All Chapters of FROM ASHES TO BILLIONS.: Chapter 11 - Chapter 18
18 chapters
CHAPTER 11: Plans In Motion
“Sir, you have a visitor,” Adrian lifted his head slowly with a small wave of the hand. From the look on his secretary's face, there was trouble and he wasn't in the mood for any sort of trouble today. “What is it, Rose? All appointments this morning are canceled. Do I need to repeat that?” “No sir, that's not it. You have a guest…” “What guest?” Adrian cut her off in an impatient tone. Yes, he was a bit cranky and he knew that but for some reason, he couldn't shake off the feeling, not even a week after his grandfather's burial. It was like he was still in denial of what had happened. “Don't lay another finger on me, you uncultured fools!” The door pushed open and a woman barged inside. She was dressed in a green silk gown that exposed and accentuated her rich status. Without warning, she stamped a furious hand on Adrian's desk, causing the files he was working on to float away. The sight seemed to please her because she smirked and leaned back, looking like the perfect villa
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Chapter 12: A Slip Into The Past.
Two days after his release from prison and Ryan still looked like a mess. He had bruises everywhere and his once handsome face was now covered with patches of purple scars. He was in pain. “Why would you fight in prison, huh? They fucking beat you up and left you looking like a clown. I'm so embarrassed,” Layla hissed, as she accessed his bandaged wounds. “Those dimwits kept picking on me. Was I to stay still and just watch?” Ryan replied in a hardened tone. Furious, Layla pushed him away causing him to wince in pain. She glared at him. “So stupid of you to think of attacking Adrian with a fake lawyer and fake inheritance documents. Did you really think he wouldn't figure it out? I never expected such shallow move from you," Ryan didn't respond and his silence pissed her off . “Do you know the embarrassment you've caused me? Do you know the length I went through to get you out of jail? It cost me a lot!” “So I'm supposed to say thank you?” Ryan scoffed. “Well, you did a great
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Chapter 13: Playing The Game Of Chess.
Layla didn't find the joke funny because she leveled him a hard glare. “Have you lost it? Why would I answer such a useless question?”“What do you want me to do, that's the fucking question,” The man replied, then he waved his hand to brush off his words. “Forget it, I only do business with your mother,”“Well, I'm acting in my mother's stead, am I not?” She let out a dry chuckle. “Life's offering me an opportunity to get rid of the Lancasters a third time. Revenge would be grand and Milan would turn in the grave as I take over Nilean Group,”“What the hell…” Felix gasped, wide-eyed. “The fire accident was caused by…” He could not complete his sentence as the rest of the words got stuck in his throat.As if on cue, Layla stood up and walked towards her favorite painting. She swiped her hands over it as if cleaning off an imaginary dust.“What is your plan?” The man asked.“Perfect question Nicholas. Perfect question,” She smiled. “Did you see the look on Milan's face as he died? Boy,
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Chapter 14: Screwed.
Adrian forced a smile even though the last thing he wanted to do was smile. “This is a personal issue and I'd appreciate if the media stay out of it,”“You have to say something, Mr Adrian! How do you feel about your sister's situation? What plans are you making to find her?!” A reporter stepped forward, almost hitting Adrian with his microphone.“How do you know she's alive?”“Say something!”From the corners of his eyes, Adrian could sight Felix and some of his bodyguards pushing their way towards him. “Let's go, young Master, you don't have to listen to them,” Felix said, leading the way despite the continuous clicks of cameras and the unending questions.“We've called the police, so they'll be dispersed soon,” Felix said when they were inside the office. His brows narrowed as his voice reduced into a whisper. “Do you think this is Layla's doing?”“You heard her yourself yesterday,” Adrian said, flicking a pen expertly with his fingers. “I'll give her the credit for what's worth,”
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Chapter 15: Beating Her To The Game.
Layla curled her fist so hard that she could feel the sharp tip of her nails digging into her flesh. Her mouth felt dried as if she swallowed acid. Desperate, she tapped her ear buds vigorously, trying to connect to her staff.“Turn the bloody protector off!” She whispered fiercely, but it was as if no one heard her. The video replayed instead, causing the goosebumps in her skin to prickle even more.Fuck!Who could have done this to her?“How many times must I repeat that this bloody video be turned off?!” Layla screamed angrily, rushing to the projector. “I swear it won't be funny if I find out who did this!”However, before Layla could get to the projector, the video had turned off and the whole hall suddenly went quiet. Layla stood in the middle of the room, chilled to the bones at the glares directed at her.The damage had been done and now she was screwed.Cold sweat broke out on her skin, intensifing her horror. That was when she saw him —the eye of the tornado. He was sitting
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Chapter 16: Run
Layla stared at the text in her phone, her heart pounding vigorously in her chest. Her hands shook slightly as she scrolled through the message again —Blurry photos of her and Nicholas exchanging parcels of illegal drugs. Her anger boiled over. These threatening photos meant only one thing.Someone with evil intentions knew about her secret business.She slammed the phone down on the kitchen counter, pacing the room as her mind raced. Her business with Nicholas was supposed to remain hidden and she had taken procedures in carrying out all of their deals in remote locations, so how?“Adrian…Could he be...?” She whispered, then shook her head fiercely. Just because Adrian messed up her project event didn't mean he knew everything about her. He was no superhero.It had to be someone else, but who…? Her mind raced. She had spent years building her reputation as a successful business woman, but behind that mask was the reality no one knew about –the offshore accounts, the money laundering
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Chapter 17: You Must Pay For What You Did
Layla leaned closer in growing panic, refusing to allow her brain register his words. Her hands trembled as it ran over his face, trying to access the level of damage. “Tell me…who did this? What went wrong?! Why didn't you call the boys for backup?"“R-u-n-” Nicholas repeated through broken lips. “It's… not safe for you…in here…”Layla turned around to scan the small room for any dangerous or threatening movement, but it was empty, just the two of them. She turned to him while wondering why he wanted her to run.“I'm not leaving you here!” She insisted, rushing to the back of the chair. She dipped her hand into her purse and brought out a short knife to cut the heavy ropes. “What the fuck happened?!”“He messed with me, that's what happened,” A calm voice replied, so low that it sounded almost like a whisper.Layla paused, her brows arched. That voice didn't belong to Nicholas. It belonged to…Slowly, she lifted her head to look into those amber eyes. It was Paige, Adrian's sister!
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Chapter 18: An Eye For An Eye
“Why?” Lucian chuckled. “You cannot do it?”“Do you have evidence?” Layla said, panting. “There's no evidence that I had a hand in your sister's kidnap! You cannot force me to do your biddings just because you feel wronged!”In response, Adrian brought out his phone and played the evidence of Layla's several mistreatment of Paige. At the sight, Layla winced and looked away.“The media would celebrate over this valued piece of information, don't you think?” Adrian smiled.“How did you get your hands on that?!” Layla screamed, frustration building up inside her. How had Adrian uncovered the secrets she had carefully hidden for years? How long had he been watching her? How much did he know?!This jerk was driving her crazy!“That look on your face tells me you're convinced,” Adrian tsked. “Tell the media the truth yourself. I'm giving you an easy alternative, but again, you can pick your poison. Should I release the video or you'd do the confession yourself,”Panic clawed at Layla and sh
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