All Chapters of The Return of Adrian Scott: Chapter 11 - Chapter 12
12 chapters
Chapter 11
The Sinclair mansion stood tall, casting long shadows in the late afternoon light. Indoors, the air was filled with a silent tension that had become usual ever since Evelyn became CEO. Ethan sat in the living room, with a glass of whiskey in his hand. he swirled the amber coloured liquid in the glass. The past few months had left him extremely discontent. As the first son, he was supposed to be the CEO but things hadn’t gone the way they should have, and now he was forced to play the supportive brother while she took the limelight. No one knew why he had stepped back, and he preferred to keep it that way. The sound of clicking heels interrupted his thoughts. He didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. “Ethan” Evelyn’s sharp voice came through. “Have you seen the latest projections from the finance team?” He took a slow sip of his whiskey, holding off on the answer just long enough to annoy her. "I've looked them over." "And?" she asked, tone implying this was a de
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Chapter 12
Adrian pulled the janitor's uniform over his head; the plainness of the clothes felt strange to his skin.Javier had gotten him the cleaning job at Sinclair Industries. He would finally have the opportunity to once again see the woman who betrayed him.He walked down the halls of Sinclair Industries with a broom in his hand, almost invisible, a shadow moving through the building, unseen. People bustled to and fro about their business. No person gave him as much as a second glance, which is precisely what he wanted. He was just another cleaner going about his work. But Adrian had a lot more on his mind. He was on his way to Evelyn Sinclair's office.He needed to find something-anything-that could help bring her down. As he reached out to her office door, Adrian reached for his keycard. It was a standard issue for employees like him, a pass to the areas he needed to clean-including the executive offices. Slipping the card through the lock, the door unlocked with a soft click. He sli
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