This move was shocking to the young couple but most especially George.

George was momentarily lost for words, never in his wildest imaginations would he have thought of this.

'What is going on? If the head Butler of the Kennedy's personally came out and bowed before him, he must be someone very powerful!’ He thought.’

It was like George had been slapped across the face, making him tremble and speechless out of fright.

He became scared that he might have provoked someone very powerful and this could come back to hunt him later, he hit his head in frustration as he watched Logan go in.

Anna on the other hand became really curious about who the handsome stranger really was, her curiosity needed to be satisfied today.

They (Anna and George) got inside the banquet hall, they were just in time as Mr Kennedy himself was about to give the welcoming speech.

“Good evening my distinguished guests, thanks for honoring my invitation this evening. The reason for the banquet is to celebrate
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