It was ten years ago. Tyler was involved in a terrible fire outbreak, which got him trapped with no way out.

He had no one to save or rescue him from the flames that surrounded him that very day. All he could do was scream out and await his end.

But it was at that very moment he saw her. Sonia Walters, the one who risked her life to walk through the flames and pull a terrified Tyler out from the burning building.

"Hold on to me!" She had yelled, placing his arm around her shoulder. Tyler did as she instructed, following his young savior, until she showed him the way out to safety.

When he got out, he fainted due to the smoke, but later woke up to find himself in the South. He had been rescued and taken somewhere else. Away from home and away from the young lady who saved him.

He never got the chance to see and thank her for her help.

After ten years in the military, Tyler had worked his way to become the Marshall of the South, one of the Most powerful Marshals in Evendore.

And now he's back to search for his benefactor, and repay her for her kindness.

Recalling that incident, made Tyler determined to find Sonia. He didn't want to leave this place, until he has laid his eyes on her.

While going through the pages Gabriel gave to him, his second in command pulled out another folder from the corner of his seat and said, "I also got a few pics on what she looks like."

What he said made Tyler's heart skip. He lifted his gaze at Gabriel and saw the folder in his hold.

"Well, it turns out that Sonia's face had been disfigured. She's not doing well at the moment," Gabriel shared, handing over the file to Tyler, who immediately opened up the folder and pulled the pictures out.

The moment he dropped his eyes on Sonia's image... "What?" He froze, realizing that Sonia Walters is the same lady he had a one night stand at the hotel!

His whole body quivered at this shocking information. He still couldn't believe it.

Gabriel noticed Tyler's sudden change and asked, "Is everything okay, Boss?"

"It's her," Tyler uttered, still staring at the photo.


"She's the one. The same lady from the hotel!" He slammed his hand on his seat and ordered, "Walter's residence. Take us there now!"

"Oh... Okay, Sir," The guard behind the wheel responded with a nod, while Gabriel stared at Tyler lost for words.


After leaving the hotel with great difficulty, Sonia arrived at her family's house, feeling so weak while stepping into her home.

She thought she could sneak inside and act like she has been at home all night, without anyone knowing she was missing. But fear engulfed Sonia when she saw her family and fiance, Philip, waiting for her.

She trembled in her spot, on meeting the raging gaze of her entire family, Philip, and her grandfather, Lewis. He's the head of the Walters family.

"Mom... Dad..." Sonia stammered, trying to compose herself.

Thats when Lewis fired his question in his deep, yet terrifying tone, "Where are you coming from?"

Sonia shivered, lowering her head down.

"When I'm talking, you look me straight in the eyes and answer me! Where are you coming from?!" He roared, causing poor Sonia to tremble again.

She carefully lifted her head to face her family, "I... I went clubbing."

"You went Clubbing?! All night?!" Her mother, Maureen, exclaimed out, stepping forward.

"Sonia, is this the kind of training we gave to you? You are the daughter of the Walters family! We expect you to portray good morals, not this!" Maureen shouted, feeling annoyed.

It's her dream to get her daughter married into the Gil family, in honesty and purity. In that way, their family's name would be lifted, and Lewis would have no choice but to respect her as well.

With the heated question falling on her, Sonia managed to speak up, telling her mother part of the truth. "I got drunk and slept at a hotel. I didn't want to leave the club in my state, last night."

"Is that so? " Philip's voice came in, gaining Sonia's attention.

"You just got drunk and stayed at a hotel like a saint? Then how do you explain this garbage?!"

All of a sudden, Philip pulled out some photos and tossed it to the ground! The whole family stared down on it and where shocked to see what the pictures contained.

These where photos of Sonia, leaning against a man at the bar, from last night!

Sonia was shocked when she saw this pictures. She wondered how Philip got them.

"This... This can't be happening. How did he..." She trembled, lifting her eyes at her family.

They were all in rage, as they slowly picked one photo to another, gazing at their daughter with another man.

The one who terrified Sonia more was Lewis. The old man held one of the pictures Sonia was holding Tyler in, and groaned, directing his gaze at her.

"Who's he? Is this your lover?!"

"Grandpa, no. It's... It's nothing like..."

"KNEEL DOWN!" He roared, scaring Sonia, who immediately fell on her knees, scared of what would happen to her.

Just then, Maureen stormed up to her daughter and landed her a resounding slap on the face.

"How could you?! After everything we did for you, you stooped to this level?!"

"Mom, please listen to me. It's not what you think." Sonia sniffed, trying to hold back her tears.

"You have brought shame to our family," Her father, Clinton, uttered from beside Lewis, turning his face away from his daughter.

"Who knows how many men she has sold her body to. This is why I said she shouldn't be given the freedom to move around by herself ," her cousin, Michelle, scoffed at her, adding more fuel to the fire.

Tears filled her eyes disturbing her vision as she stared at the faces of the people she called family, treating her like a slut. No one wanted to listen to her. They all believed the pictures before them.

Philip, who started this fire, stood aside, watching how Sonia was being attacked by her family, with a sinister smile creeping across his face.

It's all he ever wanted. Everything was going according to his plan.

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