Chapter 34. Conquer Them

Made, who overheard Dennis' conversation, immediately grabbed his shoulder. "What do you mean? Are you going to get involved?" Made asked, his voice trembling.

Dennis nodded. "Don't worry, I know how to deal with them."

Made shook his head vigorously. "I don't want my wife to get hurt, Sir!"

"Don't worry! I guarantee nothing will happen to your wife," Dennis' words calmed Made down, knowing that this man would protect his wife and restore his family to how it used to be.

Dennis then accompanied Made and Ayu to their house before parting ways in front of Made's house and returning to the hotel.

As they arrived at the hotel, two tall men were already waiting in the lobby to ensure the task they were about to undertake.

Dennis then explained the task to his guards with a firm voice. "I don't know this man named Ricky, so I want you to track him down and bring him here alive!"

The guards immediately agreed to the task given by their emplo

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