Chapter 15

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As soon as the wooden sword shattered, the final boss reached for Alan with his right hand, grabbing his collar and sinking two knee jabs into his torso.

Alan’s body jerked back in response to the jabs, his lungs momentarily contracting, causing him to gasp dryly for air.

In quick succession, the final boss pulled him closer, whilst pulling his own head back. His neck moved as he threw his head forward, striking Alan right on his glabella.


Metal met flesh and bone, the latter tearing and cracking.

A flux of pain condensed at the impact point, dazzling Alan for a moment there, so much so that he almost fell asleep.

His body getting lifted jolted him awake, and, before he could tell what was going on, the final boss spun on his heels, reeling Alan to the air as though he was some weightless mannequin.

In a single 360° turn, the final boss flung Alan across the hallway, the latter’s flight momentum blowing out a few torches. They reignited back almost immediately
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