9. A Thousand Times A Better Man!

The sun rose earlier than usual on that beautiful Tuesday morning. Unlike every other day, Meghan had planned her day before hand. After she returned from her date with James the previous night, which Gavin had ended up interrupting, she decided to focus on making herself more useful to her parents company. 

Her issues with Gavin had lingered on for quite too long and it was weighing her down. She had made a mental note of all that she had in mind to do that Tuesday. First, she'd meet with a new client and then visit the saloon to have her hair well made.

Sophie had taken the day off and since she wouldn't be going to the office, Meghan decided to borrow her car. The cost of public transport was quite on the high side and with Sophie's car she could save a few dollars for other things she might want to do later.

"Hey, Sophie, do you have plans this morning?" Meghan inquired.

"What plans?" Sophie asked, unable to understand what Meghan was talking about.

"I mean, do you have plans of going out this morning?" Meghan clarified.

"Oh, not really. I'll not be going out till probably later in the evening, though I'm not yet sure. Why'd you ask?" Sophie probed.

"Well, I was hoping I could use your car for the few errands I plan to run this morning. I'll be back before you know it," Meghan replied.

"Hahaha," Sophie laughed. The fact that Meghan was seeking permission to borrow her car sounded funny to her. 

"Come on, Meghan, you know my answer already and it's a no with a capital letter N," Sophie scoffed.

"Sophie, please. It's just for today." Meghan pleaded.

"Are you deaf or something? If you think owning a car is important then tell your broke ass husband to buy you one and stop begging for people to lend you their cars," Sophie replied harshly.

The sting of Sophie's words came upon Meghan like a deadly venom. She couldn't believe that Sophie whom she once cared for as a younger sister would speak to her with so much disrespect.

"You don't have to bring Gavin into this," Meghan protested.

"And why shouldn't she?" Their mother, Katherine Stallion, interrupted.

"Mom..." Meghan's voice trembled.

"What? Your sister's right. If you think owning a car is important, then tell Gavin to buy you one. After all Harry bought this car for Sophie. Gavin is a man just like him," Oliver's voice came through mockingly.

"Dad..." Megan's plea fell on deaf ears.

"I really don't know what to do with you anymore, Meghan, that you've refused to leave Gavin." Katherine said, her anger rising with every word.

"I think we've been too nice to her. We took her in and gave her a roof over her head after her so-called husband lost his home, so she feels comfortable." Sophie chimed in with a disdainful tone.

"You're right, Sophie." Oliver concurred. Turning to Meghan, "Sometimes I wonder if you're truly a Stallion, that you could dump James and leave him at the restaurant during your date yesterday all because of that Gavin." 

Katherine couldn't help but shake her head in disappointment that Meghan could dump James at the restaurant all because of Gavin when James was a thousand times a better man than Gavin could ever be in her eyes.

"We were really disappointed when James told us what you did," Oliver said.

"Dad…" Meghan called out trying to hide her hurt from the several rude remarks she was receiving from her parents and Sophie. Her tears were almost betraying her eyes but she forced them back.

"What, Meghan? What?" Katherine asked angrily.

"If this continues, I might be forced to lay you off from your responsibilities at the office so you can go back to your good for nothing husband instead of always having you bring us shame and disagrace," Oliver threatened.

"Dad..." Meghan stressed, grappling with the weight of her father's threat.

Oliver's words pierced through the already tense atmosphere, "You heard me correctly, Meghan. As the chairman of the company, I retain the authority to dismiss anyone, including my own daughter, at my discretion," Oliver reiterated, his tone firm and unyielding.

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