All Chapters of THE RETURN OF GENERAL KAI: Chapter 21 - Chapter 23
23 chapters
Chapter 21
One of the men chuckled, “I’m sorry sir, but who are you?”“We can’t just call our manager, the complex isn’t up for sale.” The other said.“Why are you two being respectful to him? Forget how tough he looks, he’s a pauper! He cannot even afford to be standing here.” Leslie said.“That’s right. Throw them both out!” Rachel chipped in.“I would like to speak to your manager. Or am I not allowed to make inquires? How much would the complex go for? Triple it, I’ll pay in full.” Kai made a bold statement and Leslie and Rachel bursted out laughing.“You didn’t tell us that your husband did stand up comedy, Sarah! You know what, call the manager. Tell him indeed someone wants to buy the complex. I would love to watch you two make an absolute fool of yourselves.”“Oh, yes! I have time today.” Leslie gleamed in agreement.“Al…right, ma’am.” One of the men said and hurried away. Sarah looked up at Kai with worry in her eyes. Kai never talked big. It was all unnecessary drama for her and her fee
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Chapter 22
“What?!” Rachel and Leslie were in disbelief. They both reached out for Ronald’s phone and they too saw the alert. The phone fell from Leslie’s hand and she laughed nervously.“Sarah, why didn’t you tell us your darling husband here had such a big bank?” She kissed to an equally confused Sarah.Rachel chipped in, closing in the distance between them, “yeah! Anyway let us pay no mind to this situation. It got out of hand and things got way too serious! Right, Leslie?”“Totally. What do you say, Sarah? Friends again?”She ignored them for there was something else on her mind.Sarah looked at her husband who was now leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. If she did not know him, she would say that he looked nothing like her husband. There was an aura about him that was simply intimidating. No, not simply, terrifyingly intimidating.Kai’s voice echoed through the now silent office, “Ronald was it? How am I going to get my documents of ownership with you on your knees? Stan
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Chapter 23
John looked at the man that towered over everyone as well as the woman who sat behind Ronald’s desk. Nevermind that, he was only there on orders.Ronald sighed before taking the files from John, the weight pulling him down instantly so much so that a giggle escaped from Sarah. Leslie and Rachel turned to look at her and she cleared her throat, straightening her back.“Stand up.” Kai ordered. Ronald tried to but the weight of the files were too much for him, “stand up.” Kai said again. This time, Ronald was in a nervous sweat. Not only was he so weak that he could not carry a couple of files, he was struggling on his knees in the presence of a man he bullied for so long, John.“You may leave, John.” Kai said to the clearly confused man and he nodded before taking his leave. Kai squatted down in front of Ronald who was as red as a tomato. Kai thought that he had taunted him enough to send a message. He picked up the files that he was struggling with with one hand and placed them on the
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