All Chapters of JAXSON BROWN: Rise Of The Grand Successor: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
25 chapters
Chapter eleven
The news of the doctored tape's leak had sent a wave through the entire city. In that situation, more people became interested in knowing about Jaxson and his company. The news which was meant to bring him down had gradually developed into something that would bring Jaxson more fame as well. "Boss, Lion Group is threatening to terminate their contract with us if you do not clear the scandal," his secretary said over the phone, fear and anxiety written in her voice. Jaxson smiled while he picked up a glass of wine and drank it in his home. "They will do no such thing. Do not be bothered. Keep working hard. Everything will be fine," Jason assured her. His secretary couldn't believe that he was calm and composed at that time of pressure. "Sir, this is a very dangerous situation. If your partners start pulling their contracts, the company will fall. I think perhaps we can approach this with more caution. I'm afraid, sir," his secretary replied again. "What happened is of no signific
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Chapter twelve
"How could you be so incompetent? How is it that every time that I give you a task, you somehow manage to fuck it all up?" Vance yelled at Reptile while they watched the news from his hideout.He didn't expect things to go that way. Vance was certain that he had created the master plan to finally destroy Jaxson once and for all. How did it all go to shit?"Sir, I can assure you that I did everything you asked. It's like Jaxson is malignant. I wonder if he uses some charm or something. It's like the entire universe is on his side!" Reptile bemoaned.Vance walked over to him and punched him in the face. Replied fumed but didn't punch Vance back."The universe is not on his fucking side. Nothing is. My plan went down the drain because you didn't do what you were supposed to do. I told you to kill that brat when he was a baby, you didn't. I told you to assassinate him in his office, you failed. I told you to kill him while he caught our spy. Guess what happened? You failed, again!"Vance
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Chapter thirteen
"No! You can't do this to me and my company! Please, do not cancel our contract. Please!!" The CEO of Lion Group begged Jaxson while Jaxson kept a straight face."When those rumors spread about me, you threatened my secretary that you'd terminate the contract if I didn't fix things. That shows that you do not see me as a competent person. My company can survive without your Group. And it seems as if you've forgotten that I am the one doing you a favor here by signing a contract with you!" Jaxson replied.The CEO of Lion Group shuddered. Jaxson wasn't wrong. He had said those things, but he never expected Jaxson to terminate his contract. He didn't think Jaxson was brave enough to do it."You can't replace me, Jaxson. You cannot find another company that will do justice to that job like I would!" The CEO snapped, trying to coerce Jaxson back to rescind his words. Jaxson laughed at the comment, rocking the pen in his hand while he fixed his gaze on the CEO."I have already replaced you
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Chapter fourteen
Meanwhile, Detective Parker sat in his office, thinking about the experience that he had with Jaxson. He was furious, and although he had hatred for rich people, he saw Jaxson as the peak of them all.And so, that hatred developed into intense apathy.Just then, the door to his office opened and Semira stepped inside. She wore a frown on her face, and the anger in her soul was palpable. And yes, Semira was an old friend of his."Semira. This is a surprise. You didn't tell me that you were coming," he said to her and gestured for her to have her seat, but she didn't."What are you doing, Parker? What's all this? Why did you accuse Jaxson of those terrible things which were unprofessional of you?" She asked him and Detective Parker frowned."I do not understand what you mean," he tried to shake it off but she scoffed."Oh, you know exactly what I mean! You are picking a war with Jaxson. Why? Is it because of what happened to us? Jaxson's family is innocent," she said but Detective Parke
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Chapter fifteen
Jaxson stepped out of his mansion in a disguise. To meet with the man who could find Vance, Jaxson needed to conceal his real identity.As he walked out of his mansion, Detective Parker watched from the distance. He was puzzled why Jaxson Brown, would step out of the mansion."Does he work here?" Detective Parker asked himself. He had done his research and found nothing on Jaxson Green. Just that he was assumed to have died as a baby.But he knew Jaxson Brown had gone to prison and due to Jaxson's details in the police data base, he found out the face.But he didn't think that the same face belonged to the billionaire that he hated with passion. However, Detective Parker decided to follow Jaxson.It didn't take long for Jaxson to know that he had a tail that he needed to lose. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Detective Parker following him. Jaxson scoffed. Before he became rich, he had combed through these streets and he knew everywhere.Jaxson took a false turn and waited for De
