All Chapters of Cheated No More: The All-in-One System: Chapter 51 - Chapter 58
58 chapters
51: Opening Bid of 100 Billion
Violet was fuming inside but managed to keep her composure. Tian leaned over to her and whispered, “We’re representing The Brown Family today, so we’ll make a donation of 50 million. You can make the announcement.”Violet looked at Tian, smiled, and said, “Thanks, brother.”Sitting nearby, Willy Morgan overheard their conversation clearly. He started calculating how much he should donate to avoid looking stingy. After all, that "higher-up" was well aware of his profits from shorting the J-market. He didn’t want to come across as miserly, but at the same time, donating too much would draw unwanted attention.The auctioneer started the donation call, and it kicked off in earnest.“Alright, ladies and gentlemen, the donation bidding starts now. The initial bid is one U.S. dollar!”"One dollar? What can that do? My company, Tianhong Electronics, is pledging 4 million!”"Changyuan Tech pledges 5 million!”"Ludu Garden pledges 8 million!”"Beichuan Travel pledges 10 million!”"Meijin Invest
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52: Do You Like Him?
 Anthony Lee shouted, "Organizers, verify his checks immediately! If the funds aren't there, he's a fraud, issuing fake checks!" Willy retorted sarcastically, "Why don't you put up your own 1.1 billion while you're at it? By the time your sister opened her mouth, your Lee Family's reputation was already gone." Violet, still stunned by what had just happened, couldn't believe that Willy had donated 100 billion dollars on her behalf. That was an unimaginable amount. She quickly did the math: with her monthly allowance of 200,000 dollars, it would take her over 4166 years to save up that kind of money! How could she ever repay this?“Willy is... really something, isn't he?” Tian said in awe.Violet snapped back to reality when Tian called her name. “Yeah, brother, I said hello to him earlier, didn’t you hear?”“No, I didn’t notice until he made that donation! He donated 100 billion in
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53: That Boy Is Actually Willy!
 At The Brown Family estate:“Mom, Dad, we’re back!” Tian called out, handing his coat to the maid as he and Violet walked into the living room.“Hm, did you win anything at the auction today?” Owen asked casually.“Dad, some major things happened today, and we need to have a serious talk.” Tian sat Violet down on the couch across from their father. Violet was still in a daze—unsure if she was simply overwhelmed with happiness or still trying to process everything that had happened. Paisley noticed her daughter's absent-minded expression and gently tapped her shoulder. “Violet, are you okay?”“She’s still floating in her bubble of happiness!” Tian teased, sipping his tea. “Not as good as the tea at Hunzhi, though.”“Well, of course not! Hunzhi serves premium Da Hong Pao tea that costs millions per ounce. This is just ordinary tea! There&rsqu
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54: The Miracle Restoration Ointment
“Old man, what’s going on with you?” Paisley could tell Owen was upset.“What do you mean? I just don’t want Violet associating with someone who’s not serious about her! People like that are only interested in getting close to Violet because they’re after our family’s wealth!”“Owen!!!!” Paisley suddenly shouted, startling Tian, Owen, and even the maids in the room.The maids thought to themselves, *Uh-oh, the mistress is about to explode!*“Dear... you...”“What do you mean ‘you’? Don’t think I don’t see through your little scheme. What’s this nonsense about him wanting our family’s wealth? The Brown Family’s wealth might not even compare to that boy’s fortune! If you’re so rich, why didn’t you donate 100 billion for your daughter? Why didn’t you represent our family’s businesses and donate 900 billion? Now that our daughter has grown up and found a boy she likes, I fully support her pursuing her happiness. We’ve always believed in social standing being important for marriage, and fr
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55: The Invitation
A bracelet-like object appeared on Willy's wrist, slightly lighter than gold with a purple ornament. Willy pressed the ornament, which popped open to reveal a small red, square-shaped medicinal substance. This was the fabled Restoration Ointment. He removed one piece and then pressed the purple ornament back, retrieving another piece.Willy remembered that this substance needed to be diluted with water and could also be mixed with other medicinal ingredients. It seemed like he would need to learn more about herbs. If he could combine the ointment with some health remedies and sell it to the market and hospitals, he’d be raking in gold.As Willy was lost in his thoughts, dreaming of success, his phone rang. Seeing who was calling, he couldn’t help but smile.“Hello, Violet! What a pleasant surprise to hear from you so early!”“Hehe, of course, I wanted to say thank you! By the way, my mom wants to invite you over for dinner today. Are you free?”“I’m free! What time...?”“Come by at 4
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56: Forgetting Our Unpleasantness
Standing at the entrance of The Brown Family estate, Willy suddenly felt nervous.“Come on, let’s go. What’s wrong?” Violet asked as she noticed Willy hesitating.“Nothing, just… let’s go inside. We should let the staff take the gifts in first,” Willy said, trying to compose himself. He picked up the tea, the two watches, and the Hermès Tanaka Ginza bag—these were the gifts specifically for Violet’s family, and he wanted to make a good impression.As they entered the mansion, Willy couldn’t help but admire the estate. The Brown Family home was a three-story villa, covering more than 1,200 square meters. In the backyard was a clean swimming pool, and the rooftop terrace was lush with greenery. The surrounding area was designed to feel like a tropical rainforest, giving the place a warm and inviting atmosphere.“Mom, Dad! I brought Willy!” Violet called out as they walked through the door.“Oh, you’re back! Willy, come in, have a seat!” Tian came down from upstairs, approaching Willy wi
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57: The Chopin Family from Washington
Willy had a clear plan for how many chips his company would release to the market. He was cautious not to let his chips become too widespread, understanding that even if he had patented technology, the more abundant a product became, the less valuable its individual unit would be. This was basic business logic, no matter how innovative the technology was.Although Willy had strong feelings for Violet—feelings that went beyond mere friendship—he remained level-headed. Business was business, and it needed to be treated with professionalism."That's great! Thank you, Willy! Even 40,000 chips per month is a huge help. As long as we get some, we're happy," Tian said excitedly."Brother, Willy rarely gets a chance to visit. Let’s not talk about work all the time! Willy, what do you like to do in your free time?" Violet asked, hoping to learn more about him."Me? Does making money count? Hahaha.""Come on, I’m being serious!"<
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58: Mom Just Wants You to Be Happy
"How did you know?" Tian exclaimed."I can tell just by looking at your expression!" Willy teased. "But don’t worry, I’ll be cautious.""Willy, let me ask you a serious question. Do you like my sister?" Tian asked bluntly."Yes, I do," Willy replied honestly, without hesitation. He looked Tian straight in the eyes, not flinching. Tian nodded slightly, seemingly satisfied with Willy's directness."Alright then, just remember this. If you ever hurt my sister, I swear I’ll go broke making your life miserable," Tian warned.Willy smiled wryly. *Big brother, I haven’t even officially started dating her, and you’re already giving me a hard time? Isn’t that a bit premature?* he thought.As Willy left, Tian’s mind drifted to memories of his sister following Roman Chopin around like a little puppy when they were younger.On the way home, Willy was lost in thought, recalling Tian's warning about Roman.<
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