In the hidden world of Serevaal, a place parallel to Earth but filled with extraordinary, supernatural creatures, The extraordinary world was unlike Earth, but not completely different either. The sky was a deep, shifting purple, and the ground, though solid, pulsed faintly with energy. Tall, sleek structures floated high above the ground, their bases resembling ships or large hovering crafts, serving as homes for the people. They weren’t animals, nor were they humans. These were beings of the elements—each one tied to fire, water, earth, or air. Most possessed the power of one element, a rare few controlled two. The people lived in harmony with the elements—fire, water, earth, and air. Severaal had existed for more than a millennium and they had maintained the balance of power, ensuring peace. 300 years ago, a great evil known as the Dark One awakened, threatening to plunge their world into chaos. The last time this happened, a hero had risen. His name was Elro, the greatest m
Last Updated : 2024-12-11 Read more