Noah widened his eyes. “That's not possible. How could Brucy Kings, the famous and wealthy man know an orphan like me?”

“Stop it. What about the Supreme Villa?”

“As I said before, it belongs to a distant family member, I live there so I could take care of the house in his absence. Everything including this car is not mine.” Noah explained.

Rieka wasn't convinced. “But, you are an orphan?”

“Yeah right!”

“What about the money you used to bid for me?” Rieka needed to clear her doubts.

“Oh, that. I received the money from a philanthropist who I once helped. At first, I rejected the money but he insisted. Are you suspecting me?”

“Hell no!” Rieka spilled. “You've done a lot for me. Bidding for me with no evil intentions means a lot.”

Noah smiled, pressing his hand against hers.

“We are married. With the job I just got, we'll maintain a stable life and get our house too.”

“I'm proud of you, my darling wife.”

The next minute, they saw a man holding some files in his hand exiting the building with security guards behind him.

He was a shadow of the person they saw earlier. He looked broken and weak.

The man was Gerald Ford.

Rieka looked at Noah. “What's going on? Did he really get fired?”

Noah winked at her. “He'll get it sorted out, it's none of our business.”

“It was Gerald's fault though.

Since Rieka would be resuming work the next day, she had to get some of the stuff she left at her family's house.

Now, Noah started the engine and they zoomed off. They headed to the Fullams.

“It feels good to be home again. Although it can't be compared to the shelter you gave me.”

Noah smiled.

She knocked on the door gently.

A young boy who was a teenager opened the door.

Rieka did not know who the boy was. Or did he come into the Fullams family when she lost her memory? He asked, “Who are you?”

“I'm Rieka Fullams, I need to get some of my stuff.” She replied.

Hearing she beared Fullams, the young boy let them in.

Her grandpa, Senior Fullams, was surprised to see her. He assumed she had committed another offense and had to return home.

“Hello Grandpa, Mom, and everyone.”

“Hi, everyone,” Noah added.

Lois, Rieka's mom, was eager to hear why she visited.

Holding Noah's hand, Rieka said. “This is Noah, the person with the highest bid when you offered me out. And now we are married.”

“Really?” The Fullams chorused.

“Well, I'm here because I got an appointment with Top Notch Group. I'll be needing some of the stuff I left behind.

The Fullams stared at Rieka in disbelief wondering if her memory loss had gone worse or if she meant what she said.

How could she get a job with Top Notch Group?

How did she do it? Getting a job with that company requires a lot.

“Do you mean what you just said?”

However, Rieka had full knowledge of all she said and she had no memory loss. “Yes, here is my appointment letter and I'll be resuming tomorrow.”She raised the letter.

Lois made her plans known. “If that be the case, we would refund this man here the money he used to bid for you. You could marry someone of your caliber and with that, we'll all grow in the business world.”

Senior Fullams lit a cigarette, smoking, he stared at Rieka.

He was struggling to decipher how she did it.

“Impossible! You offered me out as a bondwoman without considering my emotions. You saw me as a disgrace to the family but now you suddenly love me and want the best for me?”

“Oh please…” Lois snapped. “We did all that because we meant well for you. By the way, it's obvious this man borrowed the money he used to bid for you.”

“Let me get to the main thing that brought me here.” Rieka headed to a room.

“Let her be, with time she'll understand.” Senior Fullams roared.

Noah said nothing.

Just then, an unexpected visitor walked in.

Liam Grichy stopped by to say hello to his friend Tom. Tom was Rieka's elder brother.

Liam is a spoiled brat, all he does is spend recklessly and flirt with several kinds of women.

The Grichy's were still mourning the painful death of Senior Grichy but Liam didn't see the need to mourn. Liam comforted himself with the fact that Senior Grichy was old anyway.

Months ago, Liam was found guilty of driving and drinking. Senior Grichy had to freeze his account and make him collect money for his upkeep from the family account.

Everyone in the Fullam's mansion accorded Liam much respect as though he was a deity except for Noah who saw him as nothing.

“Grandpa, Liam came at the right time. He is the best spec for Rieka.” Tom said confidently. She has to leave that pauper she calls her husband.”

In agreement, Senior Fullam smiled. “You are very correct, Liam Grichy is the perfect match for Rieka.

Everyone in Linton City craved the opportunity to become part of the Grichy family because of their wealth and influence.

Just then, Rieka returned, holding a tote bag. “We need to leave now, I need to prepare for the first day at work at Top Notch Group.”

Liam stood up and looking at Rieka started drooling.

“Rieka, it's nice to see you again. It's been a while. ”

He knew Rieka when she experienced memory loss. Now that she had regained her memory and gotten a job with a big company, he saw it as an opportunity to have her.


“How about we get married?

Rieka stared at Liam. His words got her upset. “Who are you? What makes you feel you are worth to be married to me?”

Tom interrupted. “He is part of the Grichys. The family who recently signed a contract with Top Notch Group.”

“What was that about the first day at work with Top Notch Group? You seem to be tougher than I thought.” Liam said coldly.

Lois explained quickly.

“Rieka you must be mine. Marry me or I terminate your appointment with Top Notch Group even before you resume work.” Liam tightened his face. As you all know the Grichys own Kendicles which happens to be an important company to Top Notch Group.”

Liam glanced at Noah. “And who are you?”

“Rieka's husband!” Noah answered.

“Oh shut up, he is just a pauper parading himself as Rieka's husband,” Lois yelled.

Liam held Noah's neck, but Noah was indifferent. Then he ordered, “Don't ever address yourself as Rieka's husband. You don't belong to her class. You, useless and worthless man.”

Noah couldn't keep his cool for long, he angrily pushed Liam away making him hit his head against the wall.

Regaining balance on his feet, Liam said. “You must pay for what you just did.”

Senior Fullam spoke authoritatively. “Enough!!! There's no need to fight. Liam, you are richer and more powerful than him. There are other ways you can handle this issue.”

Rieka was scared, tears rolling down her cheeks

Noah nodded, wondering if they knew who they were toiling with.

To Noah, Liam was like an empty barrel making the loudest noise.

“Wait! Everyone, you need to watch the news now! A lady rushed in.

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