Author: A.Manuel

The sun beamed directly at his eyes, Tyler let out a faint yawn.

"What a night !" Tyler groaned while sitting straight up on the bed , with his right hand rubbing his forehead due to the hangover from last night's clubbing and drinking.

There were movements on the bed and his gaze shifted from the window to the other side of the bed . Just beside him was the lady he picked up from the club and had a one night stand with.

He traced her body with his eyes and was amazed how endowed she was, her face was covered with a red veil.

"She looks pretty, but what is it with the veil covering her face?" He thought to himself.

"Morning damsel," he spoke, trying to wake her from her sleep. He stretched his hand to pat her gently on the hip.

The lady frowned, troubled at the slight disturbance.

She shifted in the bed, before opening her eyes, "Where am I?" She asked, slowly raising her body from the bed.

Gazing at the man before her, she immediately noticed she was naked and had nothing on.

Her eyes went wide as she grabbed the quilt from the bed and wrapped it all over her body, blushing at Tyler's gaze.

"Who are you? And what am I doing here?" She said, visibly shrinking into the bed spread. Her gaze darted around the room indicating her confusion, before landing on Tyler

"Damsel in distress?" Tyler scoffed with a smirk on his face, tilting his head to the side.

He found this funny, but the look in her eyes showed she was indeed serious with her words.

Calmly, he said, "Look, don't be afraid. You told me to take you somewhere safe away from those men I saw coming towards you last night, and I humbly agreed. Don't you remember?" He asked, lifting his brow at her.

The veiled lady looked at him in confusion, trying to recall what Tyler was talking about. "I… I can't remember. Someone gave me a drink. Yellow hair." She paused, flashing back to the club and to the man with blonde hair that offered her the drink.

Now she remembered what happened. She was given the drink and began to feel dizzy after. She vaguely remembered some men trying to touch her.

Still having a bit of her senses, she was able to run out from their midst, bumping into Tyler, who saved her life from those men. And now, here they are at a hotel, both butt naked.

"I can't believe it." She choked out, staring at her trembling hands.

"What have I done? " She gasped, panicking with her hands covering her mouth.

Just then, she gasped, remembering something so important. Her arranged wedding was fixed for next week with Philip Gil the eldest son of the Gil's family.

She thought about how powerful the Gil family was and how her family had been anticipating this marriage to happen.

Now, she had lost her virginity to a stranger. It was devastating.

"Why me?!" She sobbed bitterly, trying to subdue her pains through her veil. She sat on the bed with force, her two hand covering her face.

On seeing this, Tyler felt concerned for the young lady.

"Hey," He called in a gentle voice, sitting next to her. "Don't cry," he pacified.

"At least you are safe. From what you said, those guys I saw at the club, heading in your direction were bad news and I'm sure they were trying to attack you I guess," He said, trying to pacify her.

"I promise, whatever happened between us stays here and ends here. We can go our separate ways and everyone is back to their normal lives," Tyler assured her.

His hand moved towards her face as he touched here to reassure her that she was safe.

But the moment he touched her, the veil fell off her face, leaving Tyler shocked at once.

Her face…

Her face was disfigured, a terrible burn.

It wasn't a good sight to behold, but he couldn't take his gaze off her. His focus shifted from her burns to her eyes. Her eyes were one from a goddess.

“Your eyes…” Tyler thought loud, captivated by how those emerald orbs shimmered.

But the young lady felt ashamed and insecured, telling Tyler to leave. "Please, just leave.." She spat through tears, her voice leaked with agony.

She grabbed the veil, covering her face.

That tone wiped the smile off Tyler's face. Still, he respected her wish and left.

"I'm sure she once had a pretty face. She's really beautiful, and those eyes are... " he thought to himself while exiting the hotel.

"But why was she feeling depressed?" He let out a sigh of pity for the young lady.

Stepping out of the hotel reception, a black Mercedes Benz which was owned by someone close to Tyler, named Gabriel, packed right outside, waiting for Tyler.

Gabriel was one of the commanders of the southern Army, very loyal and also skilled in combat.

The door was opened by one of Gabriel's guards, who welcomed Tyler, as he got in, sitting with a pleased Gabriel. "Morning boss!" Gabriel greeted, signaling his guard to drive off.

Chuckling, Tyler said, "There's no need to be formal with me."

"You do know I have to refer to you as boss, right? Besides, you are the Marshal of the Southern Border of Everdone also the Black Dragon", Gabriel referred with a smile on his face.

"Still, there's no need for that," Tyler repeated, smirking at him.

The car drove off, as the two men got down to the main business on ground. "Have you gotten any report on the assignment I gave you?" Tyler asked Gabriel.

"Yes, " Gabriel responded, pulling out a file from the corner of his sit. Handing the documents to Tyler, he added, " I gathered the information on the lady who saved your life, Boss."

Tyler took hold of the documents which Gabriel handed to him, going through all the pages .

"Sonia Walters," Gabriel shared. "That's her name."

"Sonia," Tyler hummed, going through the pages while recalling the day that angel risked her life to save him.

Finding her was his main goal. He wouldn't take his mind off her.

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