The Billionaire Husband in Disguise

28 ratings

The Billionaire Husband in Disguise

By: Banin SN CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 206 views: 171.9K

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🏆No. 1 [AN INTRIGUE READ] In ["Leap To The Top"] contest🏆 After facing termination from his job and finding himself homeless, Richard Forger is confronted with dire circumstances. However, amidst his struggles, a glimmer of hope emerges when he seizes a unique opportunity to marry into the affluent lineage of the Roxburgh city. Yet, Richard's newfound status as the son-in-law of a prestigious family comes with its own set of challenges. He finds himself subjected to mistreatment and bullying within his new familial environment. As he grapples with his predicament, Richard is faced with a pivotal decision: Will he choose to remain silent and endure the injustices he faces, or will he unveil his true identity?

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  • Banin SN


    Hi, readers, I'm happy to inform that this novel has been completed with a happy ending. I also have a new novel titled "The Almighty Lord Dragon", you can read it too.

    2024-04-02 20:53:30


    It's worth reading. Highly recommended.

    2023-12-08 22:37:02
  • Banin SN


    Hi, fellow readers. I'm delighted to inform you that this story is now complete, allowing you to embark on a marathon reading session. If you find certain chapters in the middle of the story less appealing, feel free to skip ahead, as you must read until the final chapter to witness the sweet ending

    2023-08-26 21:36:04
  • Banin SN


    This story has now reached its final part. I apologize for the unpredictable update schedule and the infrequent release of new chapters. Thank you to those who have continued reading, and I am sorry for any inconvenience.

    2023-08-02 14:01:13
  • Butter Cookies


    The book's twists and turns kept me guessing until the very end.

    2023-06-30 22:49:54
  • Poshie Zandile Sikhosana


    The book is good, bt the author takes forever to update. it's really boring

    2023-05-21 15:20:13
  • Akpeke Rose


    I love reading this book

    2023-04-02 15:35:19
  • Alia alim Alfaroughi


    congratulations for winning this competition. Richard's struggle is not over

    2023-03-31 22:13:12
  • Dragon Sly


    I love this. the twisting and the concept is mind blowing

    2023-02-15 15:20:06
  • Prince Chaudhary


    it is very good and interesting story

    2023-02-10 10:37:04
  • Prince Chaudhary


    it is very good and interesting story

    2023-02-10 10:36:32
  • Denis Anugrah DA


    Nice story, I like it. The best boss Richard

    2023-01-28 15:27:38
  • Ambili Surendran


    started reading this. a good feeling story

    2023-01-17 00:30:41
  • Alia alim Alfaroughi


    i just want to say, i like this story.

    2023-01-14 23:10:00
  • issabelle


    more update please....

