All Chapters of Cheated No More: The All-in-One System: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
56 chapters
41: An Unrivaled Musical Gift and the Elimination of Accidents
On the fourth day after the company officially began operations, Willy Morgan's workers finished packaging 100,000 chips. What started as a small box of chips had, under the skillful hands of his employees, transformed into numerous boxes of high-end chip packages. After carefully calculating the price, Willy decided to set the price at $2,999 per chip. His chips were universal, suitable for high-end electronic devices and instruments. While some high-tech chips were priced at tens of thousands, Willy didn’t want to price them differently based on usage, so he settled on a single price point.On the same day, Dylan arrived in New York with Paisley. Upon learning of Willy’s plans, Paisley decided to stay at Willy’s mansion. She knew that part of Willy’s motivation to push his company forward was her, and although it wasn’t a large part, it still moved her deeply.With 100,000 chip products completed, Willy decided not to rush to contact either *him* or Sebastian Robinson. Instead, he p
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42: Violet Brown
Violet Brown felt a bit exasperated, watching Willy Morgan flip through the book so quickly. She couldn’t help but comment, “How can you read like that, flipping the pages so fast? Do you think you’re some kind of prodigy? Can you even understand it?”Hearing Violet’s words, Willy looked up again at the girl in front of him. She was refreshingly elegant, with fair skin, a cute, playful appearance, and expressive eyes that seemed to speak volumes. Her face had dimples on both cheeks, giving her a friendly and approachable aura. Her shoulder-length hair cascaded naturally, slightly wavy, and her high-end yet casual outfit in soft lavender perfectly complemented her delicate, feminine temperament.For the first time, Willy found himself intrigued.“Who knows? Maybe I *am* a prodigy.”“Yeah, right! Keep dreaming!”“Don’t believe me?”“Not at all.”“Okay, how about this: I’ve read up to page 221. Ask me anything from any page before that, and I’ll answer it.”Willy smiled and handed the bo
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43: A Delicate Situation
 An hour later, Willy Morgan and Violet Brown exited the bookstore together, walking side by side. Willy glanced toward the distant bodyguards and driver, shaking his head slightly. Violet did the same, gesturing to her own group of people with a similar gesture.They made their way to Babylon Restaurant, a well-known Middle Eastern spot in New York."Order whatever you want," Violet said, flashing a bright smile. Willy didn’t hold back, choosing a few dishes that seemed appealing, and the two began chatting."I just realized I don't even know your name," Violet said, raising an eyebrow playfully."Willy Morgan, and you?""I'm Violet. So, are you a professional investor? Where did you go to school?"Willy paused, considering his answer. "Not exactly a professional investor. I have my hands in a few areas—investments, R&D, securities. I graduated from the University of Los Angeles.""Oh, I’m from New
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44: Stay Away from Him
"Brother, I’m not stupid. I’m about to graduate from college—how could I still be fooled by someone?" Violet’s words made Tian realize that while his sister might not have focused on her studies, she was definitely exceptional in other areas, with plenty of talents. With such a capable sister, it seemed unlikely she’d be tricked. Could it be that the person Violet spoke of was actually quite remarkable?The two siblings made a deal: next time Violet met with Willy Morgan, she would record their conversation so Tian could assess the situation. If Willy wasn’t as impressive as Violet claimed, she wouldn’t be allowed to meet with him alone anymore. Reluctantly, Violet agreed, feeling confident that Willy would leave her brother speechless.After the Labor Day holiday ended, Willy Morgan contacted both Sebastian Robinson and the high-ranking official in the morning of May 8th to inform them that the 100,000 chips were ready, priced at $2,999 each. Neither of them attempted to haggle over t
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45: Shorting Japan
Tian shook his head at Violet as their father, Owen Brown, went back to his room. Tian knew exactly what was on their father’s mind: he was afraid that Violet might marry too early or be deceived, as she was a cherished daughter of a prominent family. Being overly close with a stranger wasn’t something they could afford to take lightly.When Willy Morgan returned home, he checked his system interface. His recent expenditures had nearly pushed him to level 6, with just a few hundred experience points left. He hadn’t yet used the predictive function, a feature he knew was too valuable to ignore.“System, activate the prediction function.”“Ding! Prediction activated. Please wait…”“Ding! Prediction complete. On May 18th, a 9.4 magnitude earthquake will hit Japan, causing the stock market to plummet from 18,994 points to 7,144 points. Please seize the opportunity!”“A massive earthquake? System, will this affect us back home?”“No direct impact on your region, but there will be mild tremo
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46: You Scammer! Liar!
