Looking for peace

POV Lucas.

The day passed quickly, the day of my meeting with Bianca. I gaze at her figure. Luna, though still looking a bit tired, works with extraordinary enthusiasm. I feel proud and moved seeing her dedication. We work well together, and the company is starting to show significant progress. Sometimes Bianca's shadow still occasionally crosses my mind. I know I need to completely let go of the past to move forward. Whenever doubts and insecurities arise, I remind myself of Luna's commitment and support. She is my future, and I must not let the past haunt me.

I can't shake Bianca's shadow from my mind since our unexpected encounter at the supermarket. Sitting at my desk, my thoughts keep drifting back to the past, to the moments we shared. It feels like a recurring nightmare, even though I know Bianca is the past, and Luna is my present and future. I try to focus on work, but memories of Bianca's sweet smile and regretful gaze keep disturbing me. I start feeling confused and angry a
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