All Chapters of Cheated No More: The All-in-One System: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
56 chapters
31 I'll Take Them All
Michael Martin's announcement over the loudspeaker sent a ripple through the entire dealership. Everyone was stunned. Customers who were typically wealthy enough to buy cars from this prestigious showroom found themselves curious and envious of the person who had just qualified for the exclusive VIP treatment.One man in the standard showroom couldn't contain his frustration. He tugged at his sales associate's sleeve, demanding, "Why does *he* get VIP access, but I don’t?""Sir, the manager mentioned over the loudspeaker that the customer passed asset verification. It means the customer’s wealth is far above the threshold for our standard buyers. That’s why they get access to the luxury car exhibition.""I demand asset verification too! Check my account! I’ve got a few million dollars in there! I want to see the luxury cars too!" The man puffed out his chest, trying to assert himself."Sir, our asset verification for VIP access requires at least a billion dollars. If you don’t have th
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32 The Technology Button – Galaxy Chip
"Sebastian Robinson?""Yes, Mr. Morgan!""Alright, I understand. Go ahead and process the payment. Charge 20 million to this card and put the rest on this one.""Yes, Mr. Morgan!"With the transaction complete, Willy Morgan was delighted to hear the system's upgrade notification."Ding! System upgrading, please wait."Willy Morgan didn't pay much attention to the system upgrade. Instead, he opted to drive the custom SSC Tuatara back home.Five men, each driving a luxury sports car.Normally, New York streets were busy and congested, but when these five high-end cars hit the road, everyone made way, fearful that even a minor scratch would bankrupt them.Back at the estate, the five cars were neatly parked in the garage. Soon after, the other five vehicles arrived, delivered by the dealership’s transport trucks."Mr. Morgan! A true big shot!" Michael Martin stood in awe at the entrance of Willy Morgan’s massive estate on Ding’an Outer Street."Yeah, what about it?""Nothing, it's just..
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33 A Visit from Sebastian Robinson
"Yes, Eleanor. Sebastian Robinson gave me a 20% discount! How did you even know about that?""Young Master, Sebastian Robinson contacted me. He wants to meet you and have a chat.""Great! I'm free tomorrow. You can arrange it.""Where would you like to meet, Young Master?""I'm fine with either option. If he's comfortable coming here, he can visit. If he prefers to meet elsewhere, that's fine too.""Understood, Young Master. I'll make the arrangements."Later that night, at around 10 p.m., Eleanor Rodriguez came to see Willy Morgan again."Young Master, Sebastian Robinson confirmed his visit for tomorrow. He'll be here at 10 a.m. Is that okay?""Perfect.""Also, Young Master, I've found some renowned fashion designers to tailor clothes for you. They’ve worked with top international brands before, including a former creative director of Hermès, as well as designers from Chanel and Calvin Klein. Their annual salaries are around 1.2 million each. What do you think?""Sounds good. And as
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34 A Big Shot
 "My chip isn't just for phones. It can be used in any electronic device, even in weapons.""Brother, I need to get back to the company and test this right away. If it's as amazing as you say, I'll introduce you to a very influential person. With his help, you won't have to worry about a thing.""Uh... sure, go handle your business first."After exchanging contact information, Sebastian Robinson hurriedly left. Willy Morgan was curious—what kind of big shot was Sebastian planning to introduce him to?"Young Master, has Mr. Robinson left?" Eleanor Rodriguez came out."Yeah, I gave him a few chips to test, and he rushed off. He mentioned something about introducing me to a big shot if the chips work well. Eleanor, do you know what kind of big people the Robinson family knows?""Young Master, I’ve heard that the Robinson family is quite familiar with some influential figures, but I don’t know the specifics."<
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35 The Farce
“You, come over here!” Willy Morgan pointed at the glasses-wearing streamer.“What do you want?” the man shouted, sounding defensive.“You scratched the paint on my car while live-streaming in front of it. I demand compensation,” Willy Morgan said calmly.His statement sent the live-stream chat into a frenzy.“He says that car is his!”“Well, whoever has the keys is the owner!”“Yeah, prove it!”“Come on, bro! Show them the keys and make them leave!”“Right! We’re backing you up, big guy!”Encouraged by his viewers, the streamer, now known as "Big Guy," puffed out his chest, gaining the confidence to continue his charade.“You’re talking nonsense! This car is obviously mine! Who are you to take issue with me filming in front of my own car?”Willy Morgan exchanged a glance with Maverick, wh
