Dawn Entertainment...

The company building was a tall structure with a beautiful architectural design – which was why it had won an award as the most beautiful agency in the entertainment industry. Rows of neatly dressed employees in suits stood in a straight line at the front door of the company, with two men at the forefront eagerly checking their wristwatches from time to time.

“President, who are we waiting for so eagerly?” one of them respectfully asked, looking at the other man with a perplexed gaze. “The executive meeting should have already started by now, but you brought everyone out saying it’s to receive someone important. They are getting impatient, sir.”

President Lawson wiped a sheen of sweat off his forehead with a handkerchief. He was a forty-something old man but still looked quite fit and able that one could almost think he was in his thirties. Albeit, his gaze was quite full of shrewdness and calculating thoughts.

He hissed distastefully. “I know. I don’t like stand
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