The newlyweds, Tyler and Sonia, arrived at the Walters family home, their happiness quickly overshadowed by the tense atmosphere.

Sonia's father, Clinton, stood awkwardly in the corner, his shabby clothes a stark contrast to the opulent surroundings.

"Well, look who decided to grace us with his presence," sneered Uncle Richard, one of the Walters family elders.

"If it isn't our resident black sheep, Clinton the Pauper."

Clinton's face reddened, but he remained silent, used to such treatment. His low status in the family was painfully evident, his influence non-existent despite his connection to the powerful Walters clan.

Aunt Lucia chimed in, her voice dripping with false sympathy, "Oh Clinton, dear, do try not to touch anything. We wouldn't want you to break something you can't afford to replace."

Laughter rippled through the room, causing Clinton to shrink further into himself. Sonia squeezed Tyler's hand, her heart aching for her father but unsure how to defend him.

Suddenly, Maureen, Sonia's mother, entered the room. Her eyes swept over the gathering, barely registering Clinton or Tyler before landing on Sonia. For a moment, confusion clouded her features.

"Who is this?" Maureen asked, her brow furrowed as she stared at the beautiful young woman before her.

Sonia stepped forward, her voice soft. "Mother, it's me. Sonia."

Maureen's eyes widened in shock as recognition dawned. "Sonia? Is that really you?" She circled her daughter, taking in her restored beauty with growing excitement. "My goodness, you're absolutely stunning!"

Her demeanor shifted dramatically, her previous coldness replaced by enthusiastic affection. "Oh, darling, you must tell me everything! How did this happen? You look like a completely different person!"

As Sonia began to explain, Maureen's gaze fell on Tyler. Her expression immediately cooled. "Oh. You're here too," she said dismissively before turning back to Sonia.

"Sweetheart," Maureen said, her voice honey-sweet, "now that you look like this, we simply must reconsider your... situation." She shot a disdainful glance at Tyler.

"Come with me to the Walters family villa. We need to speak with your grandfather about canceling this ill-advised engagement."

Sonia's face fell. "But mother, Tyler and I are already—"

Maureen cut her off, already pulling her towards the door. "Now, now, dear. Let's not be hasty. Your grandfather will know what's best. After all," she added with a pointed look at Tyler, "we must ensure you have a husband worthy of your beauty."

As Maureen whisked Sonia away, Tyler could only watch, a mixture of concern and determination on his face.

As Sonia entered the Walters family villa, a hush fell over the gathered family members. Whispers of awe rippled through the crowd.

"Is that really Sonia?" "My goodness, she's breathtaking!"

"How is this possible?"

Maureen, basking in the attention her daughter was receiving, approached Lewis with a triumphant smile.

"Father," she said loudly, ensuring everyone could hear, "Surely you can see now that Tyler is not worthy of our Sonia. We must cancel this engagement immediately."

Lewis's eyes moved from Sonia to Tyler, his expression hardening. "You're right, Maureen. This match is no longer suitable. Their engagement is off."

Sonia's voice cut through the murmurs of agreement. "No! I won't allow it!" All eyes turned to her as she continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "If you try to separate us, I'll... I'll disfigure myself again!"

Gasps of shock echoed through the room. Lewis's face darkened with anger. "You dare threaten me, child? I won't stand for such insolence!"

It was then that Tyler stepped forward, his voice calm but firm. "There's no need for threats. No one here can force my wife to do anything. Sonia and I are already married."

A collective gasp went through the gathered family members. Reno, Lewis's grandson, let out a mocking laugh. "Oh, this is rich! The failure thinks he can stand up to us. What are you going to do, Tyler? Bore us to death with your mediocrity?"

Tyler's eyes flashed as he turned to Reno. "I'd watch my tongue if I were you, Reno. You might find yourself surprised by what this 'failure' can do."

Reno's laughter died in his throat, taken aback by Tyler's sudden show of backbone.

Lewis, seeing his grandson cowed, turned his fury on Tyler. "How dare you speak to my grandson like that! I ought to kick you out of this family right now. I'll give you enough money to disappear and never darken our doorstep again!"

Sonia, tears in her eyes, began to plead. "Grandfather, please! Don't do this. I love Tyler. He's a good man!"

Tyler, not wanting to cause Sonia any more distress, raised his hand to quiet her. "There's no need for that, Sonia," he said softly, before turning to face Lewis. "You want to make things difficult for us? Fine. Let's make a bet."

Lewis's eyebrows raised, intrigued despite his anger. "A bet? What kind of bet?"

"Give us a challenge," Tyler replied, his gaze steady.

"Something you think I can't do. If I succeed, you accept our marriage and welcome us both into the family."

Lewis considered for a moment, then a cruel smile spread across his face. "Very well. Here's your challenge: negotiate a cooperation order worth thirty million with the Yale Group. You have ten days."

The room fell silent. The Yale Group was notoriously difficult to work with, and such a large order in such a short time seemed impossible.

But Tyler didn't flinch. Instead, he smiled confidently.

"Ten days? I won't need that long. I'll complete this task by tomorrow."

His bold claim left the room in stunned silence. Lewis's smile faltered for a moment before he regained his composure. "Big words, boy. We'll see if you can back them up. If you fail, you'll leave this family and never return. Do we have a deal?"

Tyler nodded firmly. "We have a deal."

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