All Chapters of Cheated No More: The All-in-One System: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
56 chapters
21 Where is Mr. Morgan?
“Yes, Mr. Martinez! We bodyguards wear flexible clothes! You’ve outfitted us in suits, but we don’t know when we’ll wear them!” “Save them for future occasions! I might attend various events, and you all need to look impressive and classy when you accompany me!” Willy Morgan noticed that the system hadn't said anything against this. Instead, the experience points under the control panel level button had risen to over 10 million! After a busy day, Willy Morgan, dressed in the custom suit from the morning, looked striking. He exuded a commanding yet elegant aura, refined and understated, making Paisley and Eleanor Rodriguez slightly dazed by his appearance. “How do I look? I don’t seem too old-fashioned, do I?” “Mr. Martinez, you look so handsome! You outshine all the stars on TV!” “Alright, Paisley, don’t be so exaggerated. I’m just an ordinary person! Let’s go!” Maverick drove them slowly to the Grand City Hotel. Upon arriving, Willy Morgan stood in the center, with Eleanor Rodr
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22 Winning 12 Lots
As Willy Morgan and his party entered, they made their way to the front row according to the invitation. The people already seated in the first and second rows turned their heads in curiosity. It seemed that the man in the middle was the boss, and the others were his assistants. How did they end up in the front row?“Mr. Morgan!!!!!! It’s really you!” Victoria Bell, who was chatting with Mr. Pang, suddenly spotted Willy Morgan arriving in the front row.Willy Morgan turned towards the voice. “Victoria Bell, you’re here too! Oh, isn’t that Ms. Collins! I didn’t expect Orion Universal Group to receive an invitation to the auction!”Willy Morgan’s words were carefully chosen. He indicated that his invitation wasn’t from Orion Universal Group and that he was unaware of Heather Collins bringing Joyce along. Others immediately understood what Heather Collins had done. “Mr. Morgan, I didn’t expect you to be here too!” Heather Collins forced a smile, feeling awkward.“That must be your secr
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23 Only Two Days Left
After finishing his statement, Willy Morgan suddenly felt how much he had changed over the past few days. It seemed he had truly become someone formidable, but he hadn’t looked down on anyone and had always maintained his original intentions. That was enough.Heather Collins and Joyce went to the restroom, only to find that Willy Morgan had disappeared by the time they returned. Victoria Bell and others were avoiding them, and Heather Collins realized that if she didn’t find Willy Morgan soon, Orion Universal Group would be in serious trouble.“Ms. Collins, do you think Mr. Morgan knows about the company’s situation now?” “Joyce, whether Mr. Morgan knows or not depends on whether we inform him. We haven’t done our part properly.”“But Ms. Collins, Orion Universal Group is also Mr. Morgan’s company now! I can’t understand why it’s such a simple matter to address!”“Joyce, Mr. Morgan must be angry with me! This is all my fault!”“Ah, Ms. Collins, it’s not easy for you. You’ve been so wo
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24 Mr. Morgan! You Can’t…
Soon, Willy Morgan looked at Heather Collins, who had arrived uninvited with the property manager, and felt quite irritated.“Ms. Collins, what brings you here?”“Mr. Morgan, I… I…” Heather Collins struggled to find the right words, glancing at the property manager.“Ah! Since the owner is someone you know, I’ll take my leave.”“Alright!”Willy Morgan turned and did not close the door. Heather Collins followed him inside.The interior was luxuriously decorated, spacious and bright, with a clean, modern style that suited a young person’s taste.“Ms. Collins, did you come all the way here to admire my home’s decor?” Willy Morgan’s words snapped Heather Collins back to reality.“Mr. Morgan, the situation at the company is critical! I’m unable to handle it alone, so I came to ask for your help.”Willy Morgan, upon hearing Heather Collins’ plea, did not immediately respond. Instead, he walked to the coffee machine, poured himself a cup of coffee, and stirred it slowly with a spoon.“Mr. Mo
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25 Arrival in Singapore
“Ms. Collins, if I were you, I would quietly go back and think about how to resolve this situation. Mr. Martinez is already doing more than enough by offering you billions. If you push him further, I guarantee that by tomorrow, Orion Universal Group will no longer exist!” Eleanor Rodriguez’s words immediately silenced Heather Collins.“May I ask, who exactly is Mr. Morgan?” Heather Collins inquired.Eleanor Rodriguez shook her head and made a gesture to see her out. Heather Collins left Willy Morgan’s home and cried in her car for a long time. She regretted her arrogance and ignorance. How could someone manage to acquire her company so easily if they were just an ordinary person? She had underestimated him, even belittling him in the past!“Buzz!” Heather Collins looked down at her phone; it was a call from William Collins.“Hello, Dad!” Heather Collins answered with a sob.“Heather, where are you?”“I just left Mr. Morgan’s place.”“You’re crying? So it seems Mr. Morgan won’t help?”