    2023-07-29 01:07:37
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Latest Chapter
206 chapters
Part 1
Richard Forger was mopping the floor in Luis Jung's room – the CEO of Westfield Corporation. Richard, the new Cleaning Maid, was unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time. When he was busy tidying the floor, Luis Jung suddenly spilled his coffee on purpose. After an expression of shock, he bellowed at Richard. "Hey, Servant! Can't you see there's a mess in here?!” Richard Forger wanted to swear, but of course Cleaning Service was not a position where he could swear at a CEO. So, Richard hurriedly walked over to the floor that Luis Jung had spilled coffee on. Obediently, Richard wiped the dirty floor. "Darling, do you want to watch another show?" Luis Jung, who was sitting on the sofa, seemed to caress the cheek of his personal secretary, who was seated beside him at that time. The secretary giggled in delight when Luis Jung caressed her rosy cheeks. With an affectionate tone, she sighed and asked what show Luis Jung was referring to. "Honey, if you want to do a show, I'
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Part 2
At the afternoon, Richard Forger said goodbye to George Warren and assured the old man that he would pay for George's losses. Even though George Warren found it hard to believe Richard's words, he let Richard go."Um... Before that, can I borrow a few dollars to order a taxi, Mr. George?" Before actually leaving, Richard realized that he had nothing left. He was quite ashamed of the old man but it was only George Warren, a figure in the city of Roxburgh who was willing to help Richard.“Tsk
 Take it.” George Warren reluctantly gave Richard a few dollars in his pocket.“Thank you, Mister George. I'll make sure you can keep my promise, I'll pay off the losses you've suffered.”George Warren nodded wearily. Half desperate, he hoped that Richard's promise was not just a bullshit.“Three days from now! I'm sure I'll compensate for your losses. Mister George!”After saying that sentence, Richard Forger immediately ordered a taxi and asked the taxi driver to drive to the northern city of Rox
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Part 3
Richard Forger gulped, he didn't expect that the young girl who had just let him in was now in trouble because of him."Miss, I have a card..." Richard intended to answer Bellatrix's accusation against Daisy but Bellatrix immediately pointed her finger right at Richard's forehead.“Damn! Who gave you permission to speak to me? Shit, I'm talking to my stupid cousin!" Bellatrix then turned to point her finger at Daisy who looked down uncomfortable.“Bella, she brought an invitation card from our grandpa. Trust me
 We have to welcome him or
”"I do not care! As usual, every decision you make will end in disaster. This time, I warn you again! Get rid of this bum or
”Bellatrix had not yet had time to continue her sentence when from behind, came the voice of a typical old woman's scolding, she was Sandra Miller, a woman in her seventies who is the wife of James Miller. Sandra hates commotion even though at the same time she is someone who often makes noise.“Are you guys trying to kill me
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Part 4
The teleconference with James Miller is over. Apart from deciding to hold a wedding in three days, James Miller also asked Sandra to provide a room for Richard. James Miller said, starting from that day, Richard Forger has become part of the Miller’s family even though the official marriage will only be held in three days.“Daisy! Since he's going to be your husband, you have to take care of him from now on!”Sandra ordered Daisy to take Richard to a room on the second floor of the Millers' house. Daisy nodded languidly while Richard exchanged pleasantries thanking Sandra. When the two of them left, Sandra massaged her forehead many times.“Oh
 Daisy has made the Miller’s Family shame for many times because of her failures. Now she's set up with a lousy guy like Richard. Hell, I would be happier if Daisy wasn't my real granddaughter."Hearing her mother complain and grieve, Nancy came and patted Sandra on the shoulder. "Mom, calm down, we still have Bella. Bella will always elevate th
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Part 5
Finally, the wedding day between Daisy Miller and Richard Forger has arrived. If it weren't for the Miller’s Family, maybe the wedding preparations couldn't have been completed in just three days. But, everything can be taken care of with money and connections. And, Miller’s Family have them all.“Daisy! Remember, take good care of your husband. I don't want him to embarrass our whole family. If he does something stupid, you have to bear everything yourself and can't involve all of us!” Sandra messaged Daisy moments before they entered the wedding hall.Daisy nodded and looked at her future husband. “Richard, did you hear that? You have to keep an attitude. This wedding was attended by my grandfather's colleagues. They're all important people and you should behave well."At that time, Richard seemed to show an uneasy attitude. Like there was something he was holding on to. As all eyes were on Richard, Richard finally had no reason not to hide it any longer. Richard took a deep breath
