All Chapters of ALMIGHTY DRAGON COMES BACK FOR REVENGE: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
10 chapters
The sun beamed directly at his eyes, Tyler let out a faint yawn. "What a night !" Tyler groaned while sitting straight up on the bed , with his right hand rubbing his forehead due to the hangover from last night's clubbing and drinking.There were movements on the bed and his gaze shifted from the window to the other side of the bed . Just beside him was the lady he picked up from the club and had a one night stand with. He traced her body with his eyes and was amazed how endowed she was, her face was covered with a red veil. "She looks pretty, but what is it with the veil covering her face?" He thought to himself."Morning damsel," he spoke, trying to wake her from her sleep. He stretched his hand to pat her gently on the hip.The lady frowned, troubled at the slight disturbance. She shifted in the bed, before opening her eyes, "Where am I?" She asked, slowly raising her body from the bed.Gazing at the man before her, she immediately noticed she was naked and had nothing on.Her
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It was ten years ago. Tyler was involved in a terrible fire outbreak, which got him trapped with no way out.He had no one to save or rescue him from the flames that surrounded him that very day. All he could do was scream out and await his end. But it was at that very moment he saw her. Sonia Walters, the one who risked her life to walk through the flames and pull a terrified Tyler out from the burning building."Hold on to me!" She had yelled, placing his arm around her shoulder. Tyler did as she instructed, following his young savior, until she showed him the way out to safety. When he got out, he fainted due to the smoke, but later woke up to find himself in the South. He had been rescued and taken somewhere else. Away from home and away from the young lady who saved him.He never got the chance to see and thank her for her help.After ten years in the military, Tyler had worked his way to become the Marshall of the South, one of the Most powerful Marshals in Evendore.And now h
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Philip felt pleased with the event transpiring in front of him. Unknown to the Walters family, the whole incident was part of his plan. It was all his doing.Although there was a change in his scheme. Philip hired those men to drug and take turns with Sonia, so that he would film it and send to the Walters family, but it didn't go the way he planned. Sonia managed to escape their hold, ending up in Tyler's arms instead.Even though the stranger that rescued his fiancee wasn't among the men he hired, Philip was still glad that he was a man. So, when the guys from the bar reached out to him about the situation on ground, he immediately went for the next course of action which was acquiring the surveillance footage from the bar through bribe, bringing the photos down to Walters's home to ruin his engagement to his fiancee. And why did he do all these? Disgust!Philip hated the fact that his future wife was going to be an ugly disfigured lady that wasn't attractive in anyway. To him, S
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As the sleek black car pulled up to the gates of Arthur Palace, Sonia's eyes widened in disbelief. The sprawling villa before her was unlike anything she had ever seen, its grandeur surpassing even the most luxurious homes in Arthurton."This... this is where you live?" Sonia asked, her voice barely above a whisper.Tyler nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Welcome to your new home, Sonia."As they stepped out of the car, Sonia couldn't help but stare at the ornate facade, the perfectly manicured gardens, and the shimmering fountain at the center of the circular driveway."It's so... grand," she murmured, still in awe. "I thought... I mean, I didn't expect..."Tyler chuckled softly. "You thought I was just some vain man who picked you up at a bar?"Sonia blushed, lowering her eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed...""No need to apologize," Tyler said gently. "Let's go inside. You must be tired."As they entered the grand foyer, Sonia felt overwhelmed by the opulence surr
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The newlyweds, Tyler and Sonia, arrived at the Walters family home, their happiness quickly overshadowed by the tense atmosphere.Sonia's father, Clinton, stood awkwardly in the corner, his shabby clothes a stark contrast to the opulent surroundings."Well, look who decided to grace us with his presence," sneered Uncle Richard, one of the Walters family elders."If it isn't our resident black sheep, Clinton the Pauper."Clinton's face reddened, but he remained silent, used to such treatment. His low status in the family was painfully evident, his influence non-existent despite his connection to the powerful Walters clan.Aunt Lucia chimed in, her voice dripping with false sympathy, "Oh Clinton, dear, do try not to touch anything. We wouldn't want you to break something you can't afford to replace."Laughter rippled through the room, causing Clinton to shrink further into himself. Sonia squeezed Tyler's hand, her heart aching for her father but unsure how to defend him.Suddenly, Maure
