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Luna's POV

I woke up with a discomfort in my stomach. The cramps were quite strong, but I ignored them, thinking it was just a regular stomachache. I prepared myself for work as usual. As a dedicated professional, I didn't want to miss work just because of a mild stomachache.

In the kitchen, I found Lucas preparing breakfast.

"Morning, Luna. You look pale. Are you okay?" he asked with concern.

I gave him a weak smile. "Just a bit of a stomachache. It’ll go away soon. I'll be fine."

Lucas frowned, clearly worried. "If you’re not feeling well, it’s better to stay home and rest."

But I shook my head. "No, I have to go to the office. There’s a lot of work to be done, and I need to help you."

"I'm sorry to trouble you." He looked a bit downcast.

"You're amazing. It's just that... suddenly becoming the owner of a big company comes with a lot of responsibilities."

I couldn't leave Lucas alone, especially since he wasn't a professional in managing a big company like LH Tower. I needed to sup
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