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By: Universeleap CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 141 views: 26.3K

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Artis Hardy felt a sharp, searing pain on his cheek as his wife slapped him hard. Sophia, his loving wife, screamed at him in fury. "You beggar! I don't know I had mercy on you and married a scum like you! A man who can't even pay for his daughter's hospital is good for nothing, just like a worm of a gutter." At this moment, their three-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Eva, was lying on the hospital bed, suffering from a rare illness that ravaged her tiny body. They had spent all their savings and gone into debt, investing in her medical care while doctors tried and failed to find a cure for her. Artis walked out of the hospital and smiled bitterly. He had once dreamed of supporting his family and his love, but life had slapped him hard in the face. He lifted his head and took two deep breaths as if he had made up his mind. He took out his phone and scrolled down to a certain contact. After hesitating for a while, he tapped the call button and said, “Lend me some money.” “Sure, no problem. Just sign the papers, and I’ll send you everything you need.”

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  • Micheaux Sanders


    MC having all these problems after finding out the truth. instead of fixing family be wants to lie for what reason who knows. chain of thought for mc just does not make sense.

    2023-12-03 00:04:53
Latest Chapter
141 chapters
Ch-1Artis Hardy felt a sharp, searing pain on his cheek as his wife slapped him hard. Scarlet, his loving wife, screamed at him in fury. "You beggar! I don't know I had mercy on you and married a scum like you! A man who can't even pay for his daughter's hospital is good for nothing, just like a worm of a gutter. You have ruined my life, but I won't allow you to ruin my daughter's life too! It's better for me to just divorce you and free ourselves from this misery!"At this moment, their three-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Eva, was lying on the hospital bed, suffering from a rare illness that ravaged her tiny body. They had spent all their savings and gone into debt, investing in her medical care while doctors tried and failed to find a cure for her. Scarlet was a sales director of a small cosmetics company, and her income depended on how much she sold. So some months she managed to make enough money, while some months she didn’t. It was a stressful job. Artis was an assistant
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The smug voice came out of the speaker, declaring that Artis could get everything just by signing a certain set of papers. Just from the tone, Artis could tell that the other person was smiling.Artis didn’t want to talk to him any more than necessary, so he cut to the chase. “Fifty thousand bucks, and I need them ASAP. Can you do it or not?”“Of course I can. What do you think of me?As long as you sign, you can have as much as you want.50 thousand dollars is nothing for an OCTO MILLIONAIRE heir like you. Now, are you coming over to sign the paperwork or are you going to keep being stupid, Mr. Hardy?”There was a hint of scorn in the person's voice, which irritated Artis. He gritted his teeth and said, “Fine, I’ll be over soon.”“Great, come on up to my office. It’ll be good to see your face, Mr. Hardy.” The voice sounded very excited, and Artis could even hear the noises of a crowd in the background.Artis felt disgusted by the words of the old man, but he had no choice. He ran th
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Seeing that such a senior executive was here to deal with the troublemaker, Emma waved off the security guards as she spoke with a flattering smile;"Good afternoon, Mr. Montgomery!" "Good morning!Am I interrupting something, Emma? I see you have a VIP guest here! I'm sure you've extended a warm welcome to Mr. Artis Hardy?"Jack couldn't resist poking fun at Artis, emphasizing 'Hardy' with a sinister smile that seemed to trigger Artis. Emma giggled at this remark while Jack also chucked along, which annoyed Artis even further. However, he had more pressing matters to attend to and ignored Jack completely. Instead, he took out his phone, determined to call Mr. Holt directly and bypass this receptionist.Jack, on the other hand, didn't care about being ignored. "Although it is clear from your state that you must be here to beg Mr. Holt for some money, but since you're so desperate to meet him, I'll help you out, Hardy!But before that, we need a chance to catch up. And don't worry
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Jack seized the opportunity to mock Artis further, while he straightened his collar and shook out the wrinkles in the lapels of his coat. He spoke with his tone completely serious, and his eyes red, flashing with anger;"I am not the Jack Montgomery you used to know, Hardy! I am a successful executive at the Silver Canary Group, who can easily call the police here and report you for assault! I have so many witnesses here, not that I need any of them to get you behind bars! Just my word is enough."A sharp smirk appeared on the corners of his mouth as he said,"Anyway, a few days in jail will remind you of your real place in this world, and it will also give me some sweet moments to spend with your wife-"Before Jack could finish his statement, a commanding voice cut through the commotion. "What is going on here?" A figure approached, with an aura of authority that commanded immediate attention. Jack's confident demeanor quickly faded on seeing the man who had just walked out of t