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Sonia sat at her desk, her shoulders slumped in defeat. The prospect of negotiating with the Yale Group, a multinational corporation known for its cutthroat business practices, seemed insurmountable.She buried her face in her hands, trying to muster the courage she knew she needed.Tyler, noticing her distress, approached quietly. "Sonia," he said gently, "what's troubling you?"She looked up, her eyes betraying her lack of confidence. "This deal with the Yale Group... I don't know if I can do it, Tyler. They're so big, so powerful. What chance do I have?"Tyler's eyes softened with understanding. He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't lose heart, Sonia. We can do this together. I believe in you."His words seemed to ignite a small spark within her. Sonia straightened slightly, a glimmer of hope crossing her features. "Wait," she said, her voice gaining strength. "I just remembered something. My old high school classmate... she works at the Yale Group now!"Tyler's face
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The Gil family’s grand villa buzzed with chatter, laughter, and the clink of glasses. Don Gil, the head of the most powerful of the four major families, was at the center of it all, a sly smile on his face as he soaked in the attention.He enjoyed the power, the groveling, the endless string of guests bringing gifts to win his favor. Even Lewis Walters had arrived, carrying the weight of his family’s regret.“Don,” Lewis said, forcing a smile as he offered a hand, “I hope we can set aside past differences. The Walters family truly wishes to mend the relationship.”Don raised a brow, his lips curling into a sneer.“Apologies, Lewis? Words are cheap. I’ll believe it when I see action.”Lewis nodded, swallowing his pride. He knew the danger of being on Don’s bad side, but tonight, the danger was about to come from an entirely different direction.Outside the villa, Tyler stood with Gabriel by his side, their faces hidden behind dark masks. The massive coffin Gabriel carried on his shoulde
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The Arthur family cemetery was eerily quiet, the only sound being the soft rustle of leaves in the cool night breeze. Tyler stood before his grandfather's grave, his expression unreadable.At his feet lay the severed head of Don Gil, eyes staring lifelessly at the ground. Tyler bent down, placing the head gently on the grave.“Grandfather, I have avenged you,” Tyler murmured, his voice carrying through the stillness of the night. “Don Gil is dead, but my work isn’t done. I’ll retrieve the family heirloom and restore the honor they stole from us. I promise you.”He bowed his head for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady himself. The memories of the massacre haunted him, fueling his determination.As he straightened up, his eyes blazed with resolve. He turned away from the grave and walked briskly toward the cemetery gates, disappearing into the darkness.Meanwhile, at the Gil family villa, chaos and despair hung heavy in the air. The grand hall, once a place of opulence and power,
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The morning sun barely peeked through the curtains when Tyler's phone rang. Sonia's excited voice came through the speaker."Tyler! You won't believe it. My high school reunion - it worked! I think we might have a real shot at this partnership!"Tyler smiled, genuinely pleased for her. "That's fantastic news, Sonia. Would you like me to come pick you up? We can head to the Emperor Group together.""That would be wonderful. Thank you, Tyler."A short while later, Gabriel was navigating the morning traffic as Tyler and Sonia sat in the back of the car.Sonia's brow furrowed as she scrolled through her phone. "Oh no, did you hear about Don Gil? He passed away last night."Tyler kept his expression neutral. "I hadn't heard. What happened?""The details are vague. Some kind of accident at a family gathering. It's terrible - the Gil family is so influential.""Indeed they are," Tyler replied carefully. "But let's focus on your good news. Tell me more about this potential partnership."Sonia
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Richard stood in front of Sonia with a smug grin, his arms crossed, clearly trying to intimidate her. Lucia, his partner in crime, stood beside him, her eyes gleaming with greed. It wasn’t the first time they had tried to manipulate situations for their benefit, and this time, Sonia seemed like an easy target."You know, Sonia," Richard started smoothly, "we could help each other out here. Sign this, and we’ll make sure everything goes your way. We could all benefit from this… if you play along."Lucia chimed in, her voice sickly sweet. "Yes, dear, it’s just business. Nothing personal. It would be in your best interest to listen to Richard. He’s experienced in these things."Sonia frowned, her stomach churning at their obvious attempt to take advantage of her. She took a deep breath, summoning her courage. "No," she said firmly. "I’m not interested in whatever scheme you two are planning. I refuse to be part of something underhanded."Richard’s grin faded, replaced by a sneer. "You re
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