Chapter 4: Game on

“That bastard is a cheater, because why would he agree to the divorce easily?”

Lily complained, and for some reason, was disappointed and angry that Andrew didn't think twice before accepting the divorce.

She had expected him to beg, and bawl his eyes out asking for a second chance, but he didn't, and that surprised the hell out of her.

There was no other reasonable explanation she could think of, that made him agree to the divorce like that —if not, that he had been cheating on her.

“I hope I don't see that hoe of his, because I'm going to teach them both a lesson” She threatened, picking up her phone from the bed.

“Babe, come and see, your ex is getting into the latest range rover Prado ?” Mike called out , still peeping from the window, his gaze fixed on the car, till it went out of sight.

“ Don't take that puppet seriously, he's probably a driver” Lily mocked, her eyes fixed on the phone in her hands.

“Oh, I never thought of that, I thought he had graduated to hijacking cars” Mike said, bursting into laughter as Lily joined him.

“Babe, you know this would be the biggest moment of my life” Lily flung her phone on the bed and stood up to join Mike where he stood in just his briefs.

“ Babe, do you know the most exciting part? The mysterious chairman of A and U would be the one to personally present my money to me tomorrow” Lily giggled, her face litting up with smiles.

“And that's not even all, I am going to be a fucking shareholder in the biggest company in the world!” she squealed in delight, jumping on Mike's body, and in turn he grabbed her ass, pressing her body into his.

“ And before I forget babe, we need to invite your friends and business partners to come witness this day with me.”

“Of course, you are the star of the day, I will make sure to invite all the influential men I know” Mike assured, pressing his lips on Lily's.


After hours of being on the road, a white range rover Prado finally came to a halt at the other side of the city.

A part known to house only the elites and influential men. No one dared enter without a permit card.

Amongst other exotic tall glass buildings stood the largest of them all.

It was none other than A and U building , the leading company in Nashville city and beyond with over 5 branches located at various locations around the world.

The white gates slide automatically letting the range rover in.

And as soon as they got to the private garage, a man in his mid 40’s cladded in a black expensive suit, highlighted with speed.

He stood at the side of the door where a young man was seated in the back seat, talking with someone on his phone.

As soon as he ended the call, Andrew Don,the youngest undercover trillionaire put on his $1m dollars signature black shades.

At this part of the city, he was never seen without a shade on.

After successfully building his empire from scratch 3 years ago, he decided to stay undercover.

And only visits his headquarters once in a while, because everything was automated, the system could run even without him being present for at least 5 years, If he chose to.

He only visits only on important occasions , just like the one he came for today.

Just as he was about to step out from the car, his phone vibrated, notifying an incoming call.

“Sir, we found her. She is currently based at Ceal Veal city.”

“That's good news. Send every detail you have now, and prepare my jet. I need to meet with her today.”

As soon as he dropped the call, he scrolled through his phone, dialing another number , and at the third ring, the person picked up.

“Hello sir,” Emily, his personal assistant, spoke up from the other end.

“Emily, I need you to make a public announcement that the banquet is shifted to three days time, not tomorrow anymore”

“ Okay, Sir” his assistant replied, as she wondered what was going through her boss's mind.

Even though she had been his assistant for the past 3 years, she never seems to know how he comes up with his mind blowing plans.

After hanging up the phone, Andrew immediately headed to one of his shopping malls to commence with the first stage of his plan.

After changing into his casual outfit, he walked out of the mall, heading to his private garage to board his jet to Ceal Veal city.

But unfortunately, he sighted the last person he had expected to see today- Mike.

“ We meet again, Mr pauper son-in-law” The familiar voice grinned, “Oh!,forgive me, my bad.”

“I forgot to add EX,” Mike mocked, stretching the word Ex to spite Andrew.

“I have no time for nonsense. Now get out of my way” Andrew said coldly, dismissing the bald headed man who had mischief glistering in his brown eyes.

“Oh I understand, although I have never been in your position and I can't relate to being a pauper who works multiple jobs for such a measly pay.”

“But run along so you don't get fired,okay?” Mike said mockingly.

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