As the sleek black car pulled up to the gates of Arthur Palace, Sonia's eyes widened in disbelief. The sprawling villa before her was unlike anything she had ever seen, its grandeur surpassing even the most luxurious homes in Arthurton.

"This... this is where you live?" Sonia asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Tyler nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Welcome to your new home, Sonia."

As they stepped out of the car, Sonia couldn't help but stare at the ornate facade, the perfectly manicured gardens, and the shimmering fountain at the center of the circular driveway.

"It's so... grand," she murmured, still in awe. "I thought... I mean, I didn't expect..."

Tyler chuckled softly. "You thought I was just some vain man who picked you up at a bar?"

Sonia blushed, lowering her eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed..."

"No need to apologize," Tyler said gently. "Let's go inside. You must be tired."

As they entered the grand foyer, Sonia felt overwhelmed by the opulence surrounding her. Crystal chandeliers hung from high ceilings, and priceless artwork adorned the walls. It was a far cry from the life she had known.

Once they were alone in one of the spacious rooms, Tyler turned to Sonia. With gentle hands, he reached for her veil. "May I?" he asked softly.

Sonia hesitated, her heart racing. After a moment, she nodded, closing her eyes as the veil fell away.

"You're beautiful, Sonia," Tyler said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Sonia's eyes flew open in surprise. "How can you say that? My face... it's..."

"Is part of who you are," Tyler finished for her. "And you are beautiful." He paused, his expression growing serious. "Now, we need to take care of those injuries from earlier."

"What do you mean?" Sonia asked, confusion evident in her voice.

Tyler gestured to the medical supplies he had gathered. "I need to treat your wounds.

Would you mind undressing?"

Sonia's eyes widened in panic. "I... I can't do that! You can't be serious!"

"I promise, I only want to help," Tyler reassured her. "Trust me, please?"

After a long moment, Sonia nodded hesitantly. As Tyler gently applied medicine to her bruised skin and wrapped her injuries in gauze, she felt a mix of shyness and gratitude wash over her.

"Thank you," she whispered when he was done. "No one has ever... cared for me like this before."

Tyler smiled warmly. "You deserve to be cared for, Sonia. Never forget that."

Over the next ten days, as Sonia recovered under Tyler's care, something unexpected blossomed between them.

They spent hours talking, laughing, and simply enjoying each other's company.

One evening, as they sat on the terrace watching the sunset, Sonia confessed, "I never thought I could feel this happy again. After the accident... I thought my life was over."

Tyler reached out and took her hand. "Life has a way of surprising us. I never expected to find you either."

"Tell me about your life," Sonia asked, curious about the man who had turned her world upside down.

Tyler's eyes grew distant. "I've been alone for a long time. Success, power... they don't mean much when you have no one to share them with."

"And now?" Sonia asked softly.

Tyler's gaze returned to her, a smile playing on his lips."Now, I'm starting to remember what it feels like to not be alone."

As the days passed, Sonia found herself looking forward to their time together, her heart fluttering whenever Tyler smiled at her. She wondered if this was what falling in love felt like.

On the day the gauze was finally removed, Sonia stood before a mirror, barely recognizing the woman who stared back at her.

The scar tissue had faded significantly, revealing smooth, radiant skin underneath. She touched her face in disbelief.

"Is that... really me?" she gasped.

Tyler came to stand behind her, their eyes meeting in the mirror's reflection. "You've always been beautiful, Sonia," he said softly. "But now the whole world can see it too." He turned her to face him, his expression serious. "I promise you, I will never let anyone harm you again."

Overwhelmed by emotion, Sonia excused herself to take a bath. As the warm water enveloped her, she reflected on the whirlwind of changes in her life.

She had gone from feeling worthless and unwanted to cherished and protected in such a short time.

Meanwhile, Tyler met with Gabriel in his study. "Sir, I've brought the information about the four major families as requested," Gabriel said, handing over a thick folder.

Tyler held up a hand. "Thank you, Gabriel, but I've changed my mind. I want you to return to the South."

Gabriel's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Sir? Is everything alright?"

Tyler smiled, a genuine warmth in his expression that Gabriel had rarely seen before. "Everything is perfect. For now, I only want to focus on spending time with Sonia."

Understanding dawned in Gabriel's eyes. "Of course, sir. I'm happy for you."

As Gabriel prepared to leave, Tyler added, "And Gabriel? Thank you for everything."

That evening, as Sonia and Tyler sat together watching the sunset from the palace's terrace, they began to open up to each other in ways they never had before.

"I've been so afraid," Sonia admitted. "Afraid of being seen, of being judged. But with you... I feel safe."

Tyler took her hands in his. "Sonia, these past days have been the happiest of my life. I know we've only known each other for a short time, but I feel like I've been waiting for you my whole life." He paused, gathering his courage.

"Will you marry me? For real this time, not because anyone is forcing us, but because we choose each other?"

Tears welled up in Sonia's eyes as she nodded, unable to speak. Tyler pulled her into his arms, holding her close as the stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky.

"I never thought I'd find love," Sonia whispered against his chest. "Especially not like this."

Tyler gently tilted her chin up, meeting her gaze.

"Sometimes life gives us second chances. I'm grateful for mine."

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