Philip felt pleased with the event transpiring in front of him. Unknown to the Walters family, the whole incident was part of his plan. It was all his doing.

Although there was a change in his scheme. Philip hired those men to drug and take turns with Sonia, so that he would film it and send to the Walters family, but it didn't go the way he planned.

Sonia managed to escape their hold, ending up in Tyler's arms instead.

Even though the stranger that rescued his fiancee wasn't among the men he hired, Philip was still glad that he was a man.

So, when the guys from the bar reached out to him about the situation on ground, he immediately went for the next course of action which was acquiring the surveillance footage from the bar through bribe, bringing the photos down to Walters's home to ruin his engagement to his fiancee.

And why did he do all these? Disgust!

Philip hated the fact that his future wife was going to be an ugly disfigured lady that wasn't attractive in anyway. To him, Sonia was so disgusting and would ruin his life with her ugliness.

That's why he made it his goal to end the engagement before it leads to marriage.

"I can't marry such a rebellious lady, who has no regards for her future husband and her family. An unknown person sent this pictures to me. Clearly, it would have been seen by some other eyes," he lamented, posing a broken lover.

Giving out a sigh, Philip said, "I'm really sorry but this engagement is cancelled. I can't marry your Granddaughter, Mr Lewis. I respect you and your family, but this union can't work."

He joined both palms together, lowering his head at Lewis in respect.

And just as he wanted, Lewis accepted his decision with a heavy heart, giving Philip the go ahead to call of the engagement.

"We are sorry for our daughter's illicit act. Please, do forgive us, " Lewis apologized on behalf of Sonia.

This pleased Philip more. He faked sadness before the Walters's and carefully walked pass them, aiming for the exit.

He didn't even look back at the woman he had just tarnished her image before her family. He was filled with happiness, as he marched out of the house with joy.

As soon as he left, Lewis's raging gaze fell back on a weak Sonia on the floor. He tightened his fist in anger and ordered Reno, "Get me my belt."

When Sonia heard that, she gasped out, raising her head to look at her grandfather.

Reno obeyed and immediately ran inside to get the belt, while Lewis walked up to a trembling Sonia, giving her the death stare.

Taking a breathe out, he said to his granddaughter, "You know how important this union between the Gil and the Walters family was yet..." He drew closer. "You had the audacity to diagrace us by sleeping around with your secret lover."

"No, it's not like that," Sonia mumbled as tears began flowing down from her eyes, crawling back from her grandfather.

"If it's not like that, then it's what? Tell me, Sonia!" Lewis yelled.

As Sonia was shaking, her fear increased when Reno arrived with the belt, giving it to Lewis who drew closer to her, tightening his grip on the belt.

"Grandpa, please."

"This union was meant to help the family's status grow! But what did you do?!" He sparked, launching his belt at Sonia sides, beating her.

She cried, falling on the ground, as more lashes came down on her skin. "Grandfather, please! I'm sorry!!" She cried, trying to get away from Lewis. But he was determined to vent his rage on Sonia for his loss.

"Ungrateful! Why is everything about you just different?!!" Lewis roared, hitting her again.

"Grandad, it's a misunderstanding, I was drugged. The man in the picture was just helping me cause there were some guys who..." She was interrupted with another lash to the neck, silencing her.

Just as Lewis was about to unleash more of his wrath on Sonia, the unexpected happened... "STOP!!" A voice roared from the door, stopping Lewis in his track.

The whole family lifted their gaze and saw two strangers walking into their home, glaring at them. That was Tyler and Gabriel, giving a terrifying aura in the home.

"Drop that belt or else..." Tyler dared, drawing closer to the Walters.

His action stunned the whole Walters and made them annoyed with Tyler. His audacity disgusted them to the core.

"Who's this disrespectful stranger that thinks he can just barge into our home?" Reno questioned out loudly, stepping forward.

Lewis, who was shunned by Tyler, was raged. "Who are you?" He questioned, lowering his hand down.

Sonia, who was on the ground, lifted her head and saw the two men that stepped into her home. She immediately recognized the man she spent the night with at a hotel, stunning her.

