7. Rebirth

Leaving Floryn home alone with the servants. Andrew's first day at the office his parents had assigned him to. It was his first time as a leader in the company. 

There was Max standing there in his well-tailored suit. Ready to welcome the new leader to the company. 

All the department heads were gathered in a room. "Today, I will announce the new leader for my company." 

Andrew stood up with a bit of embarrassment for being a company leader for the first time. But his parents were here. There were also his adoptive parents attending his important event. 

"This is Ethan Alexander Smith. My first son who is now the head of the company where you are. I hope you can work together with him." 

Andrew's name was officially retired today, replaced with Ethan Alexander Smith. The surname Steward has also been retired. As a farewell to the name. He was very grateful to his adoptive parents for taking care of him and giving him a good education. 

Hearing the news that he would remain in Manhattan. Ethan finally announced that he was officially the leader of the company where he is now. 

One of the companies that stands for several fields in Manhattan. 

As a giant company. So, Ethan also had to learn a lot from his seniors. 

Did not expect, if there was no DNA test request requested by his parents. Because of one meeting. Already recognized directly by his parents. No need to wait long for that either. All this time, Ethan lived with limitations. Daring to marry Floryn with a mediocre life. 

Now, he could get rid of his uncle Floryn's company. He could get rid of the big company owned by Osvaldo's grandfather. 

All the people who had tried to get rid of him would simply be destroyed by Ethan. 

Officially sitting in the company leader's room. Ethan had a small assignment from his parents before they returned to Toronto. Everything was done well. 

"Dad, isn't Axton coming with me?" 

"Axton will of course be with me. You need to be able to do everything yourself, Ethan. From today onwards. You'll be a wonderful boy to do this job. I trust you with everything." 

Albeit with a slightly hesitant feeling. First time being the leader of a company. Especially since it was a very large company. Ethan must be able to get the job done on his own. no matter how it will solve its own problems. before his parents move out of this place. at least, he has the provisions to learn and take care of the company that his parents have entrusted to him. 

A luxury sports car pulled up in front of a mansion in downtown Manhattan. It stood majestically with the dreams that used to be recited in every prayer. Now it had become a reality. 

The mansion Ethan now owned was more than enough. A luxury car given by his parents. Also this house was indeed a gift from Mr. Smith. It will not be forgotten how meritorious that man is. even though Ethan hasn't seen his parents for over twenty years. 

However, with their surprising meeting. A meeting that was never expected. Maybe, if Ethan met his parents first. There was no way he would have gone to a mediocre university. Financed by Floryn. The woman he longed to be with. 

Loosening his work tie and those long legs began to step into the luxurious house with two doors that were so tall and wide. There were several people already welcoming him home. 

First day at the office without Floryn present. Keeping secret how much his wife meant to him. For her own good and safety too. 

Ethan would never feel careless with everything. Learned from many things for that. Ethan might as well keep Floryn a secret from the public. 

In a media broadcast on television. There was news about his parents and the handover of the company that looked very much like it was Ethan appearing at the press conference. 

Ethan sat in the living room and saw that his wife was bringing him food and drinks. "All day long, I've been watching the news about you." 

News that featured a handsome face with a bit of hair growing on both cheeks. Floryn gave him a faint smile. "My grandfather also contacted me to ask about you." 

There was no need for that family anymore. clearly, Ethan's wish was revenge for everyone. "I will change the documents. I'll take care of changing the name Andrew Steward to Ethan Alexander Smith. There's no way I'm letting that old name stay here. You'll also have to call me Ethan." 

Floryn nodded and offered her the food. Before that, he glanced at his wife who was so beautiful and stunning. This was the first time seeing Floryn wearing an expensive dress and also a luxury watch. There was a very expensive necklace already around his wife's neck. back then, all of this was a dream in Ethan's life. "Did you have a good day Floryn?" 

"How could I not, husband? I'm usually busy cleaning the house. But, now I'm just in my room, welcoming you home from work and waiting for you to talk." 


7:46 pm in Toronto. 

Max was enjoying a cup of coffee as he read an article about the reappearance of his long lost son. The article mentioned that Max had deliberately hidden Ethan from the business world. Now, his son had grown into a very smart adult man. 

All his business opponents will definitely prepare ammunition to attack. Because, before Axton told him about Ethan's return. It has been traced about Ethan's footsteps while in the world of work. The achievements were amazingly brilliant. 

It was very difficult for others to see that happiness. 

It is certain that Max's business opponents are also bothered by Ethan's presence now. 

The next second, there was another news released by another media. This news was also the same. The location shown was also very detailed. 

Simple life is also highlighted by this media. 

Before they move to defeat. Axton had first prepared ammunition to protect Ethan in the current business. Max doesn't want to lose his son for the second time. 

Just like a curse, his wife fell ill when she heard the news when Ethan disappeared at that time. 

The extended family was also very worried. 

But, this had not been told to Ethan's grandparents that the child they had been looking for had been found. 

Rebirth had arrived. 

Ethan would defeat them all. 

With a clenched jaw. It was certain that Max's main goal was to destroy Osvaldo's company that had broken his son's heart. "You will feel the consequences of this, Osvaldo. You broke my son's heart. You will feel my vengeance." 

The bodyguards standing next to Max were all aware of Max's desire to destroy Osvaldo first. It was not easy to pay for the old man's insolent mouth. It was beyond reason how he insulted a poor person so much. 

As a person from a respected family. Feeling that other people were very weak. "Don't let Osvaldo off this time." Max pleaded to the bodyguard on his right. With a tall body and a large build. 

The man nodded and took the tablet Max was holding. "I'm going to take a break. Make sure your men take care of Floryn and Ethan. Go back to your resting place." 

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