Chapter 2. Betrayed

Xavier made his way to the garage, his mind racing with questions. What was this business transaction his father wanted him to oversee? Why was it so important? And why did his father seem so cold and calculating?

As he approached the car, Edgar, the driver, greeted him with a nod. "Ready, sir?"

Xavier nodded, getting into the car. "Let's go."

As he got into the passenger seat of the car, his mind couldn't help but go back to what his father said about clearing away the shame by completing this mission, but still, somehow he felt uneasy about everything.

Edgar drove through the winding roads, eventually leading them to a deserted warehouse on the outskirts of town. Xavier's instincts told him something was off, but he pushed aside his doubts.

"Wait here," Edgar said, getting out of the car. "I'll go check if everything is ready."

Xavier watched as Edgar entered the warehouse, his heart pounding in his chest. Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming from the shadows.

"Xavier Hale," a voice called out. "Welcome."

Xavier turned to see a figure emerging from the darkness. "Who are you?" he demanded.

"I'm someone who's been waiting for you," the figure replied, its voice dripping with malice. "You see, Xavier, your father has made a deal with us. A deal that involves you."

Xavier's instincts screamed at him to run, but his feet seemed rooted to the spot. He wanted to know what this was all about.

"What kind of deal?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

The figure chuckled. "Oh, you'll find out soon enough. But for now, let's just say that you're in our hands now."

Suddenly, Edgar appeared beside him, his eyes cold and hard. "Sorry, Xavier. I had no choice."

"What do you mean you had no choice? What's going on." Xavier asked in confusion.

"There was never any merchandise to pick up. I brought you here to die." Edgar replied with the same expressionless face.

Xavier felt a wave of betrayal wash over him. "You're in on this too?"

Edgar shrugged. "I'm just following orders."

The figure gestured to a group of men emerging from the shadows. "Take him away."

Xavier struggled against his captors, but they were too strong. They threw him into a dimly lit room, the door slamming shut behind him. The sound echoed through the space, making Xavier's heart race.

"Welcome, Xavier," one of them said, their voice devoid of emotion. "Your father sends his regards."

Xavier's eyes adjusted to the light, and he saw Edgar standing in the corner, his eyes downcast. Xavier's mind raced with questions. His mind still refused to believe that his father and Edgar would set him up. If they wanted him dead so much, why didn't they just kill him back at the mansion, why go through all these trouble? All he can do is hope that whatever this man was saying is wrong, and Edgar would find a way to help him out of here.

"Edgar, what's going on?" Xavier asked, trying to keep his voice steady. "Why are you here?"

Edgar didn't respond, his eyes fixed on the floor. Xavier's anger grew. Was Edgar really betraying him too?

The captor who spoke earlier stepped forward. "Your father wants you taken care of, Xavier. Permanently."

Xavier's heart skipped a beat. His father had ordered his own son's execution. He couldn't believe it.

"Why?" Xavier asked, trying to stall for time. "What have I done?"

The captor shrugged. "You're a liability. And after we're done with you, Edgar here will be taken care of too."

Edgar's eyes flickered, but he still didn't speak. Xavier knew he had to act fast. He had to escape, and he had to protect Edgar. He knew from Edgar's downcast expression, he didn't want this to happen, but had no choice as he had to follow his father's orders.. a low-level mafia member is a pawn, a chesspiece that can be discarded as trash whenever the big boss wishes, and the pawn can't do anything but accept. But what about him? Would he, Xavier Hale, accept this?

"You're not going to get away with this," Xavier said, trying to sound braver than he felt.

The captor laughed. "Oh, I think we will. Your father has paid us well to make sure this is a clean job."

Xavier's mind raced. He had to think of something, anything, to get out of this situation.


Xavier's captors tied him up, his wrists and ankles bound by thick rope. He struggled, but it was no use. They dragged him out of the room, Edgar's lifeless body following behind. They had killed Edgar because they felt he might prove difficult later on, so a bullet to his head solved their problem.

"You're a foolish boy, Xavier," one of the captors sneered. "You should have stayed out of this."

Xavier spat at his feet. "You'll pay for this. My father will make sure of it." Till now, he chose not to believe his father had a hand in this.

The captor laughed. "Your father's the one who ordered this. You're just a pawn in his game. What's so difficult to accept?"

They reached the car, the same one Xavier had arrived in with Edgar. The captors tossed Xavier into the backseat, Edgar's body thrown in beside him.

"Please," Xavier begged, "Don't do this. Just let me go."

The captor just smiled. "You're going to be a nice little bonfire."

One of the captors poured fuel around the car, the smell of gasoline filling the air. Xavier's heart raced as he realized their plan.

"No, no, no!" Xavier screamed, thrashing against his bonds. "You can't do this!"

Just as they were about to light the fuel, gunshots rang out. A gang fight had erupted nearby, the sound of shouting and screeching tires filling the air.

"What the...?" one of the captors exclaimed, momentarily distracted.

That's when a stray bullet found its way to the car, piercing the fuel-soaked metal.

The car erupted in a blaze of fire, Xavier and Edgar's bodies trapped inside, while his captors were blown away to kingdoms come. Xavier's screams were drowned out by the roar of the flames, his world consumed by heat and darkness.

"No!" Xavier shouted, his voice hoarse from smoke. "Mother!"

But it was too late. The flames engulfed them, and everything went black.

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