All Chapters of Benjamin Knox's Rise to Riches : Chapter 11 - Chapter 15
15 chapters
Chapter 11
Director James Thorpe felt his heart racing furiously as he stared down at the content on his phone screen. He kept reading it over and over again, ignoring the surrounding noises. “Could it really be him?” He felt stupid for even asking this question, as Benjamin's name was evident on the generated receipt. None of this made any sense to him. This same young man had been called out for being extremely poor yesterday, so why does he suddenly have a black card under his name?Director Thorpe turned to find Benjamin staring at him with a victorious but annoying smirk, and he felt his blood boil. “Here! Give me that card. I want to see something.”Benjamin realised what must have happened, so he gladly gave the director his black card.Once Andrew, Alexa, Max, and Mrs. Knox saw this, they felt something had changed. It was even more obvious in the director's body language that something had happened.Director Thorpe compared the card details with the ones on the receipt. “They match.” He
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Chapter 12
The crowd was silent for a moment as they kept their shocked gaze on the scene. Some of them couldn't believe they had actually seen this with their own two eyes, while some were even starting to doubt if they were in a dream or not. The wave of internal reaction this one exchange between the director and the principal had caused in everyone was contrary to the dead silence on the outside.“Holy shit, what did I just witness happen. Could this be real?”“Bro, I'm thinking the same thing. The principal really slapped the director right I'm the face. Lord! I really hope someone captured it, or else, I'll be really forced to believe it was all in my head.”“Look around you then.”The students in the crowd having this whispered exchange glanced around to find that there were quite a few other students who still had their cameras out, recording everything. Meanwhile, Benjamin was also surprised at the slap he had witnessed the principal give the director. Why did this much older man sud
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Chapter 13
Andrew had boldly pointed out Benjamin, framing him as the main culprit of this current situation while belittling him as well in front of the principal because he was confident that the principal would treat him with more respect, considering his background. Unfortunately for him, the principal was well aware of the Tyrone family and how powerful they are, including the amount they've been donating annually for about half a decade now. Yet, he knew none of those things could stand a significance when compared to the family Benjamin allegedly belongs to. The fact that Benjamin alone donated an amount one time, and it was more than the combined amount that the Tyrone family had ever donated was telling of the disparity between the two families. Not to mention that the influence that The Whiteridge family has in this university was far more than The Tyrone family could ever possess. This was why the principal had no problem putting Andrew in his place.“You're from the Tyrone family,
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Chapter 14
For a second, Andrew had actually forgotten the deal he had publicly made with Benjamin. If Benjamin failed to make the $10 million transaction successful, he would have to strip completely naked and run around the entire campus while giving consent to any student recording him on their devices and even uploading it on any and all social media platforms. If the opposite happened though, and Benjamin's transaction was successful, then it would be Andrew Tyrone who would have to strip naked while running around campus.The crowd became really excited at the turn of the event.“Damn! I totally forgot the punishment part ever since the principal showed up.”“Me too! Oh my goodness, are we really about to watch the great son of the Tyrone family strip naked in front of us?!”“Dude, not even a poor and unpopular guy would dare feel good about such a thing. I can only imagine how humiliated Andrew feels right now.”“Hey, guys! Look! The number of live viewers is suddenly surging!”“Fuck! M
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Chapter 15
“Hey, Ben, come see this!” Max rushed closer to his best friend. He had pulled out his phone and had begun watching the Livestream. “Look at this!” He then showed Benjamin the social media trend. “The hashtag ‘naked student-run’ is already trending on all platforms. The shares and overall widespread attention are insane!”Seeing this, Benjamin finally felt a sense of satisfaction. He was glad to see Andrew receiving a punishment that matched his misbehaviors.“Benjy.” Hearing his grandmother's voice, Benjamin rushed over to her and hugged her. “Are you okay, Grandma?”Theresa Knox smiled weakly at her grandson before nodding her head. “Don't worry about me, my dear. I'm fine.”It was then that Benjamin recalled the main reason his grandmother had come to the university. “Sir.” He turned to face the principal. “I was suspended unjustly by Director Thorpe earlier. I would really like for you to revoke my suspension. If you need to look into the matter first, then I can wait.” Theresa
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