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36 A Visit from the Big Man
 After a long day, Willy Morgan returned home, only to receive a phone call from Asher after just a few minutes of rest."Boss, that freeloader is refusing to pay for the damages. What should we do?""If he won’t pay, let him rot in jail!" Willy responded, his voice firm."Understood, boss. I’ll get Eleanor involved. She’ll contact the lawyers and handle it. Once everything is sorted, I’ll update you. Oh, and don’t worry, your SSC Tuatara has already been sent for repairs.""Thanks for handling that.""Boss, it’s an honor to work for you. You treat us so well. We get the best food, the best clothes, and even drive luxury cars! Anything we do for you is just part of the job.""Well... alright then.""I’ll go deal with the issue now. You take care, boss. Goodbye."Hanging up the phone, Willy Morgan realized he needed a legal team. Whether for business dealings or general matt
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37 The Martial God Skill
"There's no need for that, I’m just feeling a bit nervous. I’ll be fine soon," Willy Morgan reassured."At least have some warm water, young master," Eleanor Rodriguez suggested.After dinner, Willy sat down and decided to count the number of chips in his possession. The system had originally provided a small bag of them, but Willy hadn’t checked exactly how many were inside. He poured them out and counted. There were 1,000 chips in total. Since he had already given five to Sebastian Robinson, that left him with 995. The chips were simply packaged in a thin plastic wrap and housed in a hard plastic case."Beep! When would the host like to upgrade?" the system suddenly chimed in."System, you’ve been quiet all day. What have you been up to?" Willy asked."I’ve been adapting to the upgrade," the system replied."Huh? You need to adapt to your own upgrade?""Yes, host. With the addition of several new featur
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38 The Five Secretaries
 "System, these five people—they're real, right?" Willy Morgan asked, still a little incredulous."Yes, host. They are real humans, just like you," the system confirmed."Great!"Willy Morgan led the five newly-appointed secretaries to find Eleanor Rodriguez. Eleanor was initially startled to see five unfamiliar people suddenly appear in the house, but upon realizing that they were brought by her young master, she quickly settled down."Eleanor, these five are my personal secretaries. They've been handling matters for me in New York, and now they're here to help. They’ll stay in the mansion temporarily. Could you please arrange their accommodations? I'll take them out for work tomorrow," Willy requested."Of course, young master. Right this way," Eleanor replied, though she couldn’t help but feel that these five individuals weren’t ordinary assistants. Their aura and demeanor were far more refined than any assis
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39 Galactic Chip and Willy Investment
That evening, Liam Morgan brought a man in a suit to meet Willy Morgan. The man stood at the grand gates of the Morgen estate, hesitant to enter."Mr. Lu, is something wrong?" Liam Morgan asked."No, it's just... this mansion is quite overwhelming," Mr. Lu replied, clearly awed by the scale of the estate.Liam smiled. "The boss’s power is reflected in this house. Come in, you wanted to discuss matters with him in person."As they walked in, everything about the luxurious estate left Mr. Lu unsettled."Boss, I brought the head of the law firm you requested to see. He wanted to speak with you directly," Liam Morgan said as they entered."Oh? Please, have a seat," Willy Morgan said as he walked over, sipping a cup of warm milk."Hello, I'm Lu Hao, owner of Fangyuan Law. Here’s my card." Lu Hao handed over his business card.Willy took the card and examined it. The name Fangyuan Law seemed familiar to him. Sensing his confusion, Liam Morgan added, "Boss, Fangyuan Law is one of the most fam
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40: Reactions from Various Parties
At the Lee family mansion, Jayden Lee summoned his son, Anthony. “Anthony, I want you to approach the boss of Galactic Chip, this guy named Willy Morgan. Find out his background and the situation with his company. We own several electronics firms. See if there’s a chance for cooperation.”“Dad, do you really believe this kid can produce any revolutionary chips? Look at Sebastian Robinson—he's invested so much money without any results. What can a greenhorn like this Willy Morgan achieve?”“I told you to do it, so you better go. Say another word and I’ll break your legs! I’ve heard that *he* personally approached this Morgan kid for cooperation. We don’t know the full details yet, but you'd better tread carefully! If you mess this up, I’ll cut off your bank account!”“Fine, Dad. Can’t you ever treat me a little nicer?”“Get lost!”---Meanwhile, at the Brown family estate...“Tian, have you heard of this Galactic Chip?” asked Tian’s father.“Yes, I’ve heard of it, but I haven’t seen th
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