All Chapters of THE RETURN OF GENERAL KAI: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
23 chapters
Chapter 11
The walk to Maverick’s car was long and frightening for Maverick but the usual for Kai. It felt good to finally do what his mind had been telling him to, with a twist of course. He had a strong feeling that Sarah would not take lightly to him beheading one of her acquaintances. “Would you like to come to my settlement? It’s small but it would be a better place to discuss than the public.” Kai broke the silence as they entered into the car. “Certainly. Just let me know where.”The two men arrived at Kai’s studio apartment after an almost thirty minute drive. Maverick took in the shabby building and could not shake off the awe of the state his general was living in. It was like the boonies in Nexarath. It was not suited for the commanding general of the strongest army the world had ever seen. It was not suitable for
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Chapter 12
Despite the urge to ask why, Maverick knew better than to question his general. Kai’s word was law, always.“Yes, my lord.” He said in response and Kai sighed, “I do not expect you to understand.” He said without divulging further information. Maverick was his closest friend but they did not have a vulnerable relationship. It was strange for him to suddenly confide in him about his marriage and life for the past three years.“I do.” Maverick said and Kai gave a light smile, “thank you, Captain.” He paused, “I will ask though, why are you in the capital? I don’t remember Morticia ever being able to successfully give you an order or send you on a mission.” Kai said to Maverick in a taunting tone. He remembered that he loved watching them bicker. Those were the fun moments.Read more
Chapter 13
Astrophel knocked loud and hard until his knuckles bruised. The door opened to reveal Orion, “what the hell are you doing here?” Orion asked Astrophel who pushed past him and made his way into the Pierce mansion.“Astrophel! What if my daughter and her husband were home?! We agreed to meet at our designated spot. To what do I owe this visit?” He asked again. Astrophel was now pacing back and forth in the living area.He stopped abruptly, “when were you going to tell me you threw him out?” “Kai? I had no way to reach you. You’re the one who insisted on being the one to contact me!”“Wrong answer, Orion! Let me rephrase, w
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Chapter 14
Astrophel shot Orion a look. He was whining and the sound of his voice and his complaining disgusted him, but he was right. They all could die. They all would die.Orion walked backwards until he plopped down on a seat, “I have to move.” He said as a matter of factly.“I have to move right this instant. Before his memories return.”“You move only when I give you permission to.” Astrophel said cooly, “You, Orion Pierce are one of the few allies left in the capital and besides, the whole continent is in turmoil.” He paused.“Unless you want to retreat to the dark continent, I’ll be glad to plan your voyage and send you off in grand style. It would make for meaningful research.&
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Chapter 15
“Kill him? Have you lost your mind, Astrophel?!” Orion yelled.“I don’t see you giving any recommendations. What do you reckon I do with a council of overbearing nobles breathing down my neck. I think it’s safer to say he died.” He shrugged in response.“It couldn’t possibly be the Kai Rylan I know about. Can he even be killed?” Orion whispered the last part, barely audible. He wished in his heart of hearts that that was the case. If it was, he regretted not driving a knife through his chest all the nights he slept peacefully in his home.“I don’t know.” Astrophel admitted, “I have to find him first.” He turned, walking towards the exit.“Let us hope that this does not end up as war
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Chapter 16
Axel stormed the hallway, all the men that were walking by gave way for him. With every stomp, he could not believe that he was humiliated so much. In front of those blood thirsty Vorgath at that.He entered his office and sat down forcefully, “Argh!” He screamed into his palm. He hated that even in Kai’s absence, he could do nothing. He was ruler of Nexarath in Astrophel and Kai’s absence and still no one regarded or respected him. He hated Kai. In his absence, Nexarath’s army, the Kyrexi, were powerless. Unlike the Vorgath, the Kyrexi were an army of regular men. They had no Zhilak, no power. They fought with swords and bows and arrows. That did nothing against their foes. It did nothing against Thane Jackson and his army that grew by the second.Thane used black magic, his men
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Chapter 17
Ever since running into Kai a week ago, Maverick abandoned his investigation. Despite him being given direct orders to continue his mission, he could not. He simply could not believe that his Lord was alive and in perfect health. Not only was he alive, he had a wife, an expecting wife. He worked a regular, human job. It was him but it was not.That day, Maverick was parked outside Kai’s new job and as Kai closed up for the day, he was taken aback by Maverick who stood, leaning on a lamppost, watching him from across the street. He quickly ensured all the blinds were closed from the outside before approaching Maverick, “you do know that you probably are the only tattooed man in the capital.” Kai started, “how do you think it would look to have you watching me?”Kai was right. One o
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Chapter 18
“Kai?” She asked, “are you serious?” Sarah stuttered, at a loss for words. “Yes.” Kai said in response, not giving much away. He tried to avoid lying to Sarah as much as possible but in a time like this, it was inevitable. It was either he told a small lie or he revealed to her a world she never knew. Right now, it was safer to lie even though it meant going against their wedding vows. It was simple and short, “no lies.”Kai stared deep into her bright blue eyes. For the first time in months, she had light in them. She had become a ghost of herself since they were thrown out of her family’s mansion and a huge part, if not all of it was his fault, and he felt guilty. He always wanted to make her smile, be her joy, her safe haven but he was fighting demons within. He did not want to bother her and at the
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Chapter 19
The couple moved uptown with Maverick’s help, “do you think we should tell your family?” Kai asked and he tossed the last bag in the trunk of the moving van and Sarah sighed, “no.” She said in a flat tone.“They abandoned us, abandoned me. My father, my grandfather, no one has come to see me ever since they threw us out. I don’t care what sentiments they have but they have been nothing but cruel to me. I don’t want me, you or my daughter anywhere near them.” She gave him a definite answer and Kai immediately understood.It was the day after he and Maverick broke their poorly coordinated story to her and thankfully, it seemed to Kai like she bought it.“Thank you again, Maverick. Truly.” She held Maverick’s hand which took him by surprise. She was way more handsy than the women in Nexarath. He looked at Kai who gave him a reassuring nod.“You’re welcome…it’s my pleasure.” He stuttered, “no really, you have no idea how much your presence has saved me… You have no idea.” She was tearing
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Chapter 20
Kai had no idea who the high pitched voice belonged to but one look at Sarah, he understood. She rolled her eyes before turning around, plastering a fake smile on her face.“Hello, Rachel.” Sarah greeted, “Leslie.” She acknowledged the other one.“It is you! Crazy, Leslie, how long has it been?” The one Sarah called Rachel asked, “at least three years. We last saw you at our graduation. Oh… is that the husband?" She paused, stifling a laugh, "the one that caused your family to disown you?” She asked rather loudly.“The rumors were true. I mean, he is a bit cute though but really, Sarah Pierce? You gave up on your chance to be a part of the upper class for something as foolish as love?” Rachel asked.“To think John Ranch would have married her!” Leslie said, “he’s married to Peony now, they are living the dream life truly.” She swooned and Sarah sighed, “It was lovely meeting you two.” She lied, “but we must leave now.” She said, pulling Kai’s arm. He knew not to interfere in any squa
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