After a six-hour flight, Willy Morgan landed at New York Airport. He had slept through most of the journey and felt relatively refreshed. Upon turning on his phone, he was bombarded with countless messages from people concerned about him, worried that he might have been affected by the earthquake in J-Country. Willy quickly posted a status update on social media: *"All good, back home safe!"* Then, he turned off his phone and found a secluded spot where he could activate his Martial God Mode and make his way back to his estate without any hassle.Once home, Willy relaxed and checked the control panel of his now-upgraded Level 6 system. In addition to the original five functions, a new one appeared, labeled *"Exchange."*"System! What's the deal with this Exchange function?" Willy asked, curious."Host, the Exchange function has two purposes. First, you can swap this feature with any other active function. Second, you can offer any high-tech items or valuable objects you no longer need
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47: You Shady Person! Liar!
Tian watched Willy Morgan leave the restaurant with his bodyguards and driver. Curious, he quietly followed them. Soon, he saw Willy get into an SSC Tuatara, followed by a Ferrari and two Lamborghini Veneno cars. Tian was taken aback—how could there be someone this wealthy in New York, and yet he didn’t know them?Back at the restaurant table, Violet glared angrily at her father, Owen, and brother, Tian. Tian felt a bit guilty for the intrusion."Excuse me, sir, ma’am... your food is here," the waiter announced as dish after dish was brought to the table.Owen attempted to speak. "Daughter, I—""Father, let’s eat first. I don’t want to argue in public. I’ve always wanted to come to this restaurant, but never had the chance. Now that I’m here, let's not ruin it. Just enjoy the meal," Violet interrupted, clearly holding back her frustrations.Tian could sense that his sister was hiding something.After a moment, Tian went to the front desk to ask, "Excuse me, how much was our table's bi
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48: Prestige on the Water
Paisley returned to the bedroom and saw Owen lying on the bed, scrolling through his phone. She walked over and tugged on his ear."Ouch! What are you doing?" Owen yelped."What do you think I’m doing? Why did you embarrass Violet's friend like that? You let him pay for the meal but didn’t let him eat, then you and Tian had a grand feast with Violet. What does that look like? If word gets out that the head of The Brown Family set up a scam to con an ordinary person out of a 6-million-dollar meal, where would you hide your face?""Well…""And don’t forget—you followed your own daughter with Tian. Don’t you think that’s going too far? You might be Violet's father, but she has the right to make her own friends and live her own life. If people found out, what would the media say? Even if Violet did nothing wrong, your actions could be twisted by the tabloids, painting her as irresponsible. That would be a huge scandal, and no matter what, Violet wouldn’t be able to shake it off. You’ve al
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49: Just a Clown Show
Willy Morgan and his group arrived at the hotel lobby, passed through security, handed over their invitations, and received their bidding paddles. A hostess led them directly into the venue."Master, many prominent families are here today," Eleanor quietly reminded him."Oh?" Willy replied casually."That over there is Anthony Lee, the heir to the second-ranked Lee Family in New York. Despite his status, he doesn't have a good reputation or much capability, but the Lee Family’s influence remains strong, so many people flatter him.""That gentleman is Hudson Hernandez, heir to the Hernandez Family."Willy nodded again, taking in the information without much reaction.Just then, a familiar voice called out, "I was just talking about you, and here you are! Willy, my brother!""Sebastian!" Willy greeted with a smile as Sebastian Robinson approached."Come on, Willy, let me introduce you to a few people!" Sebastian led him ove
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50: You’re Here Too
“Violet, you can’t keep rushing around like this,” Tian scolded gently as they arrived at the venue, though his tone was more concerned than reprimanding. Both Violet and Tian nodded politely to the other attendees, acknowledging the presence of the four prominent families.“I know, big brother,” Violet responded.Hearing a familiar voice, Willy Morgan turned around and was surprised to see Violet.“Violet?”“Willy! You’re here too?” Violet exclaimed with delight. Tian swore he had never seen his sister's eyes sparkle like this before, not since the time he first experienced love. “Yeah, I’m here as well,” Willy responded with a smile.Suddenly, a voice interrupted their pleasant exchange, dripping with disdain. “Ah, birds of a feather, as they say. I always thought the eldest daughter of The Brown Family would at least end up with someone from one of the four major families, or perhaps someone from Washington or Singapore. But no, she chose some ordinary guy,” Aaliyah Miller, who wa
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