Dance to his tune

Logan withdrew his hand as he saw that none of them were going to take his hand with the kind of expression on their faces.

"I am disappointed that you are all not happy to see me, were you expecting someone else?" he asked and laughed dryly causing whispers among the employees.

"Oh well, there is no Wellington. I guess that was what came to my brother's mind when he was buying some of the shares. Do I still need to do more introduction?" Logan asked as he pocketed his hands and relaxed on the table at his back, this time, the smile on his face earlier was replaced with a devious smirk that could send shivers down anyone's spine.

"How...are you here? Are you not supposed to be dead? Who the hell are you?" Grandpa Hilton voiced in a stutter. How is it possible that the person who died by his hand is standing in front of him in full flesh? How did he survive it?

"Surprised to see me alive and healthy after the stunt you pulled because I found out you were having an affair with your
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