because it was not something he has been planning. He just started planning when he saw what Ben was doing t
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Chapter 14
Adrian went out of the apartment building and started to walk to his destination. He knew that he was already late so he walked quickly to meet up. He did not mind going to work late, he was already on the manager's good side. He just have to tell the manager that he was sick and that will be all. Adrian stopped in one of the parks in the city and started to look around, it was as if he was looking for someone. Then he saw Ciera, she was on her workout outfit jogging around the park. He brought his cap down a bit to cover his face more and went closer to her. With the help of her social media account, Adrian was able to tell that Ciera goes on a jog and pass through this park. Ciera jogged around the park a couple times then left the park and Adrian followed her behind at a distance. Ceria stopped when she saw a woman carrying a baby in a stroller. She played with the baby a little and Adrian watched her. While digging for information on her, Adrain did not find m
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Chapter 15
Adrian was upstairs in the hotel section. He had no business doing the actual work, all he wanted was getting into Ciera's room. Ciera had her own private room which was separate from the other rooms in thr hotel so it was not hard to find. He knew that Ciera had already called for a room service so he had to intercept the person bringing it to her. He waited close to her room for a while, then he saw one of the hotel workers coming with the things Ceira ordered, so he went to the worker. "Sorry, you are taking that to the owner's room right?" Adrian asked the worker. "Yeah, I'm here for her room service." The worker replied. "Why don't I take this off you, you can get some rest." Adrian said. "But why would I do that?" "Well the manager sent me to do the work, you know how he is, he wants everything to be perfect. Plus he gave me a message to deliver to the owner." Adrian said. "Oh, aright then, I don't want any issue with the manager. He has been ex
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Chapter 16
Adrian got to the apartment building and went to his apartment. He walked into the apartment and saw Sarah who was about leaving. "Oh, hey Sarah." He said to her. Seeing her now made him remember what he did to Benedict yesterday. "Hello Adrian." Sarah replied. "Caroline must have told you that I had to stay past my shift today, that is why I am coming back this late." "Yeah she told me." Adrian wondered if she had gotten the money he told Benedict to transfer to her. But seeing that there is no news about him means that he has left Sarah, which is still okay. "Alright then, I will need to go to bed now, I am feeling really tired." Adrian said. "Yeah and I will need to leave the apartment but you are in front of the door." "Oh yeah sorry about that." Adrian moved away from the door." "And if you don't want to stay at work this late you should come to work on time." Sarah said. Sarah left the apartment after she said that and Adrian went to his room.
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