Sonia sat at her desk, her shoulders slumped in defeat. The prospect of negotiating with the Yale Group, a multinational corporation known for its cutthroat business practices, seemed insurmountable.

She buried her face in her hands, trying to muster the courage she knew she needed.

Tyler, noticing her distress, approached quietly. "Sonia," he said gently, "what's troubling you?"

She looked up, her eyes betraying her lack of confidence. "This deal with the Yale Group... I don't know if I can do it, Tyler. They're so big, so powerful. What chance do I have?"

Tyler's eyes softened with understanding. He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't lose heart, Sonia. We can do this together. I believe in you."

His words seemed to ignite a small spark within her. Sonia straightened slightly, a glimmer of hope crossing her features. "Wait," she said, her voice gaining strength. "I just remembered something. My old high school classmate... she works at the Yale Group now!"

Tyler's face lit up. "That's fantastic news, Sonia! Why don't you reach out to her? It could give us the edge we need."

Sonia nodded, her determination growing. "I'll do that as soon as I get home. What about you? Do you have any plans?"

"I'm heading back to Arthur Palace," Tyler replied, a hint of mystery in his tone. "I have an idea that might help us."

As they parted ways, both felt a renewed sense of purpose. Sonia hurried home to contact her old classmate, while Tyler made his way to Arthur Palace.

Upon arriving at the grand building, Tyler wasted no time. He approached one of his aides, his voice commanding yet calm. "Use my Dragon Marshal authority to summon Jude Yale, the chairman of the Yale Group. I want him here immediately."

The aide nodded briskly and set off to carry out the order.

Within the hour, Jude Yale was ushered into Tyler's presence. The moment he stepped into the room, it was clear that the businessman was far from his usual confident self.

Jude's hands trembled as he stood before Tyler, his voice quavering as he spoke. "Y-yes, Dragon Marshal? How may I serve you?"

Tyler regarded him coolly, his demeanor calm but radiating an unmistakable aura of power. "Mr. Yale," he began, his voice level, "I want you to reach a cooperation agreement with Sonia Walters. It would be... beneficial for all parties involved."

The implication in Tyler's words was clear. Jude, still shaking, nodded vigorously. "Of course, of course! It shall be done as you wish, Dragon Marshal."

"Excellent," Tyler replied. "You may go."

Jude didn't need to be told twice. He hurried out of the room, the weight of Tyler's influence still heavy upon him.

As the door closed behind the rattled businessman, Tyler's thoughts turned to another matter. "Now, where's Gabriel?" he mused aloud. "He should have left for the South by now."

As if summoned by Tyler's words, Gabriel appeared in the doorway. Tyler raised an eyebrow, surprised to see him still at the palace.

"I'm still here, sir," Gabriel announced, his voice firm and resolute. "I've decided to stay and follow you."

Tyler studied him for a moment, gauging his determination. "Are you sure about this, Gabriel? The path ahead may not be easy."

Gabriel met his gaze unflinchingly. "Absolutely. Where you go, I go."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Tyler's mouth. He nodded, accepting Gabriel's decision. "Very well. In that case, let's head to the Norton family mausoleum. There's something I need to check."

"Right behind you, sir," Gabriel replied, falling into step beside Tyler as they left the room.

As they made their way out of Arthur Palace, Tyler's mind raced with the day's

The sun was setting as Tyler stood motionless before his father's tombstone, its long shadow stretching across the quiet mausoleum grounds.

Gabriel waited a respectful distance away, watching his master with a mixture of concern and curiosity.

Tyler's voice, when he finally spoke, was barely above a whisper. "It's been ten years, father. Ten years since you married..."

The name seemed to hang in the air, heavy with unspoken pain. Tyler's expression darkened as memories flooded back.

"That woman," he continued, his voice gaining an edge, "she accused Grandfather of raping her. It was all lies, but it drove a wedge between you and him."

His fists clenched at his sides, knuckles white with suppressed rage. "And then she... she pushed you to your death. The four major families used that chaos to attack. They burned Grandfather and the rest of the clan, all for the Lava Heart."

Gabriel, sensing an opening, cautiously asked, "The ruby heirloom, sir?"

Tyler nodded grimly. "Yes. A priceless treasure... and the cause of so much pain."

A heavy silence fell between them, broken only by the soft rustle of leaves in the evening breeze. After a moment, Gabriel cleared his throat.

"Sir, if I may... Tonight is the Gil family's celebration banquet."

Tyler turned to face him, his eyes sharp with sudden interest. "Go on."

"They're celebrating the long-term cooperation between the Fire Dragon Group and the Yale Group," Gabriel explained. "It's also Don Gil's eightieth birthday."

A dangerous glint appeared in Tyler's eye, a cold smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Is that so? Well, we should send our... congratulations."

Gabriel shifted uneasily, sensing the shift in his master's mood. "What did you have in mind, sir?"

Tyler's voice was ice when he replied, each word deliberate and filled with lethal intent. "Prepare a coffin, Gabriel. We'll send it as our gift for the 'celebration.'"

Gabriel's eyes widened as he realized the full implication of Tyler's words. "A coffin... I understand, sir. It will be done."

Tyler turned back to the tombstone, his face set in grim determination. "It's time for justice, father. Time for revenge."

As they left the mausoleum, the last rays of sunlight caught the polished surface of the tombstone, seeming to ignite a fire within the stone itself.

It was a fitting metaphor, Gabriel thought, for the inferno of vengeance that now burned in his master's heart.

The drive back to the city was silent, each man lost in his own thoughts. Gabriel's mind raced with the logistics of acquiring a coffin on such short notice, while Tyler sat motionless, his eyes fixed on some distant point beyond the windshield.

As they approached the city limits, the lights of the bustling metropolis seemed to mock the somber mood within the car. Somewhere out there, the Gil family was preparing for their celebration, blissfully unaware of the storm that was about to break upon them.

Tyler's voice, when he finally spoke, was calm and controlled. "Make sure the coffin is delivered anonymously, Gabriel. We wouldn't want to spoil the surprise."

"Of course, sir," Gabriel replied, a chill running down his spine at the cold calculation in Tyler's tone.

As they pulled up to Tyler's residence, the young master paused before exiting the car. "Tomorrow, Gabriel, we begin dismantling everything the Gils have built. Their empire, their reputation, their very legacy - all of it will crumble to dust."

Gabriel nodded solemnly. "I'll be ready, sir."

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