47-They Were All Surprised

“Over the years, you've done quite well in the company. You've worked hard at your job, constantly trying to improve, and the directors, as well as myself, have observed all of this,” Steven said in a tone full of authority. “So, we put you in charge of the most important project for the company.”

It sounded like a compliment at first, but suddenly Steven changed his tone to one of anger. “But you've let me down, and your grandfather down too!” Steven's voice suddenly exploded, accompanied by a loud slam on the desk.

“You used your position as project head to reap personal benefits, line your own pockets, and even leaked trade secrets to outsiders-this is a breach of confidentiality and embezzlement!”

Steven continued to shout with unsuppressed rage. “And now you're conspiring with CEO Moster to take over all of Hamilton Group's assets for your own gain. Do the Hamilton family, this company, and its board of directors still mean anything to you?!”

Diana's face paled. She never thought
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