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The way the boss expressed regret over the treatment Artis Hardy had received, and kept promising him to punish his culprits, was enough to set off the alarm bells in Jack Montgomery's head. He had already been slapped in front of the entire office and his subordinates, and now, would he have to endure more humiliation because of this scum named Hardy? Mirroring his thoughts and emotions, Emma, too, felt an overwhelming urge to escape the situation. She felt a growing sense of regret and despair as she realized the magnitude of the mistake she had made, making her legs tremble with fear as they threatened to collapse under her. So this man had really been telling the truth, and all she had to do was to make a simple phone call to confirm it! But she had been too arrogant to even entertain the thought for one second… And now, the dignified chairman, one of the wealthiest individuals in Lauderdale, was fussing over Artis Hardy like his own son, leaving both Jack and Emma stunned!
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As he had expected, Scarlet's reaction to his news came in the form of hundreds of questions.But her questions were influenced by her anger and frustration, instead of being driven by her curiosity. She turned to face Artis with her brows sinking into a deep frown, and all of a sudden, the fine lines of worry on her forehead seemed to deepen as she opened her mouth to spit fire. "What the hell, Artis! Just when I managed to get some help for ourselves, you have brought your ego in the middle again!"She ranted with frustration, "Why can't you just admit that our financial conditions have changed? How can I ever make you understand that Eva needs to be our priority right now, I'm just so done with you!"She had misunderstood his words in the worst way, and she vented her anger without allowing Artis to interject."If your business hadn't been shut down or if we had any more savings or even a proper income, maybe your pride would have made some fucking sense! But we have nothing now,
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Artis Hardy had been alarmed because of these men showing up out of nowhere, but became considerably more relaxed after knowing that they had been sent there by none other than Samuel Holt, his mentor.That meant that at least one worry had been taken off his shoulders. "Yes, Mr. Hardy!" The second man also chimed in,"If there are any… troublesome elements, you can let us know." His gaze shifted towards Dr. Max while pausing and mentioning this, indicating that they had been listening in to the conversation before entering and making their presence known. Sensing that Artis was a little hesitant to say anything here, one of them asked, "Mr. Hardy, can I have a moment to speak to you in private?" Artis nodded and the three of them left the room, leaving behind many questions regarding their identity and sudden appearance.But regardless of everything else, one thing was very clear: they were more than just friends or casual acquaintances.The respectful way in which they addressed
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Ch-8After Scarlet demands her husband to apologize, Dr. Max wears a smirk on his smug face, awaiting the apology he believed would absolve him of his actions.After all, who could blame him when the man himself was willing to accept his fault for provoking him? Even if the Director was notified by someone, he had so many witnesses to testify Atris Hardy had indeed apologized to him in the end, proving that he was right all along. However, Artis hesitated even after clearly hearing the words out of Scarlet's mouth. He couldn't bring himself to apologize to this disgusting man and let him escape without being punished.On the other hand, Scarlet had turned around to face him, and as she saw the expressions on his face, her eyes widened with shock.After all, she had been married to him for so long, and was aware of the meaning behind his gestures. And if he was hesitating and lost in thought even after she had explicitly asked him to do something, then he must have a reason behind it.
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At this moment, Artis decided to intervene;"Please don't insist, Dr. Philips, it's pointless. Even if Dr. Max manages to cobble together an apology, it won't do any good after the unforgettable amount of disrespect we have been tolerating- not just today, but throughout my daughter's stay here."Scarlet watched the tense exchange, feeling bewildered by the sudden turn of events. Where she had just been insisting that her husband apologize to the doctor to ensure fair treatment to her daughter, it was now the same Artis who was rejecting Dr. Max's apology!An apology that had been demanded by Dr. Philips himself- the Hospital Director! It was enough to blow her mind that Dr. Philips was someone whom they couldn't even imagine colliding with on accident, then the question of getting an appointment with him was a different question entirely.And to think that he was currently standing a few feet away from her, demanding an apology on behalf of her husband… this was enough to make her f
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His smile deepened as Artis ran his hands through his hair, finally offering an explanation."You are right, Scarlet, that they were not friends of mine, or else, you would certainly have known them. Rather,they were just some individuals who owed me a favor. And the reason they had come here was to repay that very same debt."Scarlet was relieved to learn that they weren't closely associated with Artis, but there was another unsettling realization that made its way into the pit of her stomach. If today had established one thing, it was that despite their years of marriage, there were still aspects of her husband's life she didn't fully understand yet. Half distractedly, she placed her daughter in the wheelchair that a nurse had silently brought inside. They were finally going to take her for a walk outside. The hospital staff had notified them that the new treatment would be starting soon, and they had also said that it was important for her to feel some sense of normalcy. So, it
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