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Part 6
Unexpectedly by anyone, Carl Jung suddenly stood up and beat Luis Jung, his own son. Carl Jung threw punches to his son's face without caring about Luis Jung screaming for an explanation.“After making a fuss like this you still demand an explanation?! What other explanation do you mean, huh? You such as bastard!” Carl Jung lands a punch on Luis's nose which hasn't even healed yet.Luis Jung screamed hysterically. At the same time, the invited guests in the Ball Room did not want to miss capturing this interesting moment.“Prostrate to Mr. Forger, now! Apologize to Mr. Forger!”After Luis Jung was battered, Carl Jung forced his son to kneel at Richard Forger's feet."No, I won’t! I can't possibly kneel at the feet of a lousy man like him!” Luis Jung struggled as one of his hand wiped the blood from his nose."Okay, if that's your decision, I assume you're no longer the Jung’s family! As of today, all your business will no longer be the Jung family's business. And you haven't inherited
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Part 7
Daisy ran in crying while leaving the crowd of invited guests in the Ball Room. She was really annoyed because her cousin always wanted to destroy her pride in front of everyone. Meanwhile, Richard was so frustrated because his wife running off crying on the wedding day. Richard chased after Daisy and ignored both Bellatrix and Clair who laughed at him.“Stop! Don't follow me! Every time I see your face my heart is sick because you have made my days so bad!” Daisy paused to warn Richard.Richard could do nothing but stay silent and not follow Daisy. Richard took a deep breath, his brain thinking hard about how to make Daisy happy. While Richard was just frozen in silence, someone suddenly tapped him on the shoulder.“Richard
”Richard turned and found George Warren already standing next to him. "Mr. George... What a coincidence I was looking for you a while ago."George Warren smiled faintly. "Richard, I don't know how you could marry the Millers' granddaughter. But apparently, your r
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Part 8
Richard Forger went home at the Millers' house when the clock struck eleven at night. He purposely waited until almost midnight so he won’t meet Daisy's rough-mouthed cousins. As Richard expected, the Miller's house was deserted at that hour and Richard was able to go to Daisy’s room without getting any disturbance from Daisy’s cousin.After officially marrying Daisy, James Miller did oblige Daisy to accept Richard to sleep in one room with her. Considering that it was the first night for Richard to share a bed with Daisy, there was a bit of nervousness in Richard's heart.'I wasn't expecting a romantic first night or anything, Daisy! I just hope you're happy!' Richard thought as he opened Daisy's bedroom door. Slowly, Richard approached the bed where Daisy lay her body.On the bed, Daisy seemed to have fallen asleep with puffy eyes from crying. Richard's heart felt like it was being pricked by needles when his eyes saw Daisy's somber face. Richard's hand moved through Daisy's long ha
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Part 9
“Richard, today grandma asked me to find you a job. I've found a company that is opening a job vacancy. So, go out there, be proper and don't embarrass us!” Clair spoke to Richard Forger.At that time the entire Miller family was enjoying the breakfast. As usual, in between enjoying the food served, they would occasionally chat or discuss the latest news about their business.Richard nodded his head and did not forget to thank Clair for her kindness. Although in his heart, Richard was sure that Clair couldn't really have good intentions towards him.“Just come to Lezon Company. It was a company owned by a former college friend of mine, Alex. I think Alex will be kind to you since you are my cousin.”‘Alex?’ Richard frowned. He remembered it was the name of one of the figures who had spoken about Daisy Miller at the V&B CafĂ© the day before. Richard also just remembered that he had not opened the email from the V&B CafĂ© waiter. ‘Clair must have set a dirty plan!’“Richard! Did you hear
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Part 10
Before leaving for the office, Daisy asked Richard to talk alone in the room. Richard guessed that it must be related to Richard's mission that Sandra had just given him, namely to apply for a job at Alex's company.Daisy closed the bedroom door, she then invited Richard away from the side of the door because there was something a little taboo that she wanted to talk about with Richard, her new husband.“Richard, you've seen for yourself how bad my reputation in this family. I know this is going to sound stupid, but I guess I have no other choice.” Daisy looked restless and occasionally her eyes did not focus on the person she was talking to."Daisy, what's up?"Daisy smiled stiffly then continued what she wanted to say. "Richard, I know that all men cannot reject a woman's body. Ah
 What I mean is
 Oh, how should I begin
” Daisy was getting more and more agitated, she had a hard time pronouncing what was stuck in her head.“Slow down, Daisy
 Your sentences are choppy and I fail to un
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