Chapter 22. Protection House

"Is that so, huh? No wonder so many villagers don't leave their homes."

Noah finally learned the reason behind the deserted main street of the village after hearing the Beast Slayer soldier's explanation before him. He was Sean, one of the A-97 team members.

Sean told him that he was assigned to guard this place while his two friends went to search for the whereabouts of the young single woman who had disappeared to be kidnapped. However, it had been four days since the two of Sean's friends hadn't arrived.

Because two of his team members were missing information, Sean reported this incident to the main headquarters in the city center of London. The headquarters also gave a special rescue mission to help the A-97 team.

Sean invited Noah and Kira to walk together on the village's main road. He intended to take them on a village tour; perhaps Noah and Kira could find something.

"That's why I ordered the villagers not to leave the house. The best option is to stay home until the case is
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