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Chapter sixteen
Jane picked up her phone and quickly dialee her father's number. The phone kept ringing but he was not picking up.She couldn't understand the reason why he removed her from the will, and to think that she was his own daughter was even more crazy."Did he find out what I did?" Jane asked herself. So many questions filed her mind as she dialed the number again. And this time, her father picked up the phone"Jane?" He grumbled on the other side of the phone."Father! I just received a notification that I have been removed from your will. What is the meaning of this?" She yelled at him while pacing around the room."I should be asking you that question, Jane. What did you do?" He asked her. Jane's heart skipped a beat while she realized what he was talking about."I don't know what you're talking about," she lied. Her father chuckled over the phone."You sold me out to Jaxson, didn't you? You told that brat where to find me," he said to her and she gasped."What? No, I did not! Father, w
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Chapter seventeen
"Alright people, wrap it up. Let's go!" Scott yelled orders at his goon immediately after he dropped the call with Jaxson. He was glad that he could finally repay the debt he owed Jaxson. Years back, when Jaxson was still trying to make ends meet, he worked as a bouncer in Scott's club.One night, there was an attack and Jaxson saved Scott's life. And Scott promised Jaxson that he would repay him back someday. And that day had come."Boss, there's someone here to see you," someone said to Scott and he frowned."Who the fuck is it?" He groaned. He didn't like disturbances."I think it's a cop," the informant said to Scott and his eyes lit up."A cop? What is he doing here? We settle the police weekly. They have no business with us," he blurted out but the informant shrugged his shoulders"Send him in," he added. The informant left the room and soon returned with Detective Parker. Scott faked a smile. He was not pleased."Officer. This is a surprise. I don't believe we still have busi
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Chapter eighteen
Detective Parker opened the door that led to Vance's detection room and glared at the older man while Vance had a poker face. He settled some papers on the desk and took his seat opposite Vance who just watched him closely."So, Vance Newbold. You've been on the run from Jaxson Green. Have you not?" He asked Vance who crossed his arms."Why have you arrested me? You have no proof that I did anything wrong," Vance replied to Detective Parker. Parker Chuckled and sighed."You know what, Vance? Rich people like you believe they are untouchable. You think the world revolves around you, that you can get away with anything. Well, I am here to inform you that it doesn't work that way. Besides, I might be your best chance at getting out of here unscathed," Bruce added.Vance arched his brow while he listened to what Bruce was saying. It made him curious."How do you mean?" Vance asked."Jaxson almost killed you had I not intervened. Do you think he'll stop now? He won't. He will just try aga
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Chapter nineteen
Jaxson's phone rang while he revised a contract deal that had been sent to him. The details of the contract were somehow shady, but Jaxson wanted to ensure he didn't leave any stone unturned.He picked up the phone and it was a strange number. Jaxson frowned as he picked up the call."Mr Green. Or should I say, Mr Brown?" Detective Parker said from the other side of the phone and Jaxson smiled. The Detective was getting on his nerves."Detective Parker, why did you call?" He asked Parker."I called to let you know that I figured it out. I must say, Mr Brown, you did an excellent job hiding your real identity. I'm certain it was for a purpose. Isn't that why we all do what we do?" "What do you want? I know you didn't just give me a call to say this." Jaxson asked. He was setting a trap for the Detective but Parker didn't know. He chuckled with amusement and then sighed. Jaxson started recording the call."I want you to pay m off to keep your secret. I don't know why you hide your iden
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Chapter twenty
Detective Parker drove back to the station, wondering why his boss has requested to see him in such a notice. He was especially worried about the suddenly revelation that Jaxson had made to the public.What game was he trying to play? Detective Parker wondered. With Jaxson's revelation, Parker couldn't extort money from him. He had become immune.As soon as detective Parker stepped into the station, all eyes fell on him. He suddenly became self aware as he walked past the cops glaring at him with their scrutinizing eyes. The thing about cops was that they had a way of breaking a person with their glares alone and Parker knew all too well."Hey, what's going on? Why is everyone looking at me like I just returned from space?" He asked a rookie who looked around with caution before he replied. Parker could see the hesitation in the rookie's face.He didn't want to talk to him. "Look, sir, I don't want any trouble. Just leave me alone," the rookie replied and tried to walk away but Park
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