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26 Cliffside Plummet**
"My head is spinning. So, Cameron is Sebastian Robinson's father? Cameron is the current head of The Robinson Family, which means Sebastian Robinson is the next head. And the person helping me with this 10x leverage shorting is Sebastian?" "Yes, Mr. Martinez.""So, will Sebastian Robinson be making the same move as me?""Mr. Martinez, I’m not sure, but the two people that Manager Sun mentioned helping you today are definitely Sebastian’s men.""No worries, the more people earning, the merrier. Besides, he might not even be bold enough to risk as much as I am.""Exactly, Mr. Martinez. Although The Robinson Family is incredibly wealthy and ranked first in New York, most of their assets are tied up in public companies. If we're talking about cash on hand in personal accounts, you’re already holding a massive amount.""Seriously? Eleanor, don't joke with me.""I wouldn’t dare joke with you, Mr. Martinez. Most
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27 A Windfall of 80 Billion
"Let’s wait and see after the half-hour break. We’ve got time," Willy Morgan said, making everyone in the room turn to look at him.At that moment, everyone felt like they’d just been slapped in the face. All their sarcastic and mocking remarks aimed at Willy earlier were now ricocheting back at themselves. Who was this young man, and how could he have so accurately predicted what would happen today?Unbothered by the stares, Willy casually opened his phone and played a couple of games while waiting. Half an hour later, OpenApple resumed trading.When the market reopened, the stock price had already plummeted to $522. And the downward spiral continued. The price dropped into the $400s.Willy took out his calculator and did some quick math. The system had told him there would be a 9
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28 Off to New York
 After hanging up the phone, Willy Morgan enjoyed dinner prepared by Zoe, played some games, and then called it a night. The three days in Singapore had taken a toll on him. He wasn’t used to the climate, with Singapore being nearly 15 degrees hotter than Los Angeles, and the drastic change in weather left him feeling drained.The next morning, Willy went for an early run, and from a distance, he spotted Heather Collins along with a few elderly men standing outside his neighborhood, peering inside. Willy felt a wave of annoyance. These people were like clinging vines—impossible to shake off.As soon as Heather saw Willy, she hurried over with the elderly men. But before they could approach, the security guards stopped them."You’re not residents here. You can’t come in," the guard said firmly."We're here to see someone! That person is our boss! Right there!" one of the elderly men insisted."Then c
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29 The New York Mansion
 As soon as Willy Morgan arrived in New York, he felt slightly disoriented. A brand-new environment and a fresh start—everything was going to begin again from scratch. There were no memories or past connections here, but Willy carried a strong sense of confidence.After disembarking from the plane, the moving company, pre-arranged by Eleanor Rodriguez, was already waiting for them. The group of seven got into two cars, and Willy handed the drivers the address.The driver glanced at the address and seemed surprised. "Sir, are you sure this is the right place?""Yeah, why?" Willy asked."Oh, nothing. We'll head there now," the driver replied.As they drove through the bustling streets of New York, Willy watched the vibrant city unfold outside the window—the busy streets and crowds of people. It was clear that New York’s energy was unmatched by Los Angeles.The drive took nearly two hours before they finally arriv
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30 A Billionaire's Bank Balance
"Such advanced security! That's fantastic! I’d honestly be scared to live in such a large estate by myself without it," Willy Morgan said with a chuckle."Yes, young master, but I would still suggest that you hire more staff to help manage the estate. Also, some adjustments should be made for your daily living arrangements, including having more staff to prepare meals and take care of other needs," Eleanor Rodriguez recommended."I was thinking the same thing, Eleanor. Could you take care of that for me? We’ll need more people to keep the estate lively. That includes security personnel. Do you happen to know any reliable ones from before? Also, Zoe, our chef, will need help in the kitchen. With so many people to feed, he won’t be able to manage it alone. We’ll also need additional drivers and—""Don’t worry, young master. I’ll handle everything!" Eleanor smiled warmly at Willy. She was pleasantly surprised at how easygoing and approachable he was, quite unlike the heirs of other power
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