"What's he doing here? " She stared, noticing Tyler gazing straight at her grandfather fearlessly.

His strength and dominance amused Sonia, who couldn't take her eyes off Tyler.

"I thought he left for good? Has he been... Been following me?" Sonia wondered, feeling touched. For Tyler to dive in and save her from her family's wrath, was enough to bloom the innocent lady's heart.

But what terrified her more was her grandfather, who glared at Tyler and asked, "Young man, do you know where you are?"

Fear engulfed Sonia, who was worried about Tyler's safety. She knows how powerful her family can be, and when someone challenges them, the latter would be ruined for sure.

"He stands no chance against grandfather. He'll be eaten alive," Sonia panicked in her heart, glancing back at Tyler.

"Wait, aren't you the same man in the photo with Sonia? " Reno recognized, alerting the whole family, including Lewis.

They all gasped, flashing at the pics Philip had tossed at them, getting raged even more.

"He's the one!"

"The shameless bastard that ruined our family's chance to a better future! It's you!"

"You even had the guts to break into our home after what you did?!" The whole family groaned, ready to pounce on Tyler and Gabriel.

Sonia was scared. She felt like stepping in to save Tyler from her family, only for her grandfather to roar out, "GUARDS!!" calling the bodyguards of the home to deal with the unwanted guest.

"WHERE ARE THE GUARDS?!" He roared out, stamping his feet hard on the floor.

And to their surprise, the guards came into the house bruised, leaping with pains and bleeding faces.

This stunned the whole family, who wondered what had happened to their guards. But their answer was gotten when the guards saw Tyler and drifted back in fear.

"What are you doing there? BEAT THIS FOOL!" Lewis ordered, ignoring their injuries. But their refusal sent a message to the old man immediately.

"No, he's dangerous."

"Look at what they did to us, " The guards complained, drifting further away.

When the whole Walters saw this, they were in disbelief that a man like Tyler was capable of taking out all their guards with no scratch on him.

Only Sonia was amused. Her face slowly came bright, admiring Tyler's bravery. But she became troubled, because of Tyler's action. "This is bad," She panicked.

Little did she know that her family were scared of Tyler after seeing the guards state.

To save Tyler from getting into any more trouble, Sonia went on her knees and began to plead with her family, mostly at Lewis, to forgive Tyler for his actions.

"Please, forgive him. Don't punish him, I beg of you, " She begged, lowering her head at Lewis. But this only irritated the old man deeply.

He wasn't just scared of Tyler's strength and martial skills, but raged that he was being challenged in his own home.

And to him, it was all because of Sonia. She's the cause of this embarrassment.

Out of anger, he lifted his hand to slap his granddaughter, but was shocked by what happened next. His hand was caught by Tyler midair, stopping him from hitting Sonia!

Lewis's body shook at Tyler's grip. He looked into the young man's eyes, frightened by his aura.

"You will do no such thing to her, " He said, tightening his grip around Lewis's wrist.

Recalling the young man's skills, the old man maintained his mood, hid his fear and asked with anger, "Then what? What will you do to me? Beat me up like you did to my men?!"

Tyler said nothing but carefully released his grip on Lewis. The old man drifted back, holding his wrist while glancing at both Sonia and her so-called lover.

Provoked, he said to Sonia, "So, you called your lover to challenge your own family, isn't that right?"

Sonia swayed her head, trying to get her grandfather to listen to her. But the old man was too furious to hear a thing.

Right there, he asked to Tyler, "You came to marry my granddaughter, that's why you ruined her engagement with her fiance, isn't it?"

He grinned at him, chuckling out. He grabbed Sonia to her feet and pushed her into Tyler's arms saying loudly, "TAKE HER! SHE'S ALL YOURS NOW! From now on, she's your wife. You can take your worthless slut of a wife and get out of my house!"

Sonia gasped, shocked by her grandfather's decision on her.

"Don't you ever step foot in this place, Sonia. From now on, you are dead to us. DEAD!" Lewis roared, tossing his belt